Latest News Of Entertainment, Politics, Sports, Crime, & Share Market From All Over India

Manu Punjabi Of Big Boss Fame Joins The Starcast Of Miss Masala Dosa Film Written And Directed By Alok Shrivastava

Manu Punjabi Of Big Boss Fame Joins The Starcast Of Miss Masala Dosa Film Written And Directed By Alok Shrivastava

Apr 18, 2020

According to the director Manu Punjabi  is a talented and well behaved actor. Audience will see a dynamite performance of Manu in the film.

Manu Punjabi is paired opposite Mrinmai Kolwalkar. They are  friends from long and have good chemistry which will be seen in the film.

The Film is written & directed by  Alok Shrivastava. Being produced under the banner of Gold Coin Entertainment. D.o.p.Ashok jamuar,  Lyricist Meenu Singh and Rapper Sakshi Holkar, singers Sana Aziz , Lavina Israni, Bappi Lahiri.


The films post production work will be started once the COVID19 Lockout is finished.

Anara Gupta’s Trust AG Foundation Distributes Food Ration To The Poor And Needy Peoples

Anara Gupta’s Trust AG Foundation  Distributes  Food Ration To The Poor  And Needy Peoples

Apr 18, 2020

अनारा गुप्ता के ट्रस्ट एजी फाउंडेशन द्वारा गरीबों को खाना राशन का वितरण

अनारा गुप्ता एक ऐसी सेलिब्रिटी हैं जो अपनी सामाजिक और इंसानी जिम्मेदारियों को भी बखूबी समझती हैं और समाज के हित के लिए लगातार काम करती रहती हैं। एक बेहतरीन अदाकारा होने के साथ साथ अनारा एक सोशल एक्टिविस्ट भी रही हैं और समाज की भलाई के कामों में हमेशा आगे रही हैं। मिस जम्‍मू रहीं अभिनेत्री अनारा गुप्‍ता एक ट्रस्ट एजी फाउंडेशन की चेयर पर्सन हैं और इस के तहत वह सोसायटी की सेवा करती रहती हैं। फिलहाल जहां पूरा देश करोना महामारी से परेशान है, लॉक डॉउन के हालात हैं ऐसे में अनारा गुप्ता तो मुंबई मेे हैं मगर इनकी ऐं.जी.आे जम्मू कश्मीर में एक्टिव है। जी हां जम्मू में अनारा गुप्ता का ट्रस्ट एजी फाउंडेशन गरीबों और जरूरतमंदो को खाना और राशन दे रहा है और इस मुसीबत की घड़ी में उनकी मदद कर रहा है। अनारा गुप्ता के भाई सभी जगह लोगों की हेल्प कर रहे हैं।

अनारा गुप्ता का यह फाउंडेशन अपनी सतह पर लोगों की मदद कर रहा है। एजी फाउंडेशन की चेयर पर्सन अनारा गुप्ता के दिल में गरीबों और जरूरतमंदो के लिए खास जगह है और इस संकट काल में अनारा किसी को भूखा देखना नहीं चाहती। वंही अनारा गुप्ता जिस बिल्डिंग में रहती है उस बिल्डिंग के वॉचमैन और सफाई कर्मी को भी तीन माह की रासन और कुछ ज़रूरत समान भी उपलब्ध की है।


उनकी ऐं .जी. आे जरूरतमंद लोगो के लिए मुफ्त खाना और राशन का सामान मुहैय्या करवा रही है। साथ ही साथ भारत सरकार और राज्य सरकार के आदेशानुसार मुफ्त में सेनेटाइजर मास्क भी उपलब्ध करा रही है और अपील भी कर रही है घर पर रहिये सुरक्षित रहिये।आपको याद दिला दें कि उनका ट्रस्ट हमेशा मरीजों और गरीबों की मदद के लिए आगे रहता है।

अनारा गुप्ता का कहना है कि एजी फाउंडेशन के तहत जरूरतमंद लोगों की मदद हमेशा की जाती रही है, हम समानता में विश्वास रखते हैं, हम जरूरतमंद लोगों के लिए हमेशा खड़े होते हैं, और फिर तो यह ऐसी महामारी का दौर है ऐसे में हमारी ज़िम्मेारियां और भी बढ़ जाती है।

Producer Shahroz Ali Khan Has Made First Music Video Based On Reincarnation Song

Producer Shahroz Ali Khan Has Made First Music Video Based On Reincarnation Song

Apr 18, 2020

Producer Shahroz Ali Khan has made first music video based on reincarnation song was shoot in 2 schedule and 2 countries Italy  and’s reloaded version of hit song of mareez-e-IshQ..!!! Song, will be releasing on 24/04/2020 recommended .

This song is sung by shaarib sabiri famous singer known for many hits tracks like mahi mahi( raaz 2) and song also featuring fresh beautiful face in town neha rana who is doing movies as lead role in bollywood and south as well. Director of this song Aman prajapat already given many hit song like yaad kar ke ,milo na tum and latest hit aeroplane and and this time same composer try to create reloaded version of new rhythms in 2020.

Producer of this song shahroz ali khan like this the creation and concept of the song and decide to shoot this song with two different stories in two different countries and also the story required two different looks of couple so this song was the first song of bollywood which completed two different schedules and different countries with beautiful locations like venice. So making of this song is with no compromised in high quality of production to entertain viewers. So this song is worthy to watch and wish good luck for entire team.

Aries Group CEO Dr Sohan Roy Encourages Employees To Initiate Support A Family Drive During National Lockdown

Aries Group CEO  Dr  Sohan Roy Encourages Employees To Initiate Support A Family Drive During National Lockdown

Apr 16, 2020

During the emergency scenario of a nation-wide lockdown due to COVID 19, Aries Group of Companies has come forward to extend a helping hand to the less fortunate ones. U.A.E based Aries Group’s CEO Dr. Sohan Roy announced “Support a Family” drive immediately after the national lockdown was confirmed. He asked each of the company’s employees to try and support one poor family and to take up the family’s responsibility during this crisis period. Considering the hardships daily wagers will have to endure during the lockdown period, this Support a Family drive campaign was launched by the company. Aries Group has always played a major role when it comes to CSR activities.

The company has a remarkable history in helping people cope with turns of unfortunate events, both natural and man-made.

In 2015 ,during the Nepal earth quake ,aries group came forward and took initiative to built 200+ makeshift houses for the earth quake victims.

When Kerala flood took a toll on people’s lives, the advanced rescue operations and disaster coping mechanisms carried out by the Aries Group had gained much recognition and acknowledgment. Aries group was also involved in the construction support of more than 50+ homes for the flood affected in Kerala .

Being the founder Chairman of Indywood Billionaires Club, he has been setting a remarkable example for others from the Billionaire community to extend their valuable contributions as well.

AIDEZ-MOI Foundation Has Launched A Campaign – HELP HUMAN FIGHT COVID-19

AIDEZ-MOI  Foundation Has Launched A Campaign –  HELP HUMAN FIGHT COVID-19

Apr 16, 2020

Aidez Moi फाउंडेशन ने HELP HUMAN FIGHT COVID-19 नाम से एक अभियान शुरू किया है।

50 सदस्यों की मदद से दैनिक आधार पर अज़ीज़ मोई फाउंडेशन ने 1000 लोगों को भूखे लोगों के लिए पके हुए भोजन के पैकेट वितरित किए।

Aidez-Moi नींव लॉकडाउन का समर्थन करता है, लेकिन यह जानता है कि हम कोविद -19 के अलावा अन्य स्वास्थ्य मुद्दों की अनदेखी नहीं कर सकते।  इसलिए समाज की इस जरूरत को पूरा करने के लिए हमने अलग-अलग माध्यमों से अलग-अलग लोगों से व्हाट्सएप नंबर पर डॉक्टर के पर्चे का पत्र भेजकर हम तक पहुंचने को कहा।  और बदले में हम आवश्यक दवाएं वितरित करते हैं।  किसी को किसी भी डॉक्टर तक पहुंचने में सक्षम नहीं है हम मोबाइल फोन पर डॉक्टरों की व्यवस्था करते हैं और जैसा कि डॉक्टर दवाओं को निर्धारित करते हैं हम इसे रोगियों को वितरित करते हैं।


हम 40 ग्राम प्रधानों के साथ संपर्क में हैं, किसी भी सहायता की आवश्यकता होगी ताकि किसी भी सहायता को उधार देने के लिए AIDEZ-MOI फाउंडेशन हो।

जागरूकता, मुखौटा और साबुन वितरण भी हमारे अभियान का हिस्सा हैं।  घर रहो! सुरक्षित रहो।  जय हिन्द ।

Lalu Yadav’s Nephew Nagendra Rai Sings About Corona Now Viral On Social Media

Lalu Yadav’s Nephew Nagendra Rai Sings About Corona Now Viral On Social Media

Apr 15, 2020

लालू यादव के भतीजे नागेंद्र राय ने गाया कोरोना को लेकर गानाअब हो रहा वायरल

पूरी दुनिया आज वैश्विक महामारी कोरोना की जद में है, ऐसे में बिहार के पूर्व मुख्‍यमंत्री व राजद सुप्रीमो लालू प्रसाद यादव के भतीजे नागेंद्र राय ने एक गाना गया है, जिसका बोल है – ‘कल चमन था, आज ये सेहरा हुआ – देखते ही देखते ये क्‍या हुआ।‘ यह गाना अब खूब वायरल हो रहा है। गाने में नागेंद्र राय ने कोरोना के कहर को संगीतबद्ध किया है। साथ ही उन्‍होंने गाने में प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी द्वारा कोरोना को लेकर उठाये कदम की भी तारीफ की है। और कहा कि अगर वे ऐसा नहीं करते तो देश की स्थिति अभी और खराब होती। उन्‍होंने अपने गाने में इस बात का भी जिक्र किया है कि आने वाले दिनों में भारत कोरोना की लड़ाई में महत्‍वपूर्ण भूमिका निभायेगी।

नागेंद्र राय ने इस गाने को अपने ऑफिसियल यूट्यूब चैनल पर रिलीज किया है। वे इस गाने से पहले साथी रे और सिंदुरवा बड़ा अनोमल रे जैसी भोजपुरी फिल्‍मों में भी गाना गा चुके हैं। और अब वे कोरोना पर गाना लेकर आये हैं, जिसके बारे में उनका कहना है कि यह गाना कोरोना की तबाही और उसमें भारत के संघर्ष को अमर करेगी। हमने इस गाने के जरिये जनजागृति फैलाने का भी प्रयास किया है। इसमें हमने ये भी बताया है कि कोरोना को हराने के लिए हमें अपने घरों में रहकर लड़ना होगा। तभी हम बच पायेंगे और इंसानियत बचेगी। मुझे उम्‍मीद है मेरा यह गाना श्रोताओं को खूब पसंद आयेगी। कोरोना से लड़ाई में यह गाना लोगों के लिए इनर्जी बूस्‍टर का काम करेगी। आपको बता दें कि नागेंद्र राय बिहार के पूर्व मुख्‍यमंत्री लालू प्रसाद यादव के भतीजे हैं। वे लालू प्रसाद के बड़े भाई महावीर राय के बेटे हैं। लालू यादव महावीर यादव के आवास पर ही रहकर पढ़ाई करते थे।

Flipkart Introduces A Unique Stay-At-Home Reality Show With Varun Dhawan Encouraging Indians To Entertain From Home

Flipkart Introduces A Unique Stay-At-Home Reality Show With Varun Dhawan  Encouraging Indians To Entertain From Home

Apr 15, 2020

~ ‘Entertainer No. 1’ is set to launch on the Flipkart app on April 13, inspiring people to entertain the

country as they remain indoors ~

~ Aims to give people a platform to showcase their talent, while encouraging social distancing ~

India – April 8th, 2020: As famously said, the show must go on! As the world is discovering new norms in the current situation, entertainment knows no bounds. During this time, Flipkart believes in addressing the need of the hour, for positive entertainment. The stage is now set for the launch of Flipkart Video’s latest show Entertainer No. 1’ – the latest addition under the Flipkart Originals umbrella, which is scheduled to launch on the Flipkart app on April 13Aimed at giving budding entertainers a platform to stay connected, this new show is curated with the intention to cheer up India during this difficult time, and encourage people to bring out their creative best, while more importantly, staying at home. This launch brings together India’s heartthrob Varun Dhawan with Flipkart Video, to introduce India’s unique stay-at-home reality show. Varun was found to be a great fit because he is someone who is deeply involved in various initiatives which are currently dedicated to helping people across the country.

Speaking about the association with Flipkart Video, Varun Dhawan said, “I’m very excited to partner with Flipkart and be a part of India’s unique stay-at-home reality show. Flipkart’s efforts during this difficult time are commendable and through this new show, we are seeking to entertain millions of fellow Indians as we bring in some much-needed positivity. I’m looking forward to delivering the best entertainment in collaboration with people from across India. Our country is a treasure trove of talent and I truly believe that anyone should have the opportunity to showcase their entertainment skills. What better way to do it than an easy upload on the Flipkart app. Given the unique format of the show, I’m looking forward to some exciting entries from across India and can’t wait to get on this entertaining roller-coaster ride that begins next week.”

Participants will be able to record their performance directly under the ‘video’ section on the app, with a large library of songs and dialogues to choose from. Open to participants over 13 years of age (allowing minors to participate under supervision), with no bar on gender or geography, people can participate and showcase their talent. Over a period of 8 weeks, the show will consist of diverse weekly challenges, in a quest to find India’s most talented entertainers from home. The most popular entries each week will move on to the next round, for a chance to win exciting cash prizes and gift vouchers.

Stay tuned to the Flipkart app for more details.


Sharry Nexus Releasing New Song KI FAYDA With Singer Musahib After The Mega-Success Of Song Lehanga

Sharry Nexus Releasing New Song KI FAYDA With Singer Musahib After The Mega-Success Of Song Lehanga

Apr 15, 2020

Sharry Nexus, the famous music  composer of song Lehanga by Jass Manak is releasing his new track on youtube. Sharry Nexus is now a well-known name in the music composition circles. This talented Punjabi music composer’s recent composition Lehnga, sung by Punjabi singer Jass Manak is being called the hottest hit so far.

The video has already crossed 630 million views on YouTube alone. In a short span of time, Mr. Nexus has created a niche and a huge fan following for himself, thanks to his catchy tunes and refreshing compositions.

“ I’m thankful for being given this opportunity to work with some of the most talented stars in this industry,” says Sharry Nexus.

Lehanga and Sharry Nexus also got recently nominated in the Mirchi Music Awards for Indipop Song of The Year.

In addition to Lehnga, Mr. Nexus has provided music composition for many hit songs. Notable and super hit include Nira Ishq by Guri, Rabb Wangu song by Jass Manak from movie Sikander 2, Tere Naal Russ Jana sung by Sharry Nexus, Har Pal, Tere Bare by Karan Randhawa and many more mega hits.

Many songs in the above list are hits with millions of views on YouTube. Nira Ishq by Guri has more than 300 million.

“It’s been an enriching journey so far, and I look forward to working with the wonderful creative artists in the industry. As a musician, I feel it’s important to keep pushing yourself for new possibilities and avenues constantly. Punjabi music provides us, composers, an opportunity to combine the best of our traditional music and singing style with new age music styles. We are lucky to be blessed with some extraordinary singers and performers.” says Sharry Nexus.

Born in Ludhiana, Sharry Nexus started his career from 25 saal by Inder Chahal. Mr. Nexus has also provided music for a web series called Gangland in Motherland. The web series featured a song Dhokha by Jass Manak, lyrics by Sidhu Moosewala, and music by Sharry Nexus.

In addition to music, Mr. Nexus has a passion for sports, especially Baseball. Not many of his fans know that Sharry Nexus was the captain of the Indian baseball team, and he has also played Asian Baseball championships.

Sharry’s music is loved by fans due to its exquisite Punjabi music flavor, combined with rich and subtle orchestrations. His music today is being appreciated by the public and musicians, and it is also played regularly by DJ’s from around the world.

Presently Lehnga is going viral, and it’s the most played track on the Geet mp3 platform.

“It sure feels good to be appreciated for my compositions, but I feel the journey has just begun,” says Sharry Nexus.

Surjit Singh Film Worker’s Leader Says Filmmakers Should Come Forward In This Difficult Situation For Film Workers

Surjit Singh Film Worker’s Leader Says Filmmakers Should Come Forward In This Difficult Situation For Film Workers

Apr 15, 2020

Mumbai : The whole world is fighting with the Corona virus at the moment, India is also fighting this terrible problem, the government is working day and night to deal with this virus, people are also following the lock down. No one is taking care of millions of workers in this difficult situation.

Filmmakers, must come forward to say that all the film and television producers of film worker leader Surjit Singh have a variety of people like cameraman, lightman, spotboy who work in the industry, who need you today.

Shree Saini Beauty With A Purpose – Donates Meals To Families In Need Serving During Coronavirus

Shree Saini  Beauty With A Purpose – Donates Meals To Families In Need Serving During Coronavirus

Apr 14, 2020

Let us have the hearts to share and give to those in need.

There is a lot of need in our world right now. There are many families who have lost their jobs due to the virus and are in need of food and supplies.

If you are able to and are allowed to under your community’s guidelines and follow all of the social distancing recommendations, I encourage you to donate food to your local food banks. Last week, I called my local food bank to ask them for the specific food items they needed.

I went grocery shopping and took all the necessary precautions – I wore gloves, a face mask, and stayed 6 feet away from everyone. I donated nearly 100 lbs. of food to the

FISH Community Food Bank in Ellensburg, Washington this week.

You can also donate online to your local food banks, local nonprofits or donate to our nationwide charity @FeedingAmerica. We need to take action to create change, we cannot just have good thoughts in our hearts. I hope everyone is staying safe and by taking preventive measures.


#iStayHomeforour World family, our healthcare workers, our essential workers, our government officials, our recovering patients and for the safety and health of everyone.

Thank you, Miss World Chairwoman Mrs. Julia Morley, Steve Douglas Miss World 2019 Toni Ann Singh for spreading the message of compassion, love and hope.