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NO MEANS NO – Set For November Release

NO MEANS NO – Set For November Release

Aug 9, 2020

Carona may have upset many schedules and plans worldwide, but the super-dynamic Producer and Director the very creative Vikash Verma is hugely optmistic that his directed first Indo-Polish film and one of the most expensive films of Bollywood till date, ‘No Means No’ will be released in November this year.

The movie in Hollywood style and action is 90%, shot in the exotic locales of Poland and India (and the film was shot in extreme climate -30 climate in Polish mountain!

Starring Gulshan Grover (of Hollywood-Bollywood fame), Deep Raj Rana, Sharad Kapoor, Dhruv Verma , Natalia Bak, Anna Guzik , Sylwia Czech, Pawal Czech, Nazia Hassan (actor Sanjay Dutt’s niece ), Anna Ador  Kat Kristian, the music is scored by Hariharan with Akshay Hariharan as music producer and with singers the inimitable Shreya Ghosal, Arvinder Singh and Risabh Nag, celebrated choreographer Shiamak Davar (of Mission Impossible fame), Marzi , cinematographer Michal Szewczuk et al adding to the credit-line.

The movie, “No Means No’ is produced by G7Films Poland. The production house’s next ambitious movie, The Good Maharaja based on on the epic World War 2 is already on the floor. Two good..!

Pranav Pandey Winner Of Prestigious Glam World Mr & Miss India as Mr India 2020

Pranav Pandey Winner Of Prestigious Glam World Mr & Miss India as Mr India 2020

Aug 8, 2020

Little known facts about Pranav Pandey in his own words

I have won Glam World Mr. & Miss India as Mr. India 2020

With subtitle winner Mr. Popular 2020

My age is 24

My studied is from Allahabad.

Since school , I was very much found of taking interest in school cultural programs and drama. I still remember once whenever my parents took me to a relative house, I used to do mimicry and I cherished it. My confidence pushed me, to consistently dream and grow. I used to sing in every functions and also done lots of play in college and schools. I was at the age of 8, when first time I sand in front of school in a cultural fest program. It was my first time, but I was confident. I was found of movies and attempt to copy acting standing in front of mirror. After completing my studies, I already become perfect in role play. In college days, I use to be the head of stage shows. My interest took me Delhi, and from there, I have started modelling, afterwards I went to Mumbai(city of dreams). As I grow older, I used to give the greater part of time in learning the skills and achieve my fantasy.

I was in college when I came to know about the Martial art. I participated in several competition and selected for national and took bronze medal in it. Participating in this activity was a boost to my acting career and I was stimulated for my dreams.

My family is always a constant support to my career. They always encouraged me to stay motivated and helped me lot in getting success & making my dream come true..

Another big opportunity came with a contest of Male Fashionista 2018. I don’t want to miss this opportunity, so I took part in the contest, then I got a chance to upgrade myself in modelling . I won the title of Best Male Fashionista 2018.


I additionally comprehend the significance of keeping consistency in learning. I know it’s a lifetime fronts and I would now consistently be a part of it… It has turned into my dream to be a notable successful Actor and make my parents proud of me. Iam thankful to Mr Sandy who had given me a great opportunity to be a part of several competition coming up.

Kajari Mahotsav 2020 Organized By Abhiyaan NGO

Kajari Mahotsav 2020 Organized By Abhiyaan NGO

Aug 8, 2020

मुंबई। कजरी महोत्सव के तहत वर्चुअल कजरी की शुरुआत हो चुकी है। उत्तर भारत में बेहद लोकप्रिय लोकगीत कजरी को ऑनलाइन भी लाखों की संख्या में लोग देख सुन रहे हैं। कोरोना संक्रमण के चलते इस साल कजरी महोत्सव का आयोजन ऑनलाइन किया जा रहा है। मुंबई बीजेपी के महामंत्री अमरजीत मिश्र की संस्था अभियान पिछ्ले ड़ेढ़ दशक से कजरी महोत्सव का आयोजन कर रही है।इस साल वर्चुअल कजरी महोत्सव का सोशल मीडिया पर सीधा प्रसारण हो रहा है। गायिका संध्या मिश्रा ने जब  प्रसिद्ध कजरी ‘मिर्जापुर कईले गुलजार हो, कचौड़ी गली सून कइला बलमू’ की तान छेड़ी तो

कालीन विधान सभा की ओर से 5 अगस्त को होने वाले कजरी महोत्सव 2020,के आयोजक संभु सिंह समेत तमाम कार्यकर्ता और व पदाधिकारी दर्शक झुमने पर मजबूर हो गये |


पं.शोभनाथ मिश्र ने लोकगीतों के अनेकों रंग बिखेरे।अभियान द्वारा फ़ेसबुक,यू टयूब व केबल नेटवर्क से सीधे प्रसारित हो रहे इस वर्चुअल कजरी महोत्सव का बड़ी संख्या में लोग आनन्द ले रहे हैं।



Aug 7, 2020

This pandemic has led everyone to connect with each other via internet.The whole world is moving towards virtual Space. Films getting direct releases, musical events now as virtual concerts.

.With this idea Amarcine conducted their beauty pageant IAWA MRS INDIA 2020 with Quarantine Queen 2020  successfully online  virtually. While most of the beauty pageants have got canceled this year owing to the coronavirus pandemic.

IAWA had put the entry process online to make it as easy as possible to reach more contestants through out the country. There was  no regional auditions, no travel. This was hugely successful where in they received a record number of entries than last year.

Despite the lockdown that the country is observing currently, they moved forward to Organise the first ever VIRTUAL PAGEANT online IAWA MRS INDIA 2020 and QUARANTINE QUEEN 2020 and  made it an entertaining event for everyone. Contestants were trained not like a typical pageant contestant, instead, they were trained to become women’s rights champions and savvy career women  with 13 days online grooming in various sectors.

IAWA (Innovative Artist Welfare Association), organization is  already working for   women empowerment and their development since last 8 years in India and abroad. It is one of the world’s first online beauty pageant for Indian women namely IAWA Mrs. India 2020 and IAWA Mrs. India Quarantine Queen 2020 during this corona lockdown time.  There were total 600 entries for the contests form each and every part of India. After passing through various challenges only 20 lucky women get selected for finale. During those 20 finalists .Finale was held online on 2nd august. It was a 13 days celebration where all these finalist were so busy in this pandamic, when the whole world was moving towards stress but IAWA  engaged them on working for 12 different task on Covid 19, domestic violence, save girl child, breast and cervix cancer, fashion, cooking etc.

This competition was live broadcasted by facebook in entire world. Each and every stage of this contest was live international.The event was judged by Mubarkka Lokhandwala a social activist and multitasking queen, Pankaj Raina a actor/singer and Harjeet Anand Governer Aid Rotary Club. All 13 videos were judged by Konika Khuraijam from Imphal, Leena Honakari from Karnataka and  Dr VV Manjula from Andhra  Pradesh.These contestant’s were trained by Dr Daljeet Kaur  continued with many guest lectures on motivational speaker, makeup expert, skin care etc. Winners were felicitated with a diamond pendant by FOCE and other Gifts were sponsored by JOVEES, LOOKSHERBAL,  Da picani, Ayurvita.

Maya kuki won QUARANTINE QUEEN 2020 with the highest votes online from Jharkhand.1st Runner in quarantine queen Babycha Achumi from Imphal and 2 nd Runner khyati from Gujrat.

Maithili Pawar from Mumbai and Jyothi from Mysore  (classic )category were winners of IAWA MRS INDIA 2020. 1st runner Maya Kuki  and Aarti Suri (classic) 2nd runner Khyati Jani from Gujrat and Jenbina Rangnamei (classic) from Guwahati. 3rd runner Babycha N Achumi from Imphal and Srila Chatterjee and Madhumita (classic) from Kolkata.


आईवा मिसेज़ इंडिया २०२० द्वारा विश्व में पहली बार इंटरनेट पर “आईवा क्वारंटाइन क्वीन २०२०” का सफल आयोजन।

इस कोरोना के खतरनाक बीमारी के समय में, जब पूरा विश्व इस संक्रमण से जूझ रहा है, हर तरफ लॉक डाउन है, इस वक्त डॉ दलजीत कौर और अमरसिने ने एक अनूठे ढंग से   इंटरनेट के माध्यम से आईवा मिसेज़ इंडिया २०२० का “आईवा क्वारंटाइन क्वीन २०२०”, का सफलतापूर्वक आयोजन किया। आईवा (IAWA) इनोवेटिव आर्टिस्ट वेलफेयर एसोसिएशन, महिला सशक्तिकरण के लिये विगत आठ वर्षों से प्रयासरत है। अब यह विश्व का पहला ऑनलाइन ब्यूटी पीजेंट बन गया है भारतीय महिलाओं के लिए। ६०० प्रतियोगियों में से २० फाइनलिस्ट हुए। फिनाले २ अगस्त को ऑनलाइन सम्पन्न हुआ अंतरराष्ट्रीय स्तर पर।

मुबारका लोखंडवाला, पंकज रैना, हरजीत आनंद जज रहे, सारे तेरह वीडियो को जज किया इम्फाल की कोनिका खुराइजम, कर्नाटक की लीना होनाकारी एव आंध्र प्रदेश की डॉ वी वी मंजुला ने, इन्हें डॉ दलजीत कौर ने ट्रेन किया।

झारखंड की माया कुकी हाईएस्ट वोट लेकर क्वारंटाइन क्वीन २०२० की विजेता रही। फर्स्ट रनर इम्फाल की बेबीचा अचूमी बनी, दूसरी रनर गुजरात की ख्याति बनी। मुम्बई की मैथली पवार एव मैसूर की ज्योति क्लासिक केटेगरी की विनर रही, फर्स्ट रनर माया कुकी और आरती सूरी बनी, द्वितीय रनर ख्याति जानी (गुजरात) और जेनबीना रंगनमें (गुवाहाटी), त्रितय रनर बेबीचा अचूमी (इम्फाल), श्रीला चटर्जी और मधुमिता (कोलकात्ता) की बनी।

Madhya Pradesh Launches Campaign For monsoon Tourism In Buffer Zones

Madhya Pradesh Launches Campaign For monsoon Tourism In Buffer Zones

Aug 6, 2020

Madhya Pradesh Flaunts Its Enthralling Wildlife In This Monsoon Season


Madhya Pradesh Tourism Board Launched #BufferMeinSafar

Campaign for all the wildlife lovers. The campaign aims to attract more tourists to the National Parks and wildlife sanctuaries of Madhya Pradesh. The National Parks holds such a fierce, unshakable fascination that they are ready to host the tourist with all the safety guideline.

During the monsoon months from July to September the core area of the forests are closed but the buffer areas of the forest remains open for exploration. The campaign title #BufferMeinSafar itself highlights that the wildlife of Madhya Pradesh will offer activities in its buffer areas including Wildlife Safaris, Bird Watching etc. Besides the thrill of spotting various species in the buffer zones, the different hues of green cover is a feast to the eyes. These activities enthrall the tourist towards the beautiful wildlife of Madhya Pradesh.

MP Tourism looks forward to boost morale and bring back the confidence in the tourism sector by offering tour packages to the tourists that are specially designed keeping in mind safe travel, stay, and excursion for prevention during pandemic. In order to facilitate smooth travel, the board has come up with short road itineraries mainly for 2 -3 nights and solvesthe boredom of a weekend from the neighbouring states with all safety measures that are required at the destination.

Madhya Pradesh has numerous wildlife destinations with 6 Tiger reserves- Bandhavgarh, Kanha, Pench, Panna, Satpura and Sanjay Dubri, 11 National parks  & 24 Wildlife sanctuaries such as Ratapani Wildlife Sanctuary and Chambal Ghadiyal Sanctuary.

Madhya Pradesh has re-gained the tag of being “The Tiger State of the Country” by having maximum Tiger count (526) in the state. The roar of Tigers has increased in the dense and beautiful forests of Madhya Pradesh.

For more information please visit:


About Madhya Pradesh Tourism:

Madhya Pradesh offers an assortment of attractions to everyone who loves to travel. It is the state with the forest area cover of approx. 77,700 sq.kms (Approx ¼ of the total land area) filled with Sal Trees & Bamboos. It has numerous wildlife hotspots with 11 National parks & 24 Wildlife sanctuaries such as Ratapani Wildlife Sanctuary and Chambal Ghadiyal Sanctuary. The UNESCO World Heritage sites at Khajuraho, Bhimbetka & Sanchi are the iconic sites in the state. Madhya Pradesh has re- gained the tag of being “The Tiger State of the Country” by having maximum Tiger count (526) in the

state. The roar of Tigers has increased in the dense and beautiful forests of Madhya Pradesh.

Madhya Pradesh is not only home to two Jyotirlingas Mahakaleshwar and Omkareshwar. Burhanpur, Bhopal, Gwalior and Mandu are some of the beautiful architectural sites, whereas lndrasagar, Gandhi sagar, Tawa and Bargi are the spellbinding water bodies. Cultural events like Khajuraho Dance Festival, Mandu Festival, Orchha Cultural Festival, Tansen Festival are some of the annual tourism promotional festivals to attract tourists from all walks of life.

Since more than four decades Madhya Pradesh Tourism is facilitating high standard travel services for travellers visiting Central India for Tourism. Madhya Pradesh is an important state of Central India with an enormous scope for tourism, covering all types of tourism like heritage tourism, wildlife tourism, cultural tourism, pilgrimage, tribal tourism, rural tourism etc. Their sincere efforts to manifest such aspect of Central India tourism to rest of the world so that tourists can come and explore Central India tourist places, trace their history, enjoy their holidays and return with beautiful memories is the USP.

Aries Group Is All Set To Deliver Sanitization Gates To Hinder The Spread Of COVID-19

Aries Group Is All Set To Deliver Sanitization Gates To Hinder The Spread Of COVID-19

Aug 6, 2020

India is in the third stage of COVID-19 spread, and the entire nation is under high alert, taking all cautious measures to curb the spread of the virus. According to the current study, the infection may remain viable for 3-28 days on dry intimate surfaces of a wide range of materials. Hence, disinfecting each individual is the most effective way to keep the spread at bay. UAE based Aries group has come up with an innovative top to the bottom 360-degree sanitizing method, which can disinfect people in 2 seconds and aid a highly effective way to stop the spread in a standard-setting.

There are sanitization gates that come in 5 types suitable for installation in different settings based on the requirement. These include the basic sanitization frame, advanced sanitization frame, sanitization tunnel, sanitization booth basic, and sanitization booth pro. The product ensures killing 99.99% bacteria, 360-degree disinfection in 2 seconds, 24/7 operational system, 99% natural, human safe, cost-effective, high-level safety, secure and low maintenance, 100% non-alcoholic, thermal detection system, UV light sterilization.

The product also offers a 1-year warranty to its buyers. This is a new transformation from the usual way of applying sanitizer only on the hands as the virus can reside on the body as well as clothes.

Budding Rapper D Abdul Hits YouTube On Fire – Reaches Millions In Short Span

Budding Rapper D Abdul Hits YouTube On Fire – Reaches Millions In Short Span

Aug 6, 2020

Right from the streets of Dharavi, Abdul Rahemaan Shaikh aka D Abdul, a 17 year old rapper has come a long way marking his presence on the digital world. D Abdul’s YouTube channel has crossed 200k subscribers in such a short span and on an average benches more than 1 million views on his videos.

Having the zest for rhyming, shayaris and poems since childhood, D Abdul took his hobby seriously for inheriting a career at such an early age. The young rapper’s simple and attachable style of rapping makes him people’s favourite.

He says, “Rapping started as a passion, turned hobby, and now a career prospect. It gives me a surreal feeling when people show so much love and adulation to my work. It motivates me to make more good videos and put more efforts at minimum cost. It’s thrill!”

He has also make a video titled Hogi Jeet to motivate people in this dire need of an hour of Covid-19 pandemic that too garnered tremendous love from the audience.

We wish him much luck and success ahead.

Take a look at his channel here:

Jai Mahaveer Film International Presents Prakash Dubey Kanpur Wala by Akash Gaharwar

Jai Mahaveer Film International Presents Prakash Dubey Kanpur Wala by Akash Gaharwar

Aug 3, 2020

First Web Series on well known shoot out of Vikas Dube, “Prakash Dubey Kanpur wala” is almost ready. Directed by Akash Gaharwar, who himself is a good actor and dancer, he is maternal brother of film star Govinda, and son of Producer Director Ex R P Singh.

Film has been produced under the banner of ‘Jai Mahaveer Film International’, produced by Prashant Singh Gaharwar, Cinematography by Vipul Pandit & post production by Clickfireframe Studio’s. Film star’s Pramod Vikram Singh as PRAKASH DUBEY, and many new talented actors, along with Akash Gaharwar in a pecular role. Film will be coming soon.

जय महावीर फ़िल्म इंटरनेशनल प्रस्तुती “प्रकाश दुबे कानपुर वाला” फ़िल्म स्टार गोविंदा के भाई आकाश गहरवार द्वारा।

विकास दुबे शूट आउट पर आधारित प्रथम वेब सीरीज “प्रकाश दुबे कानपुर वाला” जल्द ही रिलीज़ हो रही है। इसका निर्देशन आकाश गहरवार ने किया है, जो स्वयं एक अच्छे कलाकार व कुशल डांसर हैं। आकाश फ़िल्म स्टार गोविंदा के ममेरे भाई हैं और दिवंगत निर्माता निर्देशक आर पी सिंह के पुत्र हैं।


फ़िल्म का निर्माण जय महावीर फ़िल्म इंटरनेशनल के बैनर तले हो रहा है, निर्माता प्रशांत सिंह गहरवार हैं, कैमरा विपुल पंडित का है एवं पोस्ट प्रोडक्शन क्लिकफ्रेम स्टूडियोज का है। मुख्य शीर्षक भूमिका में प्रमोद विक्रम सिंह हैं, साथ ही कई नए उभरते कलाकार है, स्वयं आकाश भी एक विशेष भूमिका में नज़र आएंगे। फ़िल्म जल्द ही रिलीज़ होगी।

Thank you so much for the appreciation bro ❤️ Govinda ,Love u a lot🥰😍#akashgaharwarSong Link

Posted by Akash Gaharwar on Thursday, July 30, 2020



Maa Entertainment Releases Teaser Of Bhojpuri Film – Ab Ek Vivah Aisa Bhi

Maa Entertainment Releases Teaser Of Bhojpuri Film – Ab Ek Vivah Aisa Bhi

Aug 3, 2020

मां एंटरटेनमेंट द्वारा भोजपुरी फिल्म “अब एक विवाह ऐसा भी” का टीजर रिलीज़

म्यूज़िक वर्ल्ड में मां एंटरटेनमेंट ने मचाई धूम

मां एंटरटेनमेंट की अपकमिंग भोजपुरी फिल्म एक विवाह ऐसा भी का टीजर कल रक्षा बन्धन के मौके पर रिलीज किया जाएगा। आपको बता दें कि मां एंटरटेनमेंट फिल्म इंडस्ट्री में एक उभरती हुई कम्पनी है जो म्यूज़िक राइट्स लेती है और कई फिल्मों में प्रेजेंटर के रूप में भी जुड़ी हुई है। इस कम्पनी से जुड़कर लोग बहुत खुश हैं और हर कोई इससे जुड़ने की ख्वाहिश रखता है।

निर्देशक प्रवीण कुमार गुडूरी की फिल्‍म एक विवाह ऐसा भी के निर्माता अशोक शुक्ला और गीता तिवारी हैं।  यह फ़िल्म शादी विवाह के माहौल की है, जो एक एंटरटेनर होते हुए भी कई मैसेज देती है ।

मां एंटरटेनमेंट के राजेश गुप्ता का कहना है कि मै चाहता हूं कि इस फ़िल्म को दर्शक पूरे परिवार के साथ सिनेमाघरों मेे जाकर देखे और पूरा मनोरंजन लें।

विवान इंटरटेंमेंट प्रस्‍तुत और गीता तिवारी प्रोडक्‍शन कृत भोजपुरी फिल्‍म एक विवाह ऐसा भी मेे अभिनेता कुणाल तिवारी औऱ काजल यादव लीड रोल में हैं । इनके अलावा जैतोष कुमार, अपूर्व मिश्रा, उमाकांत राय, अनूप अरोड़ा, संजय वर्मा और नीलम पांडेय जैसे कलाकार भी मौजूद हैं।  आपको बता दें कि फ़िल्म का फर्स्ट लुक रिलीज़ होते ही वायरल हो गया है और अब इसके टीजर से भी दर्शकों को ढेरों उम्मीदें हैं।

फिल्‍म एक विवाह ऐसा भी के निर्माता अशोक शुक्‍ला और गीता तिवारी  का मानना है कि निर्देशक प्रवीण कुमार गुडूरी ने फिल्‍म की कहानी को बड़े प्रभावी रूप से पेश किया है। संगीतकार दामोदर राव और मुन्‍ना दुबे हैं जबकि गीतकार मुन्‍ना दुबे, कृष्णा बेदर्दी और पवन पांडेय हैं और फिल्म के लेखक ओम यादव हैं। फिल्म के कार्यकारी निर्माता महेश उपाध्‍याय और उमाकांत राय हैं। फिल्म के एक्‍शन डायरेक्टर श्रवण और कोरियोग्राफर सुदामा मिंज है। संकलन विकाश पवार ने किया है जबकि छायांकन माही सेरला ने किया है ।


मां एंटरटेनमेंट म्यूज़िक द्वारा भोजपुरी फिल्म “अब एक विवाह ऐसा भी” का टीज़र लॉन्च होने जा रहा है। और इस फिल्म के सभी गाने मां एंटरटेनमेंट म्यूज़िक के सभी प्लेटफॉर्म पर उपलब्ध होंगे। उललेखनीय है कि हाल हो में मां एंटरटेनमेंट म्यूज़िक कंपनी लॉन्च हुई है जिसके काम करने का तरीका सबको पसंद आ रहा है। जल्द रिलीज़ होने वाली भोजपुरी फिल्म “अब एक विवाह ऐसा भी” का म्यूज़िक राइट्स मां एंटरटेनमेंट म्यूज़िक कंपनी के पास ही है। इस फिल्म का टीजर मां एंटरटेनमेंट म्यूज़िक द्वारा रिलीज़ किया जा रहा है।यह म्यूज़िक कंपनी संगीत प्रेमियों मेे दिन प्रतिदिन लोकप्रिय हो रही है।

Crew Of 7TH SENSE Web-Series Land In Dubai From Mumbai

Crew Of 7TH SENSE Web-Series Land In Dubai From Mumbai

Aug 3, 2020

Actors super excited about shooting after 5 months lockdown, filming to begin in UAE from August 20th

  • Bollywood producer Gaurang Doshi brings two web series to UAE, first ever to be shot entirely in the country
  • Bollywood A-listers R Madhavan, Ronit Roy, Chunky Pandey, Ameesha Patel, Prateik Babbar and Tanuj Virwani amongst the star-studded cast
  • Hospitality Partner, Palazzo Versace Dubai to host the stars and crew of the web series for the entire duration of their stay in Dubai .

3rd August, 2020; Dubai, UAE: The first set of crew members comprising the technical team, directors, cinematographers, production designer , music director and assistants of Gaurang Doshi Productions’ multi-starrer web series ‘7th Sense’ arrived in Dubai last evening. The popular Bollywood producer, Gaurang Doshi is all set to shoot two star-studded web series in the UAE, the first of which is ‘7th Sense’ that will start filming from 20th August as the actors and other crew members are all scheduled to arrive in UAE by mid-August.

With the finest actors of the industry such as R Madhavan, Ronit Roy, Chunky Pandey, Ameesha Patel, Prateik Babbar and Tanuj Virwani amongst other powerful artists, the big ensemble murder mystery promises to be captivating with a riveting plot and gripping screenplay, keeping viewers on the edge while bringing out your inner detective.

The next web series ‘Line of Fire’ comprises of two seasons and once again boasts of superstars such as Prakash Raj, Jimmy Shergill, Mohammed Zeeshan Ayyub, Tanuj Virwani, Vijay Raaz, Tannishtha Chatterjee, Kabir Singh, Sana Saeed, Manu Rishi and Tanvi Azmi.

“I am very thrilled and excited as the action has began and particularly thankful to the UAE Government for making the process so seamless. UAE has done a marvellous job in controlling the spread of the virus and has become an inspiration for the world. Our team would also be taking all the precautionary measures as directed by the authorities to ensure utmost security and safety of the crew”, commented producer GaurangDoshi.

“This would indeed be the first web series from Bollywood to be entirely shot in UAE and ours is the first crew in the world to begin shooting at this scale. Bringing together such a stellar star cast after 5 months of lockdown is nothing short of creating history and we are proud of achieving this big milestone. Everyone in the team is super excited to start shooting again and very happy to be back at work”, added Gaurang Doshi.

Moreover, Dubai’s leading 5-star fashion hotel, Palazzo Versace, Jaddaf Waterfront has come onboard as Hospitality Partner and would be playing host to the Bollywood stars and crew of the series for the entire duration of their stay while some parts of the series may also be shot at this luxurious property.

Welcoming the collaboration with Gaurang Doshi Productions, Monther Darwish, Managing Director, Palazzo Versace, Jaddaf Waterfront, Dubai said, “It would be a great pleasure for us to host the Bollywood stars and team of the web series at our luxury property and we are truly looking forward to be their host for the next 8-months”.

The entire cast and crew for both the web series consist of over 100 members while the illustrious crew of 7th Sense also features prominent actors like Elli AvrRam, Aashim Gulati, Sana Saeed, Ahsaas Channa, Dibyendu Bhattacharya, Sajjad DelaFrooz and Manuj Sharma alongside the big stars.

“Audiences would have never seen something of this magnitude in a web series till date, with such a mega star cast, super spectacular UAE locales, glamorous sets, a fascinating plot and everything presented magnificently, the murder mysteries will not only intrigue and excite but will create history”, added Doshi.

‘7th Sense’ is being directed by Karan Darra, the story and screenplay is by Gibran Noorani whereas Nagaraj Rathinam  is the Director of Photography, Sandeep Shelar is the Production Designer  and Charan Pathania will give the music and the background scores .The prep work for second web series, ‘Line of Fire’, the espionage fast-paced action thriller, will also begin simultaneously with that of ‘7th Sense’.

The big budget web series are produced under the patronage of His Excellency Suhail Mohd. Al Zarooni,an Emirati businessman,Guinness World Record holder and Ambassador at Large, Dubai.


Furthermore, Madhu Bhandari is the co-producer; Amey D. Nargolkar and Munir Awan are the associate producers, whereas Parag Parekh and Ronak are the financial advisors for both the web series.

———–Anuroopa Mukherjee

Pulse 360 PR & Marketing Communications
