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Kitab Launches Shashi Tharoor’s Book “The Battle of Belonging” Literary Bigwigs – politicians Attend Online Event Hosted By Prabha Khaitan Foundation

Kitab Launches Shashi Tharoor’s Book  “The Battle of Belonging”  Literary Bigwigs – politicians Attend Online Event Hosted By Prabha Khaitan Foundation

Nov 24, 2020

प्रभा खेतान फाउंडेशन द्वारा शशि थरूर की नयी पुस्तक “द बैटल ऑफ बिलॉन्गिंग” को किया गया लॉन्च

23 नवंबर 2020, कोलकाता: शशि थरूर की नयी पुस्तक “द बैटल ऑफ बिलॉन्गिंग” को ‘‘प्रभा खेतान फाउंडेशन’’ की तरफ से ऑनलाइन सत्र ‘किताब’ के समारोह में लॉन्च किया। इस अवसर पर मुख्य अतिथि श्री हामिद अंसारी (देश के पूर्व उपराष्ट्रपति), फारूक अब्दुल्ला (अध्यक्ष, जेएंडके नेशनल कॉन्फ्रेंस), डेविड डेविडर (उपन्यासकार और प्रकाशक), पवन के वर्मा (पूर्व राज्यसभा सांसद और राजनयिक), मकरंद परांजपे (निर्देशक), लेखक शशि थरूर ने इस समारोह में “द बैटल ऑफ बिलॉन्गिंग” लिखने के लिए अपनी प्रेरणा को विस्तृत रूप से समारोह में शामिल सम्मानीय अतिथियों के समक्ष साझा किया। इसके साथ ही उन्होंने इस गहन शोध कार्य को पढ़ने के लिए किताब से जुड़ी कई अहम जानकारी दी।

एलेफ बुक कंपनी के संयुक्त तत्वाधान में प्रभा खेतान फाउंडेशन द्वारा आयोजित इस ऑनलाइन कार्यक्रम में एहसास की तरफ से महिला सुश्री अप्रा कुच्छल ने इसे लांन्च किया और पत्रकार करण थापर द्वारा पूरे कार्यक्रम को संचालित किया गया। इस वेब इवेंट में भारत के वर्तमान सामाजिक, राजनीतिक और सांस्कृतिक मुद्दों पर प्रकाश डालती शशि थरूर की 22 वीं पुस्तक के बारे में चर्चा और आलोचनात्मक मूल्यांकन के लिए देश -विदेश से बड़ी संख्या में अतिथि शामिल हुए।

सभी मेहमानों ने शशि थरूर की नवीनतम पुस्तक और भारत से संबंधित कई मुद्दों पर गंभीर बहस को गति देने को लेकर इस पुस्तक की काफी सराहना की, क्यों कि इस पुस्तक के जरिये वे कुछ मूल अवधारणाओं जैसे राष्ट्रवाद, देशभक्ति, नागरिक राष्ट्रवाद, भारत के विचार और अन्य लोगों के बारे में विस्तार से बताने से वे नहीं कतराए।

श्री हामिद अंसारी ने जीवंत चर्चाओं पर प्रकाश डालते हुए कहा: इसमें एकग्र भारत के विचार के लिए एक भावुक दलील को शामिल किया गया है, इसमें पहले की उन विचारधाराओं जो अब लुप्तप्राय है इसके जरिये कल्पनाशील मानदंडों पर प्रकाश डालने की कोशिश की गयी हैं। शशि थरूर ने इस पुस्तक में स्वतंत्रता संग्राम और भारतीय गणतंत्र के बाद के सात दशकों में समझे गए भारतीयता के आवश्यक तत्वों पर पाठकों का ध्यान आकर्षित कराने की कोशिश की है। मुझे इसमें देशभक्ति पर निबंध विशेष रूप से ज्ञानवर्धक लगे। पुस्तक का विश्लेषण व्यापक है।

किताब के प्रकाशक एलेफ बुक कंपनी के डेविड डेविडर ने कहा: मुझे उम्मीद है कि हर भारतीय इस किताब को अवश्य पढ़ेगा। इसमें एक उल्लेखनीय रूप से सीखा भी दी गयी है, यहां तक ​​कि इसमें मूलभूत विचारों और अवधारणाओं के साथ राष्ट्रीय मूल्यों के अध्ययन को शामिल किया गया है। यह पुस्तक दुर्लभतम-दुर्लभ ‘अपरिहार्य’ श्रेणी में आती है – ऐसी पुस्तकें जिनके बिना आप काम नहीं कर सकते। मुझे उम्मीद है कि लोग इस पुस्तक को पढ़ने के बाद अब से “पचास साल की लड़ाई” पर चर्चा अवश्य करेंगे।

शशि थरूर ने इस पुस्तक को कलमबद्ध करने से जुड़े कारणों के बारे में बताते हुए कहा:  इस पुस्तक में राष्ट्रवाद और देशभक्ति के मुद्दों पर जीवनभर के विचारों, पठन और तर्कों की पराकाष्ठा को शामिल किया गया है जो केवल सैद्धांतिक या अकादमिक नहीं हैं, बल्कि गहन रूप से व्यक्तिगत भी हैं। पुस्तक को भारतीय राष्ट्रवाद के मूल तत्व के लिए एक बुनियादी चुनौती के उदय से प्रेरित किया गया था। यह पुस्तक आज के भारत में विशिष्टता के खिलाफ दुनिया में राष्ट्रीयता की समझ की ओर एक पर्यवेक्षक का नोट प्रस्तुत करती है। भारत के अपने उपनिवेशवाद-विरोधी राष्ट्रवाद ने एक लोकतांत्रिक संविधान में खुद को `नागरिक राष्ट्रवाद ‘ में बदल दिया और फिर इसे अब धार्मिक-सांस्कृतिक राष्ट्रवाद में बदलने के लिए संघर्ष किया जा रहा है। इस पुस्तक में प्रमुख विषय भारत से संबंधित होने और भारत का आपके साथ होने की लड़ाई को बनाया गया है।


लेखक अपनी लेखनी के जरिये यह बताने की कोशिश किये हैं कि आज भारत में जिस राष्ट्रवाद को बढ़ावा दिया जा रहा है, वह एक ऐसी समग्र दृष्टि है। नागरिक राष्ट्रवाद एक स्वतंत्र और लोकतांत्रिक समाज में भाग लेने के लिए नागरिकों की सहमति से उत्पन्न होता है और लोगों के व्यक्तिगत अधिकारों को सुरक्षित रखता है और इसलिए इसे सभी के ऊपर प्रचारित और इसे संरक्षित किया जाना चाहिए।

थरूर अपनी किताब में कहते हैं कि देशभक्ति और राष्ट्रवाद अलग हैं। एक देशभक्त अपने देश के लिए मरने को तैयार है जबकि एक राष्ट्रवादी अपने देश के लिए मारने को तैयार है। किताब वेब कार्यक्रम में शामिल कुछ लाइव पैनलिस्ट इस अंतर से सहमत नहीं थे, वे इसे “बौद्धिक उत्थान” कहते रहे हैं।

करण थापर के एक सवाल के जवाब में, फारूक अब्दुल्ला ने कहा: आज हम धर्म, जाति, पंथ और भाषा पर विभाजित हो रहे हैं। क्या हम एक मजबूत भारत बना रहे हैं या इसके बहुत सार को मार रहे हैं! शशि ने इस किताब को लिखने में बहुत अच्छा काम किया है। मैं आपको एक बात बताना चाहता हूं, अत्याचारी आ सकते हैं और जा सकते हैं लेकिन राष्ट्र जीवित रहते हैं। हमें ऐसी ताकतों से लड़ना होगा जो हमें धर्म, जाति पंथ और भाषा के आधार पर विभाजित करने का प्रयास करते हैं।

कवि और उपन्यासकार परांजपे मारकंड ने कई विषयों पर लेखक से असहमति जताते हुए कहा: आज बहुत ही गर्मजोशी से नये भारत के लिए लड़ा जा रहा है। वहीं काफी पहले से चली आ रही नेहरूवादी आम सहमति जिसके साथ हम में से कई बड़े हुए हैं, अब शायद धूल से भर गए हैं, यह शशि की अन्य किताबों में अलग है और इस पर गंभीर बहस होनी चाहिए, लेकिन मुझे नहीं लगता कि भारत एक ऐसा देश है जो `नागरिक राष्ट्रवाद ‘का पालन करता है। मुझे लगता है कि यह हमारा सभ्यतावादी राष्ट्रवाद ’है और यह हमेशा बहुवचन है। शशि ने भारतीय संविधान को लगभग एक पवित्र ग्रंथ की तरह माना है, जिसे परिवर्तित नहीं किया जा सकता, लेकिन इसे 103 बार बदला गया है। 42 वां संशोधन, आपातकाल के दौरान धकेल दिया गया, भारत का संप्रभु लोकतांत्रिक गणराज्य अचानक एक समाजवादी और धर्मनिरपेक्ष बन गया। जो आम संपत्ति में विश्वास करता है। हम समाजवादी नहीं हैं। हम अभी एक झूठ, एक पाखंड को जी रहे हैं। आइए हम खुद को किन्नर न बनाएं क्योंकि हमारी सारी राजनीति जातिगत गणना, भाषाई गणना, धर्म और जाति पर आधारित है।

पवन के वर्मा ने इसे एक महत्वपूर्ण पुस्तक पर कहा: शशि ने अपनी मस्तिष्क ऊर्जा को को इस किताब में निवेश किया और इसके जरिये एक दृष्टिकोण पेश किया, जो बहुत प्रासंगिक है। हमारा मानना है कि सभी धार्मिक चरम बुरे हैं, जिनमें इस्लामिक कट्टरवाद भी शामिल है, मैं वास्तव में यह नहीं समझ सकता कि एक देश के लिए एक ‘नागरिक राष्ट्रवाद’ क्या है जो समय की सुबह तक वापस चला जाता है और जिसकी सभ्यता की विरासत कुछ ऐसी है जिसे हमें अनदेखा करना और भारत के किसी भी विचार के लिए योगदान करना बहुत मुश्किल है जिसे हमने हाल ही में बनाया है। हमे किसी भी गैर-सांस्कृतिक बदलाव के खिलाफ विरोध के लिए हमेशा प्रस्तुत रहना चाहिए । श्री पवन के वर्मा ने भारत में धर्मनिरपेक्षता की विकृतियों और बैकलैश पर प्रकाश डाला। हेसैड ने कहा, आज कई भारतीय हैं जो भारत के विचार का निर्माण करने और उन्हें फिर से जांचने की बात सोच रहे हैं – महात्मा गांधी ने खिलाफत आंदोलन का समर्थन क्यों किया? नेहरू ने डॉ. राजेंद्र प्रसाद को पुनर्निर्मित सोमनाथ मंदिर के उद्घाटन में भाग लेने के लिए क्यों नहीं लिखा? केवल हिंदुओं के व्यक्तिगत कानूनों को क्यों बदला गया? अध्यादेश द्वारा शाह बानो केस का फैसला क्यों सुनाया गया। ये ऐसे प्रश्न हैं जिनसे हम परिचित हैं। हम आज के समय में वैमनस्य पैदा करने के लिए अतीत को खंगाल नहीं कर रहे हैं। लंबे समय तक ये सवाल कभी नहीं उठाये गये और इसलिए भारत का विचार निर्विरोध रहा। उन्हें अभी उठाया जा रहा है और हमें उनका जवाब देने की जरूरत है। हमारा मानना है कि हमे यह भी सोचना चाहिये कि महात्मा गांधी के इरादे हमेशा अच्छे थे लेकिन हमें यह देखने की जरूरत है कि इसके परिणाम क्या थे।

‘किताब’ कोलकाता के प्रभा खेतान फाउंडेशन का एक ऑनलाइन सत्र कार्यक्रम है, जिसे कोलकाता के सुप्रसिद्ध समाजसेवी संदीप भूतोरिया द्वारा परिकल्पित किया गया है, जो लेखकों, कवियों, बुद्धिजीवियों और विचारकों को अपनी पुस्तकों को लॉन्च करने और विभिन्न विषयों पर अपने विचारों को साझा करने और इसपर बौद्धिक सुझाव को प्रोत्साहित करने के लिए एक चर्चा मंच प्रदान करता है।

International Men’s Day Celebrated With Glitz – Glamour & Glory

International  Men’s Day Celebrated  With Glitz – Glamour & Glory

Nov 23, 2020

Unified Brainz Celebrated the Success of Men leading by example with Glitz, Glamour & Glory on the occasion of International Men’s Day 2020.

Today on this auspicious day of International Men’s Day which is an opportunity for people everywhere of goodwill to appreciate and celebrate the men in their lives and the contribution made in the society for the greater good of all.

Men often surrender at work and with his family roles for their communities and society. We need to do away with the notion that men don’t cry and rather should encourage them to express their emotions freely being vocal. We need to build a space where men can talk about what they are suffering from, without being judged for being sensitive.

On this Great occasion, the world witnessed the most awaited event “Men Leaders to look Upto in 2020”. A glorious ceremony saw the presence of some most sought after lineup of men leaders who were featured from different walks of life sharing passion journey, which made them men of substance based on nomination and selection through a rigorous evaluation process. The event witnessed the online presence of friends from Bollywood & television industry, international supermodels, diplomats, socialites, business owners, entrepreneurs, media icons & industry leaders along with global subscriber base of Passion Vista. The event had seen wonderful engagement from over 26 countries across the globe as a platform where men leaders joined hands to network and share their opinions about the importance of better health for men and boys.

The Unveiling of this Special Collector’s Edition Magazine “Men leaders to Look Up to in 2020” was organized during an online event through Facebook & YouTube live addressing to the global audience. The magazine was unveiled by Dr GD Singh, Founder & President of Unified Brainz Group & Editor in Chief for Passion Vista Magazine along with the presence of Guest Editor Mr Mahendrasinh Jadeja from London who is an International Business Entrepreneur & Philanthropist.

The Editorial Board of Passion Vista & Unified Brainz Group in association with our Evaluation Partner – CIAC Global & International Chamber partner Asian African Chamber of Commerce & Industry, announced the inclusion of these 25 magnificent men, Aakash Goswami, Adel Singh, Bhavin Patel, Dr Achyut Dani, Dr Anil Kumar Misra, Dr Mustafa Saasa, Dr Sandeep Sekhri, Dr D Panduranga Rao, Dr Patrick Businge, Dr. Ricardo Saavedra Hidalgo, Freddy Daruwala, Gaurav Bargujar, H.E. Fabrice Houmard, Hemen Joshi, Jagdish Shekhar Naik, James Pulham, Lion Dr Kiron, Lord Rami Ranger CBE, Mangesh Amale, Mohammad Ismail Ghazanfar, Peter Cox, Pratik Gandhi, Rachit Agrawal, Rannvijay Singh, Rohan Mehta from various domains in this Special Collector’s Edition.

The editorial board along with our evaluation partner had observed and marked the profiles of men leaders as a brand of high repute and congratulated all men leaders for this achievement to be recommended for this special featured advertorial brand story coverage with the cover page.

This event was conceptualized and produced by Unified Brainz Group, a leading media & publishing house powered by Passion Vista –a Luxury, Lifestyle & Business Magazine in association with International Chamber partner Asian-African Chamber of Commerce & Industry (AACCI). Jointly with CIAC Global as Evaluation Partner, Future Billionaire Network International (FBNI) as supported by partner & World Peace & Diplomacy Organisation (WPDO) as Philanthropic partner along with Gift Hamper Partner – Whiskers (Luxury Men’s Grooming Brand) & Digital media partner Ten News (India), Online Media partner Awesome TV (USA), and PR Partner FAME Media and TVM Communication.

International Men’s Day Celebrated With Glitz – Glamour And Glory

Unified Brainz Celebrated the Success of Men leading by example with Glitz, Glamour & Glory on the occasion of International Men’s Day 2020.

Today on this auspicious day of International Men’s Day which is an opportunity for people everywhere of goodwill to appreciate and celebrate the men in their lives and the contribution made in the society for the greater good of all.

Men often surrender at work and with his family roles for their communities and society. We need to do away with the notion that men don’t cry and rather should encourage them to express their emotions freely being vocal. We need to build a space where men can talk about what they are suffering from, without being judged for being sensitive.

On this Great occasion, the world witnessed the most awaited event “Men Leaders to look Upto in 2020”. A glorious ceremony saw the presence of some most sought after lineup of men leaders who were featured from different walks of life sharing passion journey, which made them men of substance based on nomination and selection through a rigorous evaluation process. The event witnessed the online presence of friends from Bollywood & television industry, international supermodels, diplomats, socialites, business owners, entrepreneurs, media icons & industry leaders along with global subscriber base of Passion Vista. The event had seen wonderful engagement from over 26 countries across the globe as a platform where men leaders joined hands to network and share their opinions about the importance of better health for men and boys.

The Unveiling of this Special Collector’s Edition Magazine “Men leaders to Look Up to in 2020” was organized during an online event through Facebook & YouTube live addressing to the global audience. The magazine was unveiled by Dr GD Singh, Founder & President of Unified Brainz Group & Editor in Chief for Passion Vista Magazine along with the presence of Guest Editor Mr Mahendrasinh Jadeja from London who is an International Business Entrepreneur & Philanthropist.

The Editorial Board of Passion Vista & Unified Brainz Group in association with our Evaluation Partner – CIAC Global & International Chamber partner Asian African Chamber of Commerce & Industry, announced the inclusion of these 25 magnificent men, Aakash Goswami, Adel Singh, Bhavin Patel, Dr Achyut Dani, Dr Anil Kumar Misra, Dr Mustafa Saasa, Dr Sandeep Sekhri, Dr D Panduranga Rao, Dr Patrick  Businge, Dr. Ricardo Saavedra Hidalgo, Freddy Daruwala, Gaurav Bargujar, H.E. Fabrice Houmard, Hemen Joshi, Jagdish Shekhar Naik, James Pulham, Lion Dr Kiron, Lord Rami Ranger CBE, Mangesh Amale, Mohammad Ismail Ghazanfar, Peter Cox, Pratik Gandhi, Rachit Agrawal, Rannvijay Singh, Rohan Mehta from various domains in this Special Collector’s Edition.

The editorial board along with our evaluation partner had observed and marked the profiles of men leaders as a brand of high repute and congratulated all men leaders for this achievement to be recommended for this special featured advertorial brand story coverage with the cover page.

This event was conceptualized and produced by Unified Brainz Group, a leading media & publishing house powered by Passion Vista –a Luxury, Lifestyle & Business Magazine in association with International Chamber partner Asian-African Chamber of Commerce & Industry (AACCI). Jointly with CIAC Global as Evaluation Partner, Future Billionaire Network International (FBNI) as supported by partner & World Peace & Diplomacy Organisation (WPDO) as Philanthropic partner along with Gift Hamper Partner – Whiskers (Luxury Men’s Grooming Brand) & Digital media partner Ten News (India), Online Media partner Awesome TV (USA), and PR Partner FAME Media and TVM Communication.

SUMIT CHAWLA Rhythm Box Produces Hindi Film BANARAS KI BRIDE

SUMIT CHAWLA  Rhythm Box Produces Hindi Film BANARAS KI BRIDE

Nov 22, 2020

Director Sumit Chawla has been a part of the Bollywood industry for a few years now, he learned and worked on quite a few wonderful projects .He started his journey as a Director of popular movies Dil maane na , Khallas, Sehra Bandke Aunga and as a Producer for 26th July at baristha, along with that he has assisted quite a few directors in Popular Ads and Commercials.

Talking about Sumit and his new project BANARAS KI BRIDE directed by Sumit Chawla himself with the Supported of the legendry Mohammed Nagaman lateef and South Indian famous aftab khan. The movie ‘Banaras Ki Bride’s story is based on the girl of banaras and how she clashes with the guy of the richest tycoon family and then the story begins. Casting for the film has been started in all the cities across India like Mumbai, Delhi,  uttar pradesh, uttarakhand,  goa, Kolkata, Karnataka, Chennai, Hyderabad and Punjab. The director and the casting team is very keen to bring out new talents and give them a platform to showcase their talent through his ventures. Rhythm Box presents ‘Banaras Ki Bride’ directed & Produced by Sumit Chawla. As per latest updates more than 30 famous TV celebs have already auditioned for this movie, as they are looking forward to finalise 5 actors and 5 actresses for the big project.

Legendry Mohammed Nagaman lateef quoted  “I don’t take up projects easily and support as I know there is a lot happening but content matters more then a star either it would be A lister best actress    Tapsee Pannu or it can be Jennifer widget the queen of television if content is not strong even the biggest star cast wouldn’t work we are casting real talented stars instead of just big names ,

Film naam pe nahi story pe bikhti hai and wo story Hamare pass hai it might be A listed Aditya Roy Kapoor ho ya cannes first male  Aditya khurana ho talent will work worldwide only with the script and story then time will prove its story and success.”

Aftab khan also says “The story is one of the highlights with high voltage drama and promotional values so we are not worried on who is lead taking over as we are so strong in our story and we will prove the relation values of the movie.”

Rythm Box has always taken unique and interesting projects in the past and this project is a unique film in itself too. The film also resonates with the energy of the thrilling story and out-of-the-box thinking and not taking the easy path.

Singer Chandni Vegad Enters Bollywood

Singer Chandni Vegad Enters Bollywood

Nov 22, 2020

Gujarat’s former Senior Civil Judge’s daughter Chandni Vegad makes debut as a singer in Bollywood

India has a host of talented artists and the youth present their skills in different areas. Chandni Vegad, who hails from Jamnagar in Gujarat, is one such talented artist, who is set to enter Bollywood with big bang. After her voice was heard in a recent show, she was signed for the feature film “Living Relation” being produced under the banner of the “High Speed Cine International”. Ashish Gajera and Sonal are the producers and Arman Zahidi is the director of this film.

Chandni, a resident of Jamnagar, is the daughter of K P Vegad, who was the Senior Civil Judge. Studying in 10 th standard in “Shri Satya Sai Vidyalaya in Jamnagar, Chandni participated in Gujarat’s “Rajya Kala Kumbh-2018”, Cryst College, Rajkot’s “Spandan-2019” and other contests and came off with flying colours. In most of the competitions, she emerged first and was second runner up in a few other contests. Besides this, she also participated in the contests in Gujarat and Mumbai.

The singing has been her biggest aim ever since she began learning the singing at the age of 7 years, She has an enormous interest in classical music as well.

On being selected for playback in a film, Chandni said” Dilipbhai who is my father’s friend, heard me in one of the singing competitions and gave me the break. The recording will be held in Mumbai soon. Besides this, the talks are going on with one or two production houses for singing assignments. I will reveal details about them after the talks are finalised”.

About whether she will continue studies and pursue singing or concentrate only on singing career, she said that she will continue both since the education and singing, both are essential in life. The singing is my passion, but simultaneously the study is also essential.

About her singing idols Chandni said “I like the songs of Lata Mangeshkar and Asha Bhosale, the most. Besides I like the singing of the singer Armaan Malik and Arijit Singh. These veteran artists possess distinct qualities. That way I listen to the songs of almost all singers and songstresses.

In these circumstances, the people are curious about the progress of Chandni in Bollywood.


——Sanjay Sharma Raj (P.R.O.)

Small Beginning With A Big Vision A giant Leap By Research Media Group

Small Beginning With A Big Vision A giant Leap By Research Media Group

Nov 22, 2020

Research Media Group (RMG) is one of the biggest business conglomerates having a very clear perception that starting a business and consolidating it’s base both in favourable and unfavourable economic scenario is not a simple task, which comprises aspects like to please a large number of people including clients, colleagues, employees, investors, associates and many more.

The hall mark of good CMD is not only the qualification or experience, but it is his modus operandi to deal with people. Chaitanya Janga, the promoter and founder of RMG is one such inspiring entrepreneur, who founded the RMG, a flagship company in 1992. In the last few years, the group has crossed many mile stones and has retained its lead position in media operations. RMG, has diversified into many areas of operation and it the biggest conglomerate with broadest reach in different business lines. Janga, an MBA post graduate, is also the President of Film and Television Promotion Council of Andhra Pradesh and Joint Secretary of Andhra Pradesh Film Chamber of Commerce. FOUR, The Lifestyle Magazine, Magic Mantra, Red Branding and Great An effective branding strategy gives a major edge in increasingly competitive markets.”

Chaitanya Janga said, “In the journey of all these years, RMG has achieved and progressed with pride and pleasure. People and relations, we value them like nothing else. It is just satisfaction of our delighted customers that keep us top among the crowd and made us diversify into different areas with an integrated and trustworthy approach. The group has diversified into certain segments such as Research Media, Celebrity Hub, Magic Mantra, New Wave Advertising, Red Branding,  Research Media Entertainments, World Fashion Mania, Pink PR Lines, Updates, Real Updates, Smart Signages , Harika Printing and Technologies, RMG Destination Tours, Silk OTT, Future 3, A world class showreel, Great India

Janga said that “We created a way and a platform for more than 70, 000 celebrities and models. Today Research Media is a conglomerate. We have a complex media allied associates with a vision to be the most valued international brand promotion company. New avenues, new opportunities and expanding our global presence and move with a goal to get global recognition from the world over.

The three pillars of the RMG are: “Magic Mantra”, “Red Branding”, “Four & Future-3”. These three companies are shining bright in the media and glamour arena. About,“Magic Mantra” Chaitanya Janga shared his views and aspirations: “It’s a journey of three decades during which RMG diversified into many areas and emerged as a conglomerate. The “Magic Mantra” the event management company, was set up in 2009. Its beginning was small but it’s vision was big. The burning desire was to grow and to stay at top in the market in terms of reputation and revenue. By now “Magic Mantra” has achieved Rs. 572 crore turn over and aims to cross Rs.1000 crore, soon. 10 years is a short spell of time, but it is a long span in business world. These words are best suited to “Magic Mantra”, which has organised hundreds of corporate events besides providing services in the field of Media, Advertising, PR relations and research. A small step initiated a decade ago has proved to be a giant leap for the event management industry both in India and abroad. The biggest automobile companies like Toyota Yaris, Glanza were launched with “Magic Mantra” s support. Encouraged by the success, “Magic Manta” sharpened its skills to emerge as a pioneer and has now devised plans to organize events in a big way in 48 countries including Dubai and UAE in which Hollywood and Tollywood celebrities in large number will participate. The “Magic Mantra” is also going to organise an international event to propagate ‘universal brotherhood”, Janga said.

“Future 3″ a new initiative to impart training to those wanting to make career in the field of modelling, was launched at Lokhandwala Complex in Andheri West in North West Mumbai, by RMG CMD Chaiatnya  Janga. Janga said that “Four & Future 3” seeks to help aspirants to fulfil the ambitions of the aspirants to achieve glory and riches. Under the initiative, the candidates will be directed how they can be placed in keeping with their physical appearance and their age. The “Four & Future 3″ will groom the aspirants as amazing models by teaching them how to maintain their gait, how to focus on the theme of the shoot through their eyes and body language etc. With this we plan to provide direct and indirect employment opportunities to the youth to become models, brand ambassadors and as artists in Web series”.

RMG group is also in the process of floating another venture “Red Branding”. It was inaugurated on a grand note in Mumbai. Following all the strategies in the field of business, Janga is now set to challenge the international platform and stated that it all depends on the quality they are providing. Janga, said that “Our journey from advertising to brand building and then to Red Branding is amazing and inspiring to others. We gained experience through our failures and used it to achieve our goal with undaunted courage and unflinching self-confidence.

RMG’s “Miss Celebrity (International) 2022″ will soon be organised in a big way in Mumbai or New Delhi. International celebrities from 40 countries across the globe world would come on one platform. RMG Executive Director PVS Varma said,” we specialise in corporate events, conferences, destinations meets, fundraiser events, foundation stone laying ceremonies, government level programmes, TV and film award functions, Global fashion Shows, CME Events, media and PR events. RMG companies are patronized by over 18000 clients across the globe in the last three decades. Now with our new Pan India venture “Red Branding”, we are targeting 30000 plus clients from MSME and Corporate Sectors.”

Regarding this matter,Director of Operations of the company Ch Hari Leela Prasad &  CEO Lipi Das said, ‘This is a golden opportunity for young and talented people to build up their career.”.

———Sanjay Sharma Raj(P.R.O.)

Municipal Corporation Is The Best Option For Village Progress

Municipal Corporation Is The Best Option For Village Progress

Nov 22, 2020

Corporation provided over 420 crores in a decade as against a few lakhs a year by Maharashtra Government

For the 29 villages that are currently a part of the Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation (VVMC) jurisdiction, the corporation has spent over 420 crores over the previous decade. Regarding the Maharashtra Government’s decision of exclusion of these villages, the figure will drop down to a few lakhs every year since the villages will then have a status of Gram Panchayat.

A fact and statistical data check as to what the villages will lose should these villages be deleted from the corporation limit reveals that the corporation is best suited for villages’ progress and development as against the system and financial aid for Gram Panchayat which is not well-equipped to develop a village.

For a few lucky Gram Panchayats that receive Rs 15 lakh every year for village development, most of the Panchayats receive Rs 5 lakh or less per year. On the other hand, the municipal corporation spends over 40 crores for maintenance and development every year for a village.

Recently, according to the corporation observers, water pipeline replacement in these villages cost the civic body Rs 15 crore. One can only guess how much time a Panchayat would have taken to get the work done.

Every year, the municipal corporation spends crores in amenities such as infrastructure development, conservancy, women and children welfare, safety and security, electricity, transport, education, and other maintenance and development initiatives. All these would take a hit in these 29 villages as they are set to lose out on these basic and crucial amenities, fear villagers. Even the former gram panchayat members were against exclusion from the corporation limit.

Disclaimer: The facts and opinions appearing in the article  do not reflect the views of Our Website Or our Editors   does not assume any responsibility or liability for the  same. It Is By News Source From PR Agency.

On the auspicious occasion of Chhath Puja Ratnakar Kumar presents Bhojpuri film Jaisi Karni Waisi Bharni Muhurat Performed

On the auspicious occasion of Chhath Puja  Ratnakar Kumar presents Bhojpuri film Jaisi Karni Waisi Bharni  Muhurat Performed

Nov 22, 2020

छठ पूजा के शुभ अवसर पर रत्नाकर कुमार प्रेजेंट्स भोजपुरी फिल्म “जैसी करनी वैसी भरनी” का शुभ मुहूर्त ।

हिट पे हिट फिल्म देने वाले निर्देशक मंजुल ठाकुर लेकर आ रहे हैं एक बार फिर प्रवेश लाल यादव और ऋचा दीक्षित की हिट जोड़ी ।भोजपुरी सिनेमा में लगातार हिट पे हिट फिल्में देने वाले सुपर निर्देशक मंजुल ठाकुर अब एक और धमाकेदार फिल्म लेकर आ रहे हैं। आज छठ पूजा के अवसर पर रत्नाकर कुमार प्रेजेंट्स भोजपुरी फिल्म “जैसी करनी वैसी भरनी” का मुहूर्त हुआ। फिल्म के निर्माता हैं श्री आदया एंटरटेनमेंट ।

इस फिल्म के निर्देशक और स्टोरी राइटर मंजुल ठाकुर हैं, जबकि स्क्रीनप्ले व डायलॉग राईटर अरविंद तिवारी और संगीतकार आर पी हैं। फिल्म की स्टार कास्ट में प्रवेश लाल यादव, ऋचा दीक्षित, किरण यादव, रंभा, राजवीर, पुष्पेन्द्र राय, आयुषी एवं अन्य शामिल हैं। फिल्म के सिनेमेटोग्राफर सिद्धार्थ सिंह हैं ।

इसकी शूटिंग उत्तर प्रदेश के खुबशुरत लोकेशनों पर  हो रही है ।

मंजुल ठाकुर भोजपुरी इंडस्ट्री के व्यस्त निर्देशक हैं। उनकी दो फिल्में” सरफरोश “और “डोली” रिलीज़ होने वाली है जबकि हाल ही मेे उन्होंने “घूंघट में घोटाला 2” निरहुआ इंटरटेनमेंट के बैनर तले  फिल्म कंपलीट की है। फिल्म “घूंघट में घोटाला” में प्रवेश लाल यादव व ऋचा दीक्षित की हिट जोड़ी को यूट्यूब पर 100 मिलियन पहुंचने वाली है और अब मंजुल ठाकुर की इस नई फिल्म “जैसी करनी वैसी भरनी” मेे भी प्रवेश लाल यादव ऋचा दीक्षित की जोड़ी है भगवान से यही कामना करते है की ये  जोड़ी फिर हिट लिस्ट में सामिल होंगे ।

आपको बता दें कि इस फिल्म को प्रेजेंट रत्नाकर कुमार कर रहे है। जबकि प्रचार प्रसार की ज़िमेदारी पब्लिश मीडिया टीम को दि गई है ।

जैसा कि फिल्म के टाइटल से लग रहा है कि यह एक सम्पूर्ण परिवारिक और मनोरंजन से भरपूर सिनेमा होगा। मंजुल ठाकुर ने एक से बढ़कर एक ब्लॉक बस्टर फिल्में दी हैं, इस फिल्म से भी उम्मीद है कि वह दर्शको का भरपूर मनोरंजन करने में सफल होंगे।







Vinashkaal Movie Horror Suspense Releasing On 27 November Or 4th December 2020 All Over India A Film By Rakesh Sawant Jaya’s Film’s Present In Association with Shreehans Arts & Creation Pvt Ltd

Vinashkaal Movie  Horror Suspense  Releasing On 27 November Or 4th December  2020  All Over India A Film By Rakesh Sawant  Jaya’s Film’s Present  In Association with Shreehans Arts & Creation Pvt  Ltd

Nov 20, 2020

Vinashkaal movie ” Horror, Suspense,  Releasing on 27 November or 4th December  2020,  all over India, A Film by Rakesh Sawant, Jaya’s Film’s present  in Association with Shreehans arts & creation Pvt. Ltd.

LOCKDOWN, First super hit film, Watch Rakhi Sawant, Ajaz Khan, in special item song, Don’t miss it , Produce by Rakesh Sawant & Neeraj Gupta, Directed by  Rakesh Sawant, Co- Produce by Bhanwar Singh Pundir , Siddharth Singhmar & Surya Sinha.

Cast – Jai Akash, Nupoor Mehta, (Jo Bole So Nihal fame opp Sunny Deol ), Kota Shrinvas  & Jeeva south top actor ( Sarkar and Abtak Chappan fame ), Seema Singh Shravan, Rajesh Vivek top bollywood actor ( Veerana, Lagam fame), Bandit Queen fame Seema Singh, Ruby Ahmed, Preeti Rishab Jain, Pankaj Pareek,  Sabu, Mumaith Khan, Story Screenplay Dilip Mishra and Rakesh Sawant , D.O.P David Basu Art director Rabiul Sarkar , Choreographer Bobbie,  Music by Sayed Ahmed and Arshad Waris, Lyrics  Anjaan Sagri.


PR & Promotion by DSA BOLLYWOOD CHANNEL 8108925888

Music on: Jaya’s Music.