Latest News Of Entertainment, Politics, Sports, Crime, & Share Market From All Over India

Former President of India Pranab Mukherjee Passes Away at Delhi

Former President of India Pranab Mukherjee  Passes Away at Delhi

Aug 31, 2020

Former president Pranab Mukherjee, who had recently undergone a surgery for removal of a clot in his brain, passed away on August 31. He was 84. Prior to the surgery, the Mukherjee had also tested positive for COVID-19. Mukherjee’s son, Abhijit, informed about the development in a tweet.

With a Heavy Heart , this is to inform you that my father Shri #PranabMukherjee has just passed away inspite of the best efforts of Doctors of RR Hospital & prayers ,duas & prarthanas from people throughout India !

The Indian Army’s Research and Referral Hospital in New Delhi had said late on August 12 that Mukherjee’s condition had remained critical and that he was on ventilator support.

Sandip Soparrkar Dance Classes Are The First In The Country To Open Post Unlock Announcement

Sandip Soparrkar Dance Classes Are The First In The Country To Open Post Unlock Announcement

Aug 31, 2020

Mumbaiites have restyled their life to adjust to the lockdown due to Covid-19 – from juggling work and personal life while working from home, a disrupted body clock cycle, to rethinking how outdoor businesses can adapt, managing house work without hired helps. Now the dance studio in Mumbai are opening after 3-month since the start of the COVID-19. Bollywood ace choreographer Sandip Soparrkar opened his Sandip Soparrkar’s Ballroom Studio located at Bandra, Juhu, Andheri, Goregaon & many other centers. He ensures gloves and Masks for their students, premises disinfected, hand sanitisers available, Social Distancing and Limited number of students. Sandip Soparrkar ballroom dance studio is the first dance class in the country to open its dance floor to students again keeping all the “New Normal” life in mind.

Sandip Soparrkar said, “When the government announced unlock, I took the step of opening the classes again, we are following all the possible rules of the new normal.

I am glad the students have shown faith in what we are offering to them and have come ahead to dance again. We all have to slowly but surly make a start and I am humbled to be leading the way.’

Mumbaikar Vikash Pal Working As An Actor

Mumbaikar Vikash Pal Working As An Actor

Aug 31, 2020

22-years-old Vikash Pal, who hails from Kurla, who has a diploma in acting courses from SRM and wants to achieve a good place in the film industry and brighten the name of his family, millions of people in Mumbai work hard for this, So that he can fly with his dreams, even then only few people are able to fulfill their dreams, but if they have the courage to fulfill their dreams, then they can fulfill their dreams.

Likewise, Vikash Pal is today engaged in fulfilling his dreams, for which he made his debut with an add shoot which is from Krishnarthi brand, and in this ad shoot, he is working as an actor,  Although this is his first start, he is also feeling very good, that he will give his full contribution in this work.

Everything can be done by trying, but it is necessary for us to take our step forward, many people are left only in their thinking that they have to do something in the future, But if seen, your future is made by your decision today, we try to make quotes for actors like Vikash Pal so that everyone can fulfill his dream.

An Iinvisible Hand Guided My Destiny Says Lord Bhikhu Parekh At A Lively Online Session Of Ek Mulakat Organized By Prabha Khaitan Foundation

An Iinvisible Hand Guided My Destiny Says Lord Bhikhu Parekh At A Lively Online Session Of Ek Mulakat Organized By Prabha Khaitan Foundation

Aug 31, 2020

एक ‘अदृश्य हाथ’ ने मेरा मार्गदर्शन किया: लॉर्ड भीखू पारेख

29 अगस्त 2020, कोलकाता: कोलकाता की सुप्रसिद्ध सामाजिक संस्था प्रभा खेतान फाउंडेशन द्वारा आयोजित लाइव ऑनलाइन सत्र एक मुलाकात में लंदन से सुप्रसिद्ध राजनीतिक सिद्धांतकार और मार्गदर्शक, लॉर्ड भीखू पारेख ने अपने जीवन के अनुभवों और विचारों को साझा किया।

लॉर्ड पारेख ने महिला सशक्तीकरण, भारतीय संस्कृति, भारत में अंग्रेजी शिक्षा प्रणाली, माता-पिता के प्रति प्रेम के प्रति ग्लोबल प्लेटफॉर्म में बातचीत के दौरान लेडी मोहिनी केंट नून के साथ अपने विचारों को दर्शकों और श्रोताओं के समक्ष साझा किया।

लॉर्ड भीखू छोटेलाल पारेख एक शिक्षाविद और विचारक के तौर पर प्रसिद्ध हैं। उन्होंने लंदन स्कूल ऑफ इकोनॉमिक्स (एलएसई) से पीएचडी की और ब्रिटेन में बहुसंस्कृतिवाद और सद्भाव की अवधारणा को लेकर लोगों को विस्तृत जानकारी दी। वह पद्म भूषण प्राप्त हैं और उन्होंने कई अन्य लोगों के बीच ग्लोबल थिंकर अवार्ड – ‘सर यशायाह बर्लिन पुरस्कार’ भी जीता है।

लॉर्ड भीखू पारेख ने अपने विचारों के आदान प्रदान के दौरान कहा: वर्ष 1935 में गुजरात में जन्म लेने के बाद मुझे एक सोनार के रूप में अपने पारिवारिक पेशे को अपनाना था। मेरे स्कूल के हेड मास्टर ने मुझे कॉलेज में पढ़ाई के लिए प्रभावित किया। मुंबई में मैं सेंट जेवियर्स कॉलेज के एक प्रतिभाशाली प्रोफेसर से मिला, जिन्होंने मुझे मास्टर्स की पढ़ाई के लिए प्रोत्साहित किया और मैने बॉम्बे विश्वविद्यालय में दाखिला ले लिया। वहां मेरी मुलाकात प्रोफेसर उषा मेहता से हुई, जिन्होंने मुझे यूके जाने के लिए मेरा मार्गदर्शन किया और फिर मैने लंदन स्कूल ऑफ इकोनॉमिक्स में पढ़ाई शुरू कर दी। 20 वीं शताब्दी के महानतम दार्शनिकों में से एक प्रोफ़ेसर माइकल ओकेशॉट के आकार में ‘एक अदृश्य हाथ’, जिसने किसी कारण इसके इतिहास ने मुझे काफी प्रभावित किया।

मेरे जीवन में चार महत्वपूर्ण मोड़ हैं, इनमें से प्रत्येक मोड़ पर कुछ प्रतिभाशाली व्यक्तियों ने मुझसे जुड़कर मेरी मदद की। मैने अपने अतीत से शिक्षा ग्रहण कर अपने जीवन को युवाओं की मदद के लिए समर्पित कर दिया है।

सुश्री मनीषा जैन (प्रमुख, ब्रांडिंग एंड कम्युनिकेशन, प्रभा खेतान फाउंडेशन) ने कहा: इस पहल ने महान प्रमुख प्रतिभाशाली व्यक्तित्वों एवं उनकी प्रतिभाओं को एक मंच पर लाया है। लॉर्ड भीखू पारेख एक प्रतिभावान मार्गदर्शक हैं, जिनका जीवन और कार्य हम सभी को प्रेरित करता रहता है। हमारे पास भविष्य के लिए कई और ज्ञानवर्धक सत्र हैं।

भारत में लैंगिक समानता के विषय का उल्लेख करते हुए लॉर्ड पारेख ने कहा, हमें याद रखना चाहिए कि एक मां के रूप में  महिला के पास वो अधिकार है जो एक बेटी और पत्नी के रूप में महिला के पास नहीं है। जीवन के सभी क्षेत्रों में महिलाओं को समान अधिकार मिलने की शुरुआत भारत में धीरे-धीरे बढ़ रही है, जो एक अच्छे भविष्य का संकेत है।

एक युवा के रूप में उनके पास दुनिया को समझने के लिए एक आंतरिक आवेग था जिसके कारण और कुछ परंपराओं और रीति-रिवाजों का समर्थन नहीं कर उन्होंने इसका समर्थन करने से इनकार कर दिया।

लॉर्ड पारेख ने अपनी बचपन की यादों को ताजा करते हुए कहा, एक बार एक तथाकथित ‘अछूत’ महिला ने मुझे छुआ जिसे देख मेरी मां ने मुझे वहां से हट जाने और स्नान करने के लिए मुझपर चिल्लाया.

मैं समझ नहीं पा रहा था कि मेरी मां का स्पर्श ठीक क्यों है जबकि इस महिला के स्पर्श के लिए मुझे स्नान करने के लिए क्यों कहा जा रहा है। मैं ऐसे विचारों, इससे जुड़े सवालों के खिलाफ खड़े होने का साहस जुटा पाया क्योंकि मैं अपने माता-पिता के प्यार को महसूस करता था। इसी प्यार ने मुझे इस तरह के विचारों के खिलाफ खड़ा होने की हिम्मत दी थी।

लॉर्ड पारेख ने एक और बचपन का किस्सा साझा किया जिसका गहरा असर उन पर पड़ा। एक बार एक महिला ने मेरे पिता के पास आकर अपनी चूड़ी सौंप दी और 400 रुपये मांगे। मेरे पिता ने कहा कि इसकी कीमत 200 रुपये है। महिला ने जोर देकर कहा कि उसे कम से कम 300 रुपये दे दिया जाये। मेरे पिता ने चूड़ी फेंक दी और अंदर चले गए। दोपहर को उसके घर में शादी थी। महिला ने मुझसे कहा, मेरे घर में भी आपके जैसा दिखनेवाला एक राजकुमार बेटा है जो बीमार है, मैं डॉक्टर को फीस नहीं दे सकती। इसके लिए मुझे रुपयों की अत्यंत आवश्यकता है। महिला की यह दु:खद समस्या सुनकर मैंने कमरे में जाकर अपने पिता को जगाया और महिला को रुपये दिलवाया। जैसे ही उसे पैसा मिला उसने मेरे हाथ पकड़ लिए और कहा ‘भगवान आपका भला करे और आपका भविष्य अच्छा हो।’ तब से मेरे जीवन का काम सरल और समानता भरा रहा है।

भारतीयों के बीच अंग्रेजी के अत्यधिक प्रभाव का उल्लेख करते हुए लॉर्ड पारेख ने कहा, भारत और भारत के बीच का संबंध काफी जटिल है। आज भी, जब आप भारत के बारे में बात करते हैं, तो आप 3000 साल पुरानी भूमि के बारे में बात कर रहे होते हैं। हमारी चेतना और भाषा के साथ गति काफी अलग है। मेरी दिल की भावना यह है कि मुझे भारत में हिंदी भाषा से उतना ही प्रेम और लगाव है जिस प्रकार इजराइली लोग अपनी मातृभाषा हिब्रू भाषा से प्रेम करते हैं।

Film on the life of former Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav The First Song recorded in the voice of Shaan

Film on the life of former Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav  The First Song recorded in the voice of Shaan

Aug 31, 2020

The Mahurat of the film *Akhilesh Yadav “The Socialist Warrior”, which was made under the banner of Stair 9 Production has been recorded on 29 August 2020 at his recording studio in Khar, Mumbai.  The song is sung by the famous singer Shaan.

On this occasion, the film’s writer Kunwar Harshit “Rajveer”, Director Vijay Verma, Producer Vinod Kumar Yadav, Co-Producer Mohammad Haroon Rayeen ,and Lyricist Amitabh Ranjan etc. were present.

Director Vijay Verma said that the mahurat of the film will be done in Lucknow soon and shooting of the film will start from November. The film will be shot in various locations i.e Saifai, Lucknow, Kannauj, Delhi and Sydney in Australia.The film is a biography of former Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav.

उत्तरप्रदेश के पूर्व मुख्यमंत्री अखिलेश यादव के जीवन पर फ़िल्म शान की आवाज़ में रेकॉर्ड हुआ गाना

स्टेयर9 प्रोडक्शन के बैनर तले बनने वाली फिल्म अखिलेश यादव “द सोशलिस्ट वारियर का मुहूर्त प्रसिद्ध गायक शान द्वारा गाये गाने से 29 अगस्त 2020 को खार मुम्बई स्थिति शान के अपने रिकॉर्डिंग स्टूडियो में सम्पन्न हुआ।

इस अवसर पर फ़िल्म के लेखक कुंवर हर्षित “राजवीर”, डायरेक्टर विजय वर्मा, प्रोड्यूसर विनोद कुमार यादव, को प्रोड्यूसर मो0 हारून राइन, एवं गीतकार अमिताभ रंजन आदि मौजूद थे।


डायरेक्टर विजय वर्मा ने बताया कि फ़िल्म का मुहूर्त जल्द ही लखनऊ में किया जाएगा और नवम्बर माह से फ़िल्म की शूटिंग शुरू की जाएगी। इस फ़िल्म की शूटिंग सैफई, लखनऊ, कन्नौज, दिल्ली एवं ऑस्ट्रेलिया स्थित सिडनी में होगी।

यह फ़िल्म उत्तर प्रदेश के पूर्व मुख्यमंत्री अखिलेश यादव जी की बायोग्राफी है।

Charcoal Sketch Tribute By Artist Mridula Chury To The King Of Pop Michael Jackson On His Birth Anniversary

Charcoal Sketch Tribute By Artist Mridula Chury To The King Of Pop Michael Jackson On His Birth Anniversary

Aug 29, 2020

Rekindling your passion and being an artist again is a daunting task for anyone especially if you are a female and 61 years of age. In some ways Covid-19 has exacerbated the plight of many but in some it has helped to recreate energies. One such example is of artist Mridula Chury who in these few months has caught the attention of several individuals including many celebrities with her beautiful pencil and charcoal sketches.

One such pencil sketch of Legendary singer Mohammed Rafi has caught the attention of his daughter-in-law Firdaus Rafi. She was in awe of the sketch and says, “I love all the sketches made by Mridula Chury. She is a talent and I think she does absolutely beautiful work.”

Apart from Mrs. Rafi, Mridula Chury has received several accolades for her other sketches of Amitabh Bacchan, Deepika Padukone, Katrina Kaif and others.

While the world celebrates the 62nd Birth Anniversary of the King of Pop Michael Jackson, our artist Mridula Chury pays a tribute to him with an outstanding Charcoal sketch of the legend.


She adds, “Michael Jackson has been an inspiration for many around and I believe it’s my humble way of paying a tribute to him.”

More Than A Thousand Students Joined IBSW-CDP Online Classes During COVID 19

More Than A Thousand Students Joined IBSW-CDP Online Classes During COVID 19

Aug 29, 2020

During these challenging times, amidst the worldwide pandemic of COVID 19, International Business School of Washington didn’t sit back but immediately swung to action. The first thought was focused on students and their future, second on the staff members, to give them the right platform to enhance the teaching process and third with our parents to continue sharing the bond of trust. Planning commenced for continuous education based on the situation, the need and the requirement. The curriculum was relooked into and tweaked for supporting online teaching. Simultaneously online classes were ascertained and cleared for being user friendly, offering good features and following cybersecurity norms. Teachers, parents and students were trained to use the online teaching to its maximum potential. The most exciting and exhilarating bit of the whole plan was everybody was working from home. Within the Month more than a thousand students had Joined IBSW Online Classes across the world. IBSW-CDP based out of Washington, Paris, Lyon, Montpellier, Dubai & Bangalore. IBSW-CDP offers diploma, undergraduate, postgraduate and doctorate programs in Business Administration, International Marketing, Information Technology, Global MBA, Culinary Arts, Fashion Design, Tourism & Hospitality.

The whole school community was on their Mobiles, iPads, Laptops, Desktops, Tabs and so on working around the clock to create and welcome E-learning processes, which became the buzz word within no time. A recent interaction with highly appreciative parents gave us the motivation and confidence that we are moving in the right direction. Our students are being supported and guided in the best possible way.

All our Heads have been utilizing their time by keeping themselves abreast with new educational pedagogies and new trends by attending webinars. Connecting with each other, sharing best practices, guiding each other and generally getting to know each other better. Which was totally lacking during the normal time as we are all rushing against time.

IBSW President Vinay Lamba said, “For me personally it has been a jigsaw puzzle time and a roller coaster ride but I feel fresh and renewed as if I have ventured into the unknown territories but found and paved the right path. Although COVID 19 was sudden, surged fast, affected all and created chaos. We were able to face the challenge and moved ahead with confidence, to create a success story to be remembered for years. The IBSW stands tall and proud. Many worthwhile lessons have been learnt during these times. Difficult Roads Lead to Beautiful Destinations”.

Vinay Lamba, began his illustrious career with Nextec Inc, with operations across 120 countries, founded in 1998. He is an international entrepreneur with over 30 years of successful experience in numerous industry sectors worldwide including Education, IT Services, and Management Consulting.

IBSW and College De Paris (CDP) have striven to promote French excellence through training. Olivier De Lagarde, president of CDP and CEO of IBSW has been instrumental in bringing all his expertise into establishing IBSW.



Aug 29, 2020

A police case of  Cheating, Fraud and Threatening has been submited by a Mumbai resident against TATA MOTORS, DEOGIRI AUTO,  at Commissioner of Police Mumbai.

Raj C. Anand, a resident of Mumbai have mentioned the entire sequence in his complaint, where he informed about the advance payment made to the Car dealer in march 2020 but because of loan refusal, Dealer advised to take another model of a car.

Eventually, ugly turn of events unfolded and dealer refused to return advance payment made by the complainant.

Complainant has provided all proofs and supportive of the payment along with the complaint to the POLICE.  In his complaint, he mentioned that How the dealer staff kept on making him run from post to pillar to get a satisfactory reply but all resulted in just frustration.

He added that the Dealer’s staff even started threatening Raj anand with dire circumstances for asking the entire Payment made by the complainant.

Police has been requested to file case against Ms Jayanti and Mr Patil under Section 420,415,503,34 and other relevant section and take necessary action and resolved the same at earliest for this.


Disclaimer: The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Our Website does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same. It Is Published as received from PR Agency.

AKAARSH 2nd Runnerup Of India’s First Online Beauty Pageant By Mr Ashwin Rajput – Mr India Multimedia 2020 Season 2

AKAARSH 2nd Runnerup Of India’s First Online Beauty Pageant By Mr Ashwin Rajput – Mr India Multimedia 2020 Season 2

Aug 29, 2020

Little Know Fact About Akaarsh The 2nd Runnerup Of India’s First Online Beauty Pageant Mr India Multimedia 2020 Season 2 In His Own Words

Name – Akaarsh

Winner – Mr India Multimedia 2020 Season 2 2nd Runnerup

With Sub Title – Mr Photogenic

My Age is – 20

I Studied & Explored My Self In Chennai Also I Played For TNCA Cricket League

I met Ashwin Rajput they Were A Inspiration For Me.

They Groomed me So Well With All The Well Known Groomers From The Industry.

They gave me a opportunity to take part in the contest, then I got a chance to upgrade my self in modelling . I also understand the importance of keeping consistency in learning.

I know it’s a lifetime prows and I would now always be a part of it…

It has became my dream to be a well-known successful fashion model.

SURJARAM REANG 3rd Runnerup Of India’s First Online Beauty Pageant By Mr Ashwin Rajput – Mr & Miss Virtual King & Queen 2020 Season-1

SURJARAM  REANG 3rd Runnerup Of India’s First Online Beauty Pageant By Mr Ashwin Rajput – Mr & Miss Virtual King & Queen 2020  Season-1

Aug 28, 2020

Little Know Fact About Surjaram Reang The 3rd Runnerup Of India’s First Online Beauty Pageant Mr & Miss Virtual King & Queen 2020 Season 1 In His Own Words

Name – Surjaram Reang

Winner – Mr & Miss Virtual King & Queen 2020 Season 1 3rd Runnerup

With Sub Title – Mr Popular

My Age is – 20

I Studied & Explored My Self In Bengaluru As A Medical Student And I am From Tripura

I met Ashwin Rajput they Were A Inspiration For Me.

They Groomed me So Well With All The Well Known Groomers From The Industry.

They gave me a opportunity to take part in the contest, then I got a chance to upgrade my self in modelling . I also understand the importance of keeping consistency in learning.


I know it’s a lifetime prows and I would now always be a part of it…It has became my dream to be a well-known successful fashion model.