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Salaam Hindustan A Musical Tribute To The Unsung Heroes

Salaam Hindustan A Musical Tribute To The Unsung Heroes

Aug 14, 2020

India is a historical country, here not only Bollywood heroes but also true heroes have always been praised & worshipped. Every Indian is proud of their real heroes but not all Indians are aware about the sacrifices that these people and their families make.
The pandemic situation has again been fought by our real heroes. The Doctors, Police officers, Farmers & Defense officers. A salute amd musical tribute to every Indian, every place, glories, achievements and to every culture and rituals of our country comprised & composed in a most beautiful tune.
 “Salaam Hindustan” is a song on India by Ameya Kajarekar who is an IT Professional and works for social causes. He is a rap artist as well. With songs like “Shabdakosh”, “Nasha Paani”, “Gyaan”, “Sacchai”, “Bars Pe Bars” he has made quite a reach on his YouTube.
Ameya with his upcoming song “Salaam Hindustan” which is releasing on this Independence Day i.e. 15th August, 2020 has spoken about the respect towards our frontline workers and our country India and hopes that everyone does the same.
“Salaam Hindustan” is a song which will make us feel proud & we will also proudly say, “Salaam Hindustan”. There are some of the famous faces like Harish Dudadhade, Namrata Pradhan, Sonal Pawar, Shekhar Betkar, Rohit Phalke, Pavan Shetty and Sanika Narvekar who are associated with the song.

This is directed by Roshan Rajendra and the music is produced by Rachit Srivastava. “Salaam Hindustan” will be a tribute from every Indian to their real heroes & the love for their country.

For further enquires call +91 800 747 6464

In the Corona Era the Rotary Club In Mumbai Distributed Masks – Sanitizers And Chocolates

In the Corona Era the Rotary Club In Mumbai Distributed Masks – Sanitizers And Chocolates

Aug 13, 2020

कोरोना काल में मुंबई में रोटरी क्लब ने बांटे मास्क, सैनिटाइजर और चॉकलेट ।

फैशन डिज़ाइनर अर्चना कोचर रोटरी क्लब की इस नेक पहल से बहुत खुश हैं ।

रोटरी क्लब ने पूरे देश में कोरोना काल के दौरान कई नेक काम किए हैं ।

रोटरी क्लब की ओर से मास्क और सैनिटाइजर वितरित किए गए। क्लब के सदस्यों ने मास्क के साथ-साथ सैनिटाइजर और चॉकलेट भी बांटे।  इस दौरान राह चलते लोगों को क्लब के सदस्यों ने मास्क पहनने की अहमियत और जरूरत बताई, उन्हें जागरूक किया। बिना मास्क लगाए लोगों को मास्क वितरित किए गए और उन्हें हिदायत भी दी गई कि वे मास्क लगाकर ही घरों से बाहर निकलें ।

रोटरी क्लब से जुड़े सदस्यों के इस नेक काम से लोग खुश हैं। हैंड सैनिटाइजर और मास्क बांटने के साथ ही लोगों को कोरोना वायरस से बचाव के लिए भी जागरूक किया गया ।

कोरोना वायरस से बचने के लिए सावधानियों के बारे में भी लोगों को बताया गया ।

मशहूर फैशन डिज़ाइनर अर्चना कोचर ने रोटरी क्लब की इस नेक पहल के बारे में कहा है कि मै इस महामारी के दौरान रोटरी क्लब के अमेजिंग काम के लिए उन्हें बधाई देना चाहती हूं। ना सिर्फ रोटरी क्लब ने मास्क बांटे बल्कि फूड सहित जरूरी सामान लोगों के बीच वितरित किए। मैं उनके साथ जुड़कर बेहद खुश हूं ।”

रोटरी क्लब के पदाधिकारी हरजीत आनंद ने कहा है कि रोटरी क्लब ने जिस तरह मुंबई बल्कि पूरे देश में लोगों की भलाई का काम किया है वह काबिल ए तारीफ़ है। खास कर खार मुंबई के रोटरी क्लब को मैं बधाई देना चाहता हूं कि उसके जरिए मुंबई मेे मास्क और चॉकलेट वितरित किए गए। रोटरी क्लब के कई प्रोजेक्ट्स बेहद अहम है जैसे बच्चो की हार्ट सर्जरी क्लब के माध्यम से करवाई गई या फिर अन्नपूर्णा जैसे प्रोजेक्ट्स चल रहे हैं।


मैं मुंबई और देश के सभी रोटरी क्लब्स से जुड़े लोगों को मुबारकबाद देना चाहता हूं साथ ही भविष्य में भी इस तरह के नेक काम करने के लिए बेस्ट विशेज देना चाहता हूं ।

BJP Swachh Bharat Abhiyan Ke NATIONAL Convener Mr. Yashwant Singh Darbarji Congratulates Dr Abdul Rahman Vanno (BJP Maharashtra Pradesh’s Convener) For Doing Good Work In Maharashtra For Swachh Bharat Abhiyan

BJP Swachh Bharat Abhiyan Ke NATIONAL Convener Mr. Yashwant Singh Darbarji Congratulates Dr Abdul Rahman Vanno (BJP   Maharashtra Pradesh’s Convener) For Doing Good Work In Maharashtra For Swachh Bharat Abhiyan

Aug 13, 2020

भाजपा” महाराष्ट्र प्रदेश के  संयोजक ,डॉक्टर अब्दुल रहमान    वन्नो (स्वच्छ भारत अभियान)  को राष्ट्रीय संयोजक ,श्री  यशवंत सिंह दरबार जी ने महाराष्ट्र अच्छे काम करने के लिए  बधाई दिए ।

इस मौके पर (स्वच्छ भारत अभियान) के राष्ट्रीय  कार्यकारिणी सदस्य श्री विजय भारद्वाज एवं प्रमुख समाज सेवक अशफाक जी उपस्थित थे ।

आदरणीय प्रधानमंत्री जी के  दिशा  निर्देश आने वाले 15  अगस्त   तक स्वच्छ भारत अभियान के पूरे टीम  के साथ देश और प्रदेश में सफाई एवं वृक्षारोपण    अभियान चल रहे हैं   भाजपा महाराष्ट्र के संयोजक डाॅ.अब्दुल रहमान वनु जी अपनी टीम के साथ कोरोना काल में जनता की सेवा करते आ रहे हैं उनके काम को देख कर जनता बहुत खुश है ।


शनिवार से शुरू हुआ अभियान 15 अगस्त तक चलेगा। प्रधानमंत्री जी ने कहा कि भारत छोड़ो के ये सभी संकल्प स्वराज से सुराज की भावना के अनुरूप हैं। … स्वराज के सम्मान का सप्‍ताह यानी ‘गंदगी भारत छोड़ो सप्‍ताह’… मोदी जी ने कहा कि स्वच्छता अभियान की सफलता के बाद अब देश को गंदगी मुक्त बनाने पर जोर देना होगा ।

Maanayata Dutt’s Statement On Sanjay Dutt’s Health

Maanayata Dutt’s Statement  On Sanjay Dutt’s  Health

Aug 12, 2020

Maanayata Dutt expresses “I thank everyone who has expressed their well wishes for Sanju’s speedy recovery.

We need all the strength and prayers to overcome this phase. There is a lot that the family has gone through in the past years but I am confident, this too shall pass.

However, it is my heartfelt request to Sanju’s fans to not fall prey to speculations and unwarranted rumours,  but to just help us with their ongoing love, warmth and support.

Sanju has always been a fighter, and so has our family. God has yet again chosen to test us to overcome the challenges ahead.

All we seek is your prayers and blessings, and we know we will emerge as winners on the other side, as we always have. Let us use this opportunity to spread light and positivity”

IBJA Gave Immense Contribution Towards Covid-19 Says Mr Prithviraj Kothari

IBJA Gave Immense Contribution Towards Covid-19 Says Mr Prithviraj Kothari

Aug 12, 2020

The entire world has shaken up and so is India due to Corona pandemic. This has resulted in complete lockdown almost in 200 countries around the world and India is no exception to this. India has also declared complete lockdown since 25th March 2020.
As our lockdown is extended 4th time now, we understand that life of people will go through radical changes and almost every business will suffer.
As a responsible 101 old association of bullion and jewellery, we immediately swing in to action to help the industry.
The task was not simple as we have offices in 31 states across the country. We immediately called the web meeting to decide on the following point.
1. How to help workers for their daily needs.
2. How to secure business premises of the jewellers.
3. What kind of stimulus package will be needed for the industry. 4. What can be our exit plan from lock down?
5. Preparation of SOP post lockdown.
Immediately, we formed various committees to look after this. What we realised that we need to protect all the people in the supply chain and not only our members. The focus was to save the industry and trade and not only to save our members.
We immediately formed one unit under IBJA as “Jewellers fight Corona (JFC)”. The purpose was to involve entire supply chain affected people and not only bullion dealers and jewellers.

Going further, various committee were formed and assigned various jobs as per the point discussed above.
Our biggest challenge was to help the workers, who were back bone of the industry. Thus, we divided entire workforce in to three categories as under.
a. Karigar employed by jewellery Manufacturer
b. Contractors engaged by the jewellery manufacturer under whom various small workers
are working.
C. Small karigars who are neither employed nor working under any contractor.
We immediately went into action and started calling all the manufacturer to ensure that they take care of karigar employed by them. Though task was difficult, almost all big jewellery manufacturers ensured us that they shall ensure minimum basic need of their karigar employed by them.
Secondly, we started calling up big contractors and took an assurance from all the contracts also that they shall also ensure minimum basic need of the karigar working under his contract.
Both this promises resulted in our focus being shifted to small karigars. We took special permission from police authorities and visited few of such places where karigars were staying. We found that most of this small karigars don’t have any money even to buy meals.
We immediately decided that we should distribute ration to them and not ready meal as food habits of all the karigars are not same.
We started involving Bengali karigar association for their verification of small karigar. The Ration were purchased and we started distributing ration and other daily food requirement to them.
Till today we have successfully distributed Ration equivalent to appx 5,00,000 meals in numbers to this karigars only in Mumbai. Various other daily pulses and masala requirement to cook food was also given to them.
The request than started coming even from police and other municipal authorities. We also covered them in in our daily Ration distribution as this authorities have been ensuring cleanings, sanitizing and securing our market.
The meals were distributed not only in Mumbai but nearby areas like Kalyan, Diva, Bhayender, Dombivali, etc where this work force is staying.
Apart from ensuring that no worker sleeps without food, we had a task of ensuring that our jewellers get back all their material which was with the karigars.
Hence, we immediately approached various state authorities including police and municipality and discussed the issue of collection of gold given to karigars by jewellers for manufacturing jewellery, who would otherwise migrate to their natives without handing over gold to jewellers.
We are truly thankful to entire state machinery which permitted karigars and jewellers to travel during lockdown period wherein all jewellers got back their material from the karigars. We could systemically do the entire operation in one single day wherein nearly 4000 jewellers were able to open enter their shops during lockdown with special permission.
We also ensured complete Sanitisation of Zaveri bazaar area. We distributed Sanitisation machine free to each building in Zaveri bazaar area.
We also distributed mask, gloves, tempreture machine and hand sanitisers to most of jewellers.if Zaveri bazaar area.
We ensured that Gold business for commodity exchange and banks and NBFC works as an essential service even during lockdown as per govt order. All gold commodity exchange and bullion banks and NBFC worked in full swings even during lockdown.
IBJA continued to give daily gold prices inspite of lockdown and this helped Government to generate 3000 crore thru sovereign gold bond. Needless to say that these bond were floated as per IBJA rates.
We ensured that entire area of Zaveri bazaar is safe and secured even during lockout. For which we got special permission from police department and BMC to repair and install few more cameras which were installed at Zaveri bazaar.

We also intend to start 24*7 medical facilities soon at Zaveri bazaar for benifit of karigars.
At IBJA, we made more than 3000 more members even during lockout period thru digital mode.
We did various webinar for enhancing the knowledge of industry participant in which not only domestic people but internationally well-known people also participated.
We also arranged for Corona test of many police authorities.
We distributed Mask, Gloves, PPE kits etc to various police and state authorities. We also made payment for hospital buying medical equipments and consumables. We also arranged for transport and rail facility for migrant labourers.

On the Auspicious Day of Shri Krishna Janmashtami Renowned Singer – Flautist Celebrate Swaranjali On VAIKUNTH VENU Facebook Page

On the Auspicious Day of Shri Krishna Janmashtami Renowned Singer – Flautist Celebrate Swaranjali On VAIKUNTH VENU Facebook Page

Aug 12, 2020

On the Auspicious Day of Shri Krishna Janmashtami Renowned Singer / Flautist celebrate Swaranjali on “VaikunthVenu” Facebook Page on 12th August, 2020 at 7:00 pm IST with a live Bhajan Sandhya with Varied Accomplished Artistes & Pride of our Indian Music Industry
Featuring artists- Pt.Purbayan Chatterjee, Gayatri Asokan, Chandana Bala Kalyan, Raj Pandit, Abhaas & Shreyas Joshi, Aalap Desai, Kalpana Gandharv, Himani Kapoor , Jazim Sharma, Vipul Mehta, Salman Ali, Pooja Gaitonde, Prithvi Gandharv, Ronkini Gupta, Pratibha Singh Baghel, Pt.Jayateerth Mevundi
Flute maestro and singer Paras Nath, an ardent worshipper of Lord Krishna will pay his homage to the deity and celebrate Krishna Janmashtami on“VAIKUNTHVENU” – a platform on Youtube, Instagram and Facebook to revive his grandfather Pandit Shiv Nath Prasad’s Shehnai and Bansuri legacy.
Paras Nath will perform in the company of popular singers and musicians , who will sing devotional songs and celebrate the day with great zeal and enthusiasm.
The celebration will be live on facebook page of VAIKUNTHVENU on 12th August, 2020 at 7:00 pm
Staying true to the essence of Janmashtami a unique blend and style of flute and melody will be presented by the performers, which will leave the audiences spellbound, thereby, creating an atmosphere of peace and tranquility through the medium of music.
Even in the times of a pandemic,  Paras has found a way to keep devotees in high spirits through virtual festival celebrations “This virtual festival is our way of bringing joy to devotees even in such times. The benefit is that now people from all over the world can view the Radha Krishna deities and participate in the festivities from the comfort of their homes. Moreover, the devotional atmosphere created through this event will drench devotees in the bliss of Vrindavan” further adding “May Lord Krishna show you the way in your life as he showed the way to Arjuna in the battle of Mahabharata. Have a blessed Krishna Janmashtami”

Apart from Krishan Janmashtami celebration, the program will also stress on the importance of developing and nurturing India’s rich cultural heritage passed by the ancestors.
“Music binds people together, irrespective of their caste and creed, thereby, building a strong cultural relation with each other and this event on Vaikunthvenu will help revive the oldest musical instrument which is slowly losing its sheen in the present world” says Paras Nath.


Meditation Guru Suvi Swamy – Spirituality Is The Only Way To Overcome Mental Stress

Meditation Guru Suvi Swamy – Spirituality Is The Only Way To Overcome Mental Stress

Aug 12, 2020

आध्यात्म ही मानसिक तनाव पर काबू पाने का एकमात्र रास्ता है। मेडिटेशन गुरु सुवि स्वामी।

आध्यात्म गुरु सुवि स्वामी जी ईश्वरा लाईफ़ साइंसेज़ द्वारा मानव सेवा के प्रति समर्पित।

आज के कोरोना महामारी और लॉक डॉउन के हालात ने मानव जाति के मन मस्तिष्क और शरीर को बुरी तरह डिस्टर्ब करके रख दिया है यही वजह है कि आज वायरस से अधिक जान टेंशन, तनाव, घबराहट और डिप्रेशन के कारण जा रही है। ऐसे में इंसान के लिए मेडिटेशन या आध्यात्म बेहद महत्वपूर्ण हो गया है। ऐसा मानना है मेडिटेशन गुरु सुवि स्वामी का, जो एक सेलिब्रिटी वेलनेस कोच, सर्टिफिकेट प्राप्त रेकी मास्टर, मेडिटेटर, टैरोट कार्ड रीडर, अरोमा थेरेपिस्ट, क्रिस्टल हीलर, एस्ट्रोलॉजर और जमीन से जुड़ी हुई एक बेहद सामान्य व्यक्तित्व रखने वाली साधिका हैं ।

वे ऐसे सभी लोगों की मदद करने मेे जुटी हुई हैं जो शारीरिक और मानसिक रूप से डिस्टर्ब हैं। वह निःस्वार्थ भाव से इंसानियत की सेवा में लगी हुई है ।  उन्होने बहुत ही कम उम्र में ज्ञान और आध्यात्म के क्षेत्र में उपलब्धियां अर्जित कर ली थी। सद् विचारों और सद्गुणों के धनी ,सुंदर वाणी, सुंदर मन और सरल स्वभाव से समृद्ध सुवि स्वामी जी एक इंजीनियर भी है और ठाकुर इंजीनियरिंग कॉलेज में लेक्चरर रह चुकी हैं ।

उन्होंने श्री हरि भगवान विष्णु जी और परमपिता शिव शंकर भोलेनाथ की उपासिका हैं। इनके साथ ओम मेडिटेशन करके लोग मन की शांति प्राप्त करते हैं और रूह को सुकून मिलता हुआ महसूस करते हैं।

इनके द्वारा स्थापित ईश्वरा लाईफ़ साइंसेज  मानसिक तनाव और चिंता से निजात दिलाने का काम करता आ रहा हैं। आध्यात्म के बल पर वह लोगों की जिंदगी में आई उथल पुथल पर काबू पाने का मंत्र बताती हैं।

मौजूदा दौर में इंसान जिस परेशानी और उलझनों का शिकार है ऐसे में आध्यात्म ही एक ऐसा रास्ता है जिसपर चल कर मानव जाति की सफलता संभव है। जिस तरह आज खुदकुशी के मामले बढ़ रहे हैं ऐसे हालात में मेडिटेशन द्वारा इंसान अपने तनाव और डिप्रेशन पर कंट्रोल कर सकता है और ईश्वरा लाईफ़ साइंसेज़ ऐसे इंसान के लिए किसी अचूक दवा की तरह है।


2015 में उन्होंने मानव शरीर की एनाटॉमी पर रिसर्च की शुरुआत की थी और 24 वाइटल आर्गन  की गहराई से अध्ययन की, फिर नाड़ी शास्त्र , आयुर्वेदा, रेकी  मास्टरशिप, चक्रा मास्टरशिप, होम्योपैथी, अरोमाथैरापी, स्किनथैरापी, क्रिस्टल हिलिंग, टारोट कार्ड रीडिंग और भी अलग-अलग क्षेत्र में  ना सिर्फ उन्होंने ज्ञान अर्जित किया बल्कि सैकड़ों लोगों को ट्रीटमेंट और हीलिंग के साथ परम  प्रसन्नता और आनंद का मार्ग भी दिखाया है।

Request To Honble Prime Minister vide letter dated 14.04. 2019 By Dr Santosh Kumar Bagla

Request To Honble Prime Minister vide letter dated 14.04. 2019 By Dr Santosh Kumar Bagla

Aug 11, 2020

Dr. Santosh Kumar Bagla has represented and put the complaint to the Honble Prime Minister vide letter dated 14.04. 2019, that the DIU/NDD Mandir Marg of Delhi Police is not taking appropriate actions in the FIR 0120/2019 which was registered on 19.10.2019 with various documents and evidences. Kotak Mahindra is managing the system and no actions has been taken against them.

It is to be noted that earlier also the Prime Minister office has instructed the Banking Secretary and RBI to take necessary actions against Kotak Mahindra bank and like this The President,  The Vice President and various higher authorities had also sought actions against Uday Suresh Kotak and others but since the Kotak has managed the system and manipulated so no actions has been taken. Dr. Bagla has been harassed through their henchmen so he had to be shifted from Mumbai to Delhi and then to Kolkata. All these narrated by him to Prime Minister. On examining the Prime Minister office directly instructed to the office of Dr. Eish Singhal, the DCP of New Delhi District who is in charge of DIU unit to take appropriate actions arrest the accused.

The Magistrate in whose direction the FIR was lodged and but the Delhi police has ignored the direction.  Dr. Santosh Kumar bagla said that since he was not well and stucked for three months as was hospitalized since 2 months and now totally recovered and shall take up all these again to higher authorities and to the Hon’ble Police Commissioner of Delhi to monitor and expedite the investigation and instruct the concern DCP office for actions.

Manipulative Reply By Kotak To SEBI – BSE And NSE Dated 05-03-2020 On The Letter Dated 26-11-2019 Addressed By Dr Santosh Kumar Bagla

Manipulative Reply By Kotak To SEBI – BSE And NSE Dated 05-03-2020 On The Letter Dated 26-11-2019 Addressed By Dr Santosh Kumar Bagla

Aug 11, 2020

Dr. Santosh Kumar Bagla informed to various higher authorities informing about the registration of FIR as per Judicial order on 14.10.2019 against Kotak Mahindra Bank, Mr. Uday Suresh Kotak, Mr. Anand Mahindra and their various officials/executive, which was sent to Reserve Bank of India, National Stock Exchange of India, Bombay Stock Exchange and Securities and Exchange Board of India. It had all details of Frauds and Cheating done by Kotak Mahindra Bank.

On the said information National Stock Exchange of India asked Kotak Mahindra Bank to clarify and explain to which the bank had replied vide letter dated 05.03.2020 to National Stock Exchange of India with very vague and Manipulating the facts,  the National Stock Exchange of India has forwarded the said letter to Dr Bagla for reference and comments.

The said reply was sent by the Kotak Mahindra Bank on receipt of the letter dated 10.12.2019 addressed by the Officer-In – Charge of National Stock Exchange of India Limited enclosing therewith the copy of the above captioned letter dated 26.11.2019 addressed by Dr. Santosh Kumar Bagla.


Dr. Bagla has replied the said letter and pointed out that how the bank has wrongly replied with vague, Manipulative and twisted facts. He has sent various documents, evidences and court orders etc .He further informed National Stock Exchange of India to form a SIT for detailed enquiry as they are custodian of the Investors hard earned money and if any of their member are involved in any criminality and FIR registered than their duty to cancel their license of membership and also inform by the Public Notice about their frauds. Dr. Bagla offered that if National Stock Exchange of India desire he would send representative to their committee with all the documents to satisfy.




Aug 11, 2020

Sumangalam Production’s maiden venture daily soap (Monday to Friday) is slated to air on Anjan Tv from 17th of this August on 8 p.m. from Monday to Friday. This show is being directed by Ashok Yadav. Sushmita Ovhal Londhe, Sachin Shinde and Ashok Yadav are producers where Sameer Kolbhir as well as Abhijit Shinde are script writers. Diwakar Singh Sachin is Videographer, n Vishal Londhe. It’s a Media Ethics (Nayyar Alam) n Rahul singh  presentation. It stars, Pallavi Sonone in title role with Rajeev Nigam, Geeta Nikhrge, Pratap Kalake, Sanika Nirmal, Nishani Borule, Anjali Soni, Yogesh Shette, Gaurav Roopdas, Soni Patel, Sachin Shinde, Pramod n Pratibha.

अंजन टीवी पर आई  “चुलबुली चाची”

टेलीविजन की दुनिया फिर से पटरी पर लौटने लगी है। नये धारावाहिकों की शूटिंग, उनका प्रक्षेपण आरम्भ होने लगा है। इसी 17 अगस्त से अंजन टीवी पर आ रहा है नया हास्य धारावाहिक “चुलबुली चाची”। इसके निर्देशक अशोक यादव हैं। सुमंगल प्रोडक्शन द्वारा निर्मित, मीडिया एथिक्स द्वारा प्रस्तुत इस दैनिक धारावाहिक (सोमवार से शुक्रवार, रात्रि आठ से साढ़े आठ बजे तक) के निर्माता – निर्मात्री सुष्मिता ओवाल लौंढे, सचिन शिंदे एवं अशोक यादव हैं। अशोक यादव द्वारा परिकल्पित इस धारावाहिक के कॉन्सेप्ट डेवलपर आकाश चौधरी, लेखक समीर कालभोर व अभिजीत शिंदे हैं। सलाहकार एवं विशेष सहयोगी विशाल लौंढे तथा वीडियोग्राफर/कैमरामैन दिवाकर सिंह सचिन हैं। मार्केटिंग व प्रस्तुति नैयर आलम (मीडिया एथिक्स) व राहुल सिंह की है। ‘चुलबुली चाची’ की शीर्षक भूमिका में पल्लवी सोनोने हैं और उनके पति धनपत मिश्रा के रूप में दिखाई देंगे राजीव निगम। मुख्य सहयोगी कलाकार हैं – गीता निखर्गे, प्रताप कलाके, सानिका निर्मल, निशानी बोरूले, अंजलि सोनी, योगेश शेट्टे, गौरव रूपदास, सोनी पटेल, सचिन शिंदे, प्रमोद व प्रतिभा। यह धारावाहिक दूसरे दिन दोपहर साढ़े बारह बजे दिखाया जायेगा। रविवार दोपहर तीन बजे सोमवार से शुक्रवार तक दिखाये गये सभी कड़ियों को दिखाया जायेगा।

“चुलबुली चाची” पूर्णतया हास्य रस में सराबोर पारिवारिक मनोरंजक धारावाहिक है। शुभारंभ होता है, उत्तर प्रदेश की एक युवती के जीवन के कथा क्रम से। वह युवती सपने देखने की अभ्यस्त है। सोचती है, वह भी मुंबई जाकर हीरोइन बन जाती तो कितना अच्छा होता ! कुछ दिन बाद मुंबई के एक लड़के से विवाह की बात चलती है। लड़की खुश ! अब तो वह हीरोइन बन ही जायेगी ! पति जो है मुम्बईया ! धन्यवाद भगवानजी ! पत्नी बन कर वह मुंबई आ जाती है। पर, यहाँ की पटकथा बिल्कुल प्रतिकूल लिखी रहती है। नो फिल्म्स, नो एक्टिंग ! सपने बिखरते बिखरते गोद में आ जाती हैं तीन तीन बेटियां। इसके साथ ही एक नई उम्मीद जन्म लेती है।


वह अपने सपने को बेटियों के माध्यम से पूरा करने की ठान लेती है। पर, भाग्य दगाबाज़ निकलता है। न बेटियां उस लायक हैं, न ही उनको किसी प्रकार की रुचि है। बेटियां ही आखिरकार यह निर्णय लेती हैं, क्यों न माताश्री के निष्प्राण सपने को जीवंत कर दिया जाये !? और फिर शुरू हो जाता है ऑडिशन का चक्कर। इस चक्कर में एक बिहारी दम्पती आ मिलती है। सुशील मैडम पर प्रेमदृष्टि रखता है तो एक हैदराबादी अन्ना भी अपनी भारीभरकम नज़र इन दोनों पर रखता है। इस बीच एक मराठी फैमिली भी रेफरी की तरह विसिल बजाती हीरोइन बनने जा रही चुलबुली चाची के करीब आती है। आगे मैडम एंड कंपनी क्या क्या गुल खिलाती है – यही है “चुलबुली चाची” खबरनामा।