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Yash Thorat 2 Runner Up Of Prestigious Pageant Glam World Mr & Miss India

Little known facts about Yash Thorat the 2 Runner up Of Prestigious Pageant Glam World Mr & Miss India in his own words.

Name : Yash Thorat

Winner : Glam World Mr & Miss India as  2 Runner up

With Subtitle Winner Mr. Shinning Star

My age is 19.

I studied & explored myself in Modern College, Shivajinagar.

Since my childhood , I grew up with a dream of being an Actor and a  Model. I was always attracted on their personalities & their way of representation. I used  to watch movies & try doing scenes in mirror, even I was not knowing the meaning of all words or the emotions behind I used to try just doing same that time. I even sometimes forgot to distinguish to which gender I was copying. I used to get involve in the expressions & was so inspired, but I was very young , slowly this dream of mine lost its moving and became busy in studies & other activities.

Once when I was in college I came to know about different competition are held in our college of modelling & acting. There I actively participated and  it gave me a kick & Awakened my dreams…

Then I started participating  in fashion week’s..but my mom and older brother sunny they both motivated and encouraged  me and helpedme lot  in getting succees & making my dream  come true..

I met SANDY JOIL  & Proya Rana they were a inspiration for me .They groomed so well. They gave me a opportunity to take part in the contest, then I got a chance to upgrade my self in modelling . I also understand the importance of keeping consistency in learning.  I know it’s a lifetime prows and I would now always be a part of it…It has became my dream to be a well-known successful fashion model.


Glam World Mr & Miss India platform has provided me the very first step towards  my dreams…I would just thank my mom and my brother sunny & for supporting me alot & making me believe in my dreams, for keeping me inspired through all the obstacles…I am looking forward to be a model like Mr.Rohit Khandelwal who is my idol & I’m very inspired by his personality and  I would give my best to be a part of it.

Sharad Yadav : To Fight Corona Disease State Government Did Not Take Appropriate Steps

कोरोना बीमारी से जंग के लिए नहीं उठे उचित कदम : शरद यादव

बिहार में लगातार कोरोना के मामलों की वृद्धि को लेकर देश के दिग्गज नेता शरद यादव ने सरकार की कार्यशैली पर सवाल खड़े किए हैं। उन्होंने आज प्रेस विज्ञप्ति जारी कर कहा है कि राज्य सरकार इस बीमारी से लड़ने के लिए उचित कदम उठाने में बेहद विफल हुई है। बिहार सरकार ने कोरोना को हल्के में लिया, जिससे मामले प्रतिदिन दुगने होने लगे हैं जो बहुत ही चिंताजनक है। राज्य में टेस्टिंग भी जितनी होनी चाहिए नहीं हो रही हैं तो सही पता कैसे लगेगा कि कितने लोग इस बीमारी से ग्रसित हैं। जितना आंकड़ा सरकार द्वारा बताया जा रहा है उस पर विश्वास नहीं कर सकते हैं क्योंकि जितने टेस्ट होने चाहिए नहीं किए जा रहे हैं।

उन्होंने कहा कि राज्य सरकार द्वारा अचानक तालाबंदी के बाद किसी भी मामले को चाहे वह प्रदासी मजदूरों का हो या छात्रों का हो कुशलता से नहीं संभाला है। जो क्वारंटाइन केंद्र भी बनाए थे, उनमें भी आवश्यक सुविधाए उपलब्ध नहीं कराई गई थी। इस तरह से राज्य सरकार ने शुरू से ही कोरोना बीमारी के लिए उठाने वाले कदमों में ढिलाई बरती ,है जो निंदनीय है। सरकार का काम जनता के जन जीवन आवश्यक सुविधाएं प्रदान करना होता है जिससे जनता सुखी जीवन व्यतीत कर सके मगर बिहार सरकार की इसमें कोई रुचि नहीं दिखाई पड़ती है।

श्री यादव ने आश्चर्य जताते हुए कहा कि बिहार सरकार को काफी समय तैयारी का भी मिल गया था, उसके बावजूद भी कोई ऐसा काम नहीं किया, जिससे की जनता को बीमारी से बचाया जा सके। नीतीश सरकार को बिल्कुल भी जनता के वोट की चिंता नहीं है जैसे कि जनता उनके हाथ में है। बिहार राज्य में 13 करोड़ की जनसंख्या है उसपर प्रतिदिन 9-10 हजार टेस्ट किए जा रहे हैं जबकि दिल्ली में जनसंख्या कुल 2 करोड़ है और यहां पर 20 हजार टेस्ट किए जा रहे हैं। यह बढुत गंभीर बात है कि एनडीए की सरकार केन्द्र और राज्य में होते हुए भी जनता को बीमारी से बचाने के लिए कोई राज्य में ठोस कदम नहीं उठाए गए हैं। दिन प्रतिदिन बिहार में हालात बिगड़ते जा रहे हैं मगर सरकार ठीक आंकड़े जनता को बता नहीं रही है जो और भी जनता के हित के खिलाफ काम करने जैसा है क्योंकि जनता इतनी सतर्क नहीं होगी जितना होना चाहिए।

उन्होंने कहा कि मेरा मानना है कि एनडीए सरकार बिहार में हर मोर्चे पर विफल हो रही है। आम जनता के हित का कोई भी मामला हो कानून व्यवस्था से लेकर, महिलाओं की सुरक्षा, सफाई व्यवस्था, बाढ़, नौकरी, शिक्षा, स्वास्थ्य सुविधाएं उपलब्ध कराना, कोई भी मामला उठा लें किसी में भी जनता को राहत नहीं दे पारही है और इसलिए ऐसी सरकार को बने रहने का कोई मतलब नहीं है। अभी के लिए राज्य सरकार को टेस्टिंग बहुत ज्यादा करनी चाहिए और बीमारी का इलाज करने के लिए ज्यादा से ज्यादा केन्द्र बनाने चाहिए।

A New Webinar By IFPL On How To Shift Fashion Pageants From Offline To Online Platforms

Indywood Fashion Premiere League (IFPL) conducted a live webinar “Evolution OF Beauty Pageants : From Runway to Online” on guiding how to conduct beauty pageants online. The webinar will be carried out on July 1st 2020 from 6p.m onwards and is a completely new idea and the webinar comes with practical answers to all the concerns regarding making beauty pageants a virtual affair. The webinar aimed to open new doors of opportunities to the fashion world, which has come to a standstill owing to the pandemic. The webinar panel comprised of eminent panelists were qualified to impart credible information about the current scenario of fashion world. Panelists were Nishi Bhardwaj who was titled “Miss Earth India” in the year 2018 and Nikhil Anand, the Director of Miss India International who is also going to direct the upcoming biopic of Sushant Singh Rajput. Also, the event was hosted by Niya Roy, The esteemed Director of IFPL. Niya who is also a Naval Architect, decided to become the Director out of her passion for the fashion world.

The grand event of Indywood Fashion Premiere League Season 3 had taken place at Taj Connemara in Chennai on Feb 14th 2020. The fashion and glam event was lined with numerous models and eminent designers of the fashion world. Ever since pandemic issue, IFPL has been conducting webinars on a regular basis to shed some light for the fashion industry, on what next. Each webinar topic is based on targeted concerns faced by the industry today and the aspirants can hear about it from the professionals of the field.

Rotary Mid Town – Distribution Of Masks And PPE Kits To Protect Against Corona

कोरोना से बचाव के लिए किया गया मास्‍क व पीपीई किट का वितरण

रोटरी मिड टाउन ने जन कल्याणकारी योजनाओं के तहत कैंसर उपचार एवम् जागरुकता के क्षेत्र में अग्रणी संस्था आर.एस मेमोरीयल कैंसर सोसाइटी की ओर से कोरोना से बचाव के लिए सैकड़ों पीपीई किट व मास्क़ इत्यादि का वितरण किया गया। इन उपयोगी सामग्री का वितरण सवेरा कैंसर होस्पिटल के प्रांगण में किया गया। इस अवसर पर प्रख्यात कैंसर रोग विशेषज्ञ वी पी सिंह ने लोगों को कैंसर सहित कोरोना के लक्षण एवं घरेलू उपचार के उपाय बतायें ।

मौके पर सोशल डिसटेंडिंग के महत्व पर चर्चा हुई और लोगों से इसके लिए खासतौर पर अपील भी की गई। कार्यक्रम का संचलन पद्म श्री आर एन सिंह के मार्गदर्शन में हुआ। मौके पर गोपाल खेमका – इमिडिएट पास्ट डिस्टिक गवर्नर, अभिषेक अकेला – प्रेसीडेंट, राकेश टेस्वर -सदस्य, रौशन बाग़ – सचिव , राजेश गुप्ता – कोषाध्यक्ष उपस्थित थे। ज्ञात हो की रोटरी मिड टाउन के सहयोग से आर एस मेमोरीयल कैंसर सोसाइटी द्वारा संचालित डायगनोस्टिक विभाग की स्थापना पिछले वर्ष की गयी थी। जिसका उद्देश्य ग़रीबों को मुफ़्त एवम् रियायती दरों पर कैंसर सम्बंधित विशेष जाँच की सुविधा उपलब्ध कराई जाती है। इसके लिए एक साल पूरे होने के मौके पर यह कार्यक्रम आयोजित किया गया ।

Sunny Shah – The Manager Af Irrfan Khan started A Talent Management Company

इरफान खान के मैनेजर रहे सन्नी शाह ने शुरू की टैलेंट मैनेजमेंट कंपनी

TCW अर्थात टैलेंट क्रॉस ओवर वर्ल्ड के तहत सन्नी शाह, फिल्म   टेक्नीशियन ‘डायरेक्टर्स, राइटर्स और सिनेमैटोग्राफर. एडिटर्स , ऐक्शन डायरेक्टर्स का काम को मैनेज करेंगे

टैलेंट मैनेजमेंट आज बॉलीवुड की एक बड़ी वर्किंग फील्ड है और इस क्षेत्र मेे इंडस्ट्री के विख्यात बिज़नस मैनेजर सन्नी शाह ने भी कदम रख दिया है। जी हां, भोजपुरी सुपर स्टार दिनेश लाल यादव निरहुआ, आम्रपाली दुबे, प्रवेश लाल यादव और प्रदीप पांडेय ‘,चिंटू के मैनेजर के रूप में काम कर रहे सन्नी शाह ने टैलेंट और टेक्नीशियन के लिए मैनेजमेंट कंपनी शुरू की है जिसका नाम है TCW अर्थात टैलेंट क्रॉस ओवर वर्ल्ड। इस कंपनी के तहत सन्नी शाह फिल्म के टेक्नीशियन डायरेक्टर्स, राइटर्स ‘,  एडिटर्स ‘ ऐक्शन डायरेक्टर्स सिनेमैटोग्राफर के काम को संभालेंगे।

आपको बता दें कि सन्नी शाह बॉलीवुड में दशकों से काम कर रहे हैं। उन्होंने Since 1988 मेे फिल्म प्रोडकशन मैनेजर, फिल्म प्रोड्युसर और  बिज़नस मैनेजर के रूप में बॉलीवुड में अपना सफर शुरू किया था। उन्होंने वर्षों तक हाल ही मेे इस दुनिया को अलविदा कहने वाले एक्टर इरफान खान के साथ काम किया था। साथ ही सन्नी शाह तुषार कपूर, रोनित रॉय, आर्या बब्बर, राजेश शर्मा, मिलिंद गुणाजी और ईशा कोपिकर नारंग जैसे आर्टिस्ट का वर्क मैनेज करते आ रहे हैं।


इतने वर्षों के अपने अनुभव और तमाम स्टार्स के साथ काम करने की खुशकिस्मती रखने वाले सन्नी शाह ने अब टैलेंट मैनेजमेंट कंपनी शुरू की है और उन्हें यकीन है कि वह उभरती हुई प्रतिभाओं को इंडस्ट्री मेे काम दिलवाने मेे और उनका कैरियर बनाने में एक महत्वपूर्ण योगदान देंगे।

सन्नी शाह को बॉलीवुड में स्टार्स से लेकर डायरेक्टर, प्रोड्युसर और तमाम टेक्नीशियन भली भांति जानते हैं, इसलिए उन्हें टैलेंट को उसकी मंज़िल तक पहुंचाने में आसानी होगी।

ए – मेल से प्रोफाइल बेज सकते है

Ashmit Shrivastava Son Of Producer Director Alok Shrivastava Celebrates His 25th Glorious Birthday at Home

Producer Director of MISS MASALA DOSA Mr. Alok Shrivastava celebrates his son Ashmit Shrivastava’s 25th glorious birthday at home among family and close friends.

Ashmit Shrivastava handsome young energetic person is now very much interested in The Show Business and is always interested in learning from his proud father ups and downs of Film Industry and its making. He always accompany his father on every shoots and recordings to learn all business tactics on one hand and get practical experience of film making on the other hand.

We the team of Wonder Web World wish him Very Very Happy Birthday.

About Coming Film :

Miss Masala Dosa the subject of the film is  a romcom of todays world The Film is written & directed by  Alok Shrivastava and  is being produced  under the Banner of  AJ Digital Entertainment & Gold Coin Entertainment.


The film Stars Ojas Rawal,  Hiten Tejwani,  Manu Punjabi, Mrinmai Kolwalkar,  Lavina Israni, Sajid Bubere, Brijendra Kala, Anil Dhavan,  Shalini Kapoor,  Hitesh Rawal, Ashutosh Sinha, Niharika Rana, Gaurav Dixit, Raghav Vohra & others. Producers Alok Shrivastava & Jatin Upadhyay.

Dop: Ashok Jamuar & Bharni Kannan. Music Bappi lahiri & Rsr.singers Bappi Lahiri, Shabab Sabri & Sana Aziz.

Veteran Bollywood Choreographer Saroj khan Passes Away Due To Cardiac Arrest In Mumbai

MUMBAI: Veteran choreographer Saroj Khan, who was admitted to a hospital in Mumbai on June 20 after she complained of breathing issues, passed away today.

The last rites of Saroj Khan will be peformed at Malvani in Malad, Mumbai today.

She died due to a cardiac arrest in the ICU of Guru Nanak Hospital where she was admitted on June 20 after she complained of breathing issues.

In a career spanning over four decades, Khan was credited with choreographing more than 2,000 songs.

The three-time National Award winner had choreographed for some of the most memorable tracks, including “Dola Re Dola” from Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s “Devdas”, “Ek Do Teen” from Madhuri Dixit-starrer “Tezaab” and “Ye Ishq Haaye” from “Jab We Met” in 2007.

Saroj Khan shot to fame in the late eighties, choreographing Sridevi superhits such as “Main naagin tu sapera” (Nagina”) and “Hawaa hawaai” (“Mr India”).

Lately, she had been selective with signing new projects. Her recent works include choreographing Kangana Ranaut in “Manikarnika”

Urvashi Rautela Launches Of N R Group Which Is A Platform To Buy Essential Products From Home At Almost HALF The Price

1st online website in India to buy essentials like masks and hand cleanser with free Delivery in the form of Family Safety Kit, Office Safety Kit and Society Safety Kit.

Now Masks and Sanitizers will be available at half the price!!!

NR Group is the first company in India to bring this unique initiative through  “” aimed at serving the common man.

The Mask and Sanitizer are made Locally in India, hence be rest assured of the best quality product, which is available at half the price, only on

Wearing a Mask and using a Sanitizer has now become an essential part of the daily routine for every person to avoid the Corona epidemic.

But the irony is that these essential products like Masks and Sanitizers are being sold at Retail Outlets or Online Sites at MRP, whereas its manufacturing cost is just half of it.

NR Group has pledged to provide these superior quality Masks and Sanitizers to the common man at a very low price through it’s website, which will be delivered directly to your doorstep.

The promoter of this company Nilesh N Raghani says  “Of the many companies under the NR Group, the latest being which will be used as a platform to supply essential products to fight the COVID19 pandemic.

The company wants the Common Man to have access to these essentials at a 40-50 percent discount so that the same is affordable to all.  We offer a Family Kit, which includes 4 Masks and 2 Hand Sanitizers / Cleansers plus essential safety items.

The Masks are 3 three layered, it is Anti-Microbial, Water Repellent and washable upto a minimum of 30 times. Furthermore, it is skin friendly being made of 100% cotton fabric sourced from a reputed company.”

Nilesh N Raghani adds ” There will neither be a wholesaler, nor a retailer, due to which the best quality products are offered at such huge discounts. We will deliver these Mask’s and Sanitizer’s at your doorstep at factory cost as a service to humanity in the form of Safety Kit.

We are introducing a Family Safety Kit, Office Safety Kit and Society Kit which user’s can buy at a never before low price. We are starting this initiative as a moral and social obligation – to prevent the Corona epidemic from spreading in this country. NR Group is the 1st company in India, which has kept the common man in mind – provide a superior quality product at an extremely low price. Let me tell you that there is no company in India that has thought of such a concept.”


Nilesh N Raghani further says “ The jingle of our company is ‘Achchi Cheeze, Achche Daam, Ab Desh Ke Naam’. People can buy these essentials at the click of a button and we will supply them these products right at their doorstep. We have named our website “ “, as we want this Corona to run away and let us take a sigh of relief.”

Gautam Chaturvedi’s First Ever Short Film Work From Home Wins The Outstanding Achievement Award At Druk International Film Festival -DIFF

Mumbai, July 2nd, 2020: Recently, Gautam Chaturvedi was in the news for winning a prestigious award for his home production as an Actor, Director and writer Work From Home. Today, this beautifully scripted and shot film has been awarded the Outstanding Achievement Award at the prestigious Druk International Film Festival (DIFF). Scripted, shot and packaged during the lockdown, the film has brought about a revolution in how films will be made during this global pandemic.

A one of its kind productions, showcasing how this sudden Lockdown has thrown many a lives off balance financially, emotionally and psychologically was written, shot and packaged keeping the staying at home protocol in check at all times. The movie deals with the intricacies of the life of a couple who have 2 kids and are married for over a decade, but soon enough, the cracks in their relationship show up and then life takes a sudden turn

Gautam Chaturvedi, known for his role as Gaurav in Kahaani Ghar Ghar Ki, is the creative brain behind this film. While Gautam has been off the television industry for the past few years, his contribution to the world of  TV/films is remarkable. Starring Mouli Ganguly, Ridhiema Tiwari, Neelu Kohli and Gautam Chaturvedi himself, Work From Home is a creative brilliance that will soon be available exclusively on an OTT platform for the audience at large.

Gautam Chaturvedi, Founder and Managing Director, Pine Tree Pictures said, “We are beyond delighted to see how well the film has been doing at film festivals. Druk International Film Festival being the second award feather for the film, our faith in good content that taps into the creative minds of the audience is just reinstated. We are thankful to the jury of the festival and can’t wait to see how the audience would receive this short film.”

Mouli Ganguly said,” It was a unique experiment and creatively challenging as we all shot separately from our respective homes without any direct interaction with co actors. Yet, the final product looks like the whole movie was shot together and that is the real beauty of the film. We have already two awards and are positive of many more to come. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Gautam Chaturvedi for creating this film. And a huge thank you to Nilu Kohli, Ridhiema and our respective families who doubled up as our camera team.”

Ridhiema Tiwari Added, “Shooting for Work From Home has framed the best times for me during this lockdown. This short film opportunity was initially just a positive grab for my own selfish interest to feed the artist within. I have known actor Gautam Chaturvedi now a multi Tasker for a decade now and we fortunately fall in the same category of passionate creatives seeking magic in simple things in life. We kept our faith in Gautam ,the characters we played and the script .We as a team are overwhelmed with this magnified victory and accolades this short film is receiving.”

Sharing her experience, Nilu Kohli Said, “Mine was a guest appearance and I related to the part immediately. A concerned mother’s role just came naturally to me. Gautam was very particular about the way it has to be shot and I had to do it three times because of technical issues. But I am not complaining at all. It’s just to tell you all what a perfectionist my director is. I am immensely grateful for being a part of this wonderful film and am looking forward to doing a lot more work with Gautam.”

Druk International Film Festival (DIFF) is a monthly live screening film, music, and screenwriting competition with a sole purpose to celebrate the joy of creation in the lap of nature. DIFF showcases an outstanding presentation of independent filmmaking, while also building a strong sense of community around the art of visual storytelling.

About Pinetree Pictures: Pine Tree is a complete Media solutions group, handling Event Management and Film Production. We like to believe that each piece of work that we do stands for something that is organic and natural – and is more than the usual fare that’s automated and mass-produced all around us. From Manufacturing Films to Training videos, from jingles to product films, from info graphic films to CSR films, music videos, 3D Films, TVC’s etc. – the power of ‘Film’ today covers a large spectrum of possibility & delivering the correct message to the correct audience. They have been instrumental in creating films with different objectives, audience, treatment & mediums for our clients across sectors.

Enzyme 19 At Present Best To Keep Covid 19 Virus Away From Us

As we all are aware of due to Corona Covid 19 whole world is in trouble. So far there is no vaccine and medicine is available.

At present what best we can do is to keep Virus away from us.We should not allowed to infect us. At present we are using alcohol based sanitiser to rub on hands.some people are spaying using dangerous chemical spray to kill this virus.Which is most harmful to human body may cause several disease.Such spray are not allowed by Govt.We watch such viral video on TV and social media.

Enzyme is very useful for human body which plays vital role in various function of human body. We have invented fruit base Enzyme 19 which is 100 % useful to keep away virus.

How Enzyme 19 work

The size of  virus is 0.125 Micron which is protein and size of Enzyme 19 molecule is 0.003 micron.

When we Spray this Enzyme on human body , vegetables or any other object then in thousand of number enzyme19 molecule attack on bacteria and virus and deactivates them .It breaks its protein layer and  RNA .Effect of Enzyme 18 remain for 24 hours.USP of Enzyme19 is Fight against virus and all bacteria’s . USP of Enzyme 19 is 100%Natural and chemical free.Bio degradable material.

  • Safe for human being
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  • All lab test reports and certificate from Haffkin Institute is available.


विषाणू संसर्ग टाळण्यासाठी एन्झाइम १९

सध्या जगात कोरोना कोविड १९ या विषाणूने थैमान मांडले असून जगभर आरोग्य आणीबाणीची भयानक परिस्थिती निर्माण झाली आहे. या अतिसंसर्गजन्य रोगामुळे लाखो रुग्ण जीवन मरणाच्या उंबरठ्यावर आहेत. आपल्या भारतातही रोगाचा प्रसार झपाट्याने झालेला असल्याने त्या विषाणूपासून निर्जंतुकीकरण करणे आता आवश्यक बनले आहे. या विषाणू वरती अजून लस किंवा औषध मिळालेले नाही. या त्यामुळे आपण या विषाणूला दूर ठेवून आपल्या शरीरात जाणार नाही हेच जपले पाहिजे.

हे करत असताना या विषाणूशी लढण्यासाठी अजाणतेपणाने आपण घातक रसायनाचा व सॅनिटायझरचा वापर करत आहोत. रसायने शरीरास अपायकारक आहेत. त्यांचे आपल्या शरीरावर विपरीत परिणाम होऊ शकतात तसेच विविध रोग होऊ शकतात. यामुळे ही कृत्रिम रसायने कायम स्वरूपी उपाय होऊ शकत नाही व त्याचाच वारंवार आपण वापरही धोकादायक ठरू शकतो.

या समस्ये वरती आता आम्ही कायम स्वरूपी उपाय शोधला आहे. तो म्हणजे एन्झाइम १९ (BIODEGRADON  TM )विविध प्रकारची हीच एन्झाइम माणसाच्या शरीरात महत्वाची भूमिका वठवतात. त्यापासूनच प्रेरित होऊन एन्झाइम १९ बनवले आहे. कृत्रिम रसायन विरहित असलेल्या या उत्पादनात फळांच्या रसातील एन्झाइमचा वापर केलेला आहे.

हे पर्यावरण पूरक उत्पादन. कार्यालय, घर किंवा बाह्य स्वरूपातील फवारणी व निर्जंतुकीकरणासाठी एन्झाइम अत्यंत उपयुक्त ठरत आहे. हे संपूर्ण स्वदेशी आणि १०० टक्के नैसर्गिक उत्पादन आहे.

कोरोना विषाणूचा आकार ०.१२५ मायक्रॉन आहे ते एक प्रोटीन आहे व एन्झाइम १९ चा आकार 0.003 to 0.007 मायक्रॉन आहे त्याचा स्प्रे मारल्यावर तो करोना विषाणूवर हल्ला करून  विषाणू नष्टकरून टाकतो व विषाणूच्या निर्मितीची व पुनर्रचनेची साखळी तुटते. हे एन्झाइम १९ आपल्या शरीरावर २४ तास कार्यरत राहते व आपला स्पर्श झाल्यानंतर चिकटणाऱ्या विषाणूला नष्ट करते. मात्र पर्यावण पूरक असल्याने मानवी शरीरास काही अपाय करत नाही. यात कुठलेही रसायन  किंवा अल्कहोल नाही. एन्झाइम १९ ( BIODEGRADON TM) ट्रेडमार्क नोंदणीकृत असून राष्ट्रीय स्तरावरही हाफकिन इन्स्टिटयूट, सोमय्या आयुर्विहार प्रयोगशाळा , BTS LAB अशा ठिकाणी याची प्रयोगशाळेत तपासणी होऊन प्रमाण पत्र मिळालेली आहेत.