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आखिरकार पहली बार अपनी सोलो अल्बम ‘द व्हाइट एल्बम’ लेकर आ गए हैं वेटेरन संगीतकार लेस्ली लुईस ! गायक हरिहरन और खास दोस्तों के बीच हुआ एल्बम का लांच !

आखिरकार पहली बार अपनी सोलो अल्बम  ‘द व्हाइट एल्बम’ लेकर आ गए हैं वेटेरन संगीतकार लेस्ली लुईस ! गायक हरिहरन और खास दोस्तों के बीच हुआ एल्बम का लांच !

Oct 8, 2022

आखिरकार पहली बार अपनी सोलो अल्बम  ‘द व्हाइट एल्बम’ लेकर आ गए हैं वेटेरन संगीतकार लेस्ली लुईस ! गायक हरिहरन और खास दोस्तों के बीच हुआ एल्बम का लांच !

इंद्रधनुष के रंगों में जितनी विविधताएं हैं उतने ही प्रकार हैं लेस्ली लुईस के संगीत में । हर एक श्रोता के लिए एक अलग रंग का संगीत देना लेस्ली लुईस को बखूबी आता हैं।

संगीत के गुणी-गायक-कलाकार-कंपोजर लेस्ली लुईस अपने चाहनेवालों के लिए संगीत का सबसे बेहतरीन नजराना लेकर आये हैं जिसका नाम हैं ‘द वाइट एल्बम’ ..

व्हाइट एल्बम को टैप अंधेरी में लॉन्च किया गया, जहा उनके खास दोस्त और संगीत कलाकार उन्हें बधाई देने पहुँचे। जिनमें से खास थे हरिहरन जो अपने बेटे अक्षय हरिहरन के साथ आये। इसके अलावा जीतू शंकर, काव्या जोन्स, विवेक प्रकाश, संदीप सोपरकर, मेजबान अंकित तमांग, डीजे अकबर सामी, गिरीश वानखेड़े, डॉ अनुषा श्रीनिवासन अय्यर, करण ओबेरॉय, शेरिन वर्गीज और डैनी एम फर्नांडीस , पूजा देवी, लेस्ली बैंड के ड्रमर पार्थ मल्होत्रा, अभिनेता प्रीत कमानी, अभिनेत्री शांतिप्रिया रे, शुभम रे, मेघदीप बोस, श्रुति पाठक, मुकुल दाभोलकर, साशा दाभोलकर, अभिनेता हृषिकेश पांडे, सावियो डी’सा, हृषिकेश चुरी, शेल्डन  डिसिल्वा, बीटबॉक्सर दिव्यांश कचोलिया और कई अन्य हस्तियां शामिल थी।

‘द वाइट एल्बम’ का लांच लेस्ली लुईस, हरिहरन, जीतू शंकर, विवेक प्रकाश और गिरीश वानखेड़े ने किया। आपको बता दे कि व्हाइट एल्बम, पूरी तरह से लिखित, निर्मित और लेस्ली लुईस द्वारा गाया गया हैं। ये एल्बम पूरी तरह से लेस्ली लुईस की व्याख्या हैं संगीत हो,या उसके बोल हो, वीडियो का हर पहलू, लेसली लुईस की दिल की आवाज बयान करता हैं।

हरिहरन के साथ शुरुआत करने वाले हर एक कलाकार ने माइक लिया और लेस्ली लुईस के साथ अपनी यात्रा के बारे में बात की, कि कैसे उन्होंने उन्हें प्रेरित किया, इतने वर्षों तक खामोशी से पर्दे के पीछे कई चार्टबस्टर और अकेले ही इंडिपॉप के आवाज बनकर काम करने के बाद आखिरकार लेस्ली अपना सोलो एल्बम लेकर आ गए हैं।

एल्बम के गाने ‘तेरे बिना लव’ वीडियो वहाँ सभी के सामने चलाया गया, जिसने उपस्थित लोगों को अपनी रोमांटिक धुनों और उत्साहजनक वाइब्स से मंत्रमुग्ध कर दिया।

व्हाइट एल्बम अब Spotify, Wynk Music और Youtube पर उपलब्ध है।

आखिरकार पहली बार अपनी सोलो अल्बम  ‘द व्हाइट एल्बम’ लेकर आ गए हैं वेटेरन संगीतकार लेस्ली लुईस ! गायक हरिहरन और खास दोस्तों के बीच हुआ एल्बम का लांच !

Leslee Lewis Guarantees Temporary Amnesia With The White Album Launches Amid Fanfare

Leslee Lewis Guarantees Temporary Amnesia With The White Album  Launches Amid Fanfare

Oct 8, 2022

Leslee Lewis’ music personifies the colours of the rainbow — a hue for each listener, transforming them into musical notes that float effortlessly through the renditions, transcending time and space till they become one with the creation — such is the power.

Music virtuoso-singer-performer- instrumentalist rolled into one is now looking at these colours through a prism. He is coming out with three rays of light, the White, Black and the Tirangaa albums.

“While the white brings you peace, the black is the ante — your wild side, and the Tirangaa is an ode to the true desi in you,” elaborates Leslee Lewis.

Music, they say, transcends borders. Here is Leslee Lewis proving that true with every note. With the first of the series, The White Album, completely written, produced and sang by Leslee Lewis.

The White Album launched in Tap Andheri with friends and fellow musicians attending, showing their support and congratulations for the legendary Leslee Lewis. Among the attendees were Hariharan and son Akshay Hariharan, Jeetu Shankar, Kavya Jones, Vivek Prakash, Sandip Soparrkar, host Ankit Tamang, DJ Akbar Sami, Girish Wankhede, Dr Anusha Srinivasan Iyer, Karan Oberoi, Sherrin Varghese and Danny M Fernandes from A Band of Boys, bassist Pooja Devi and drummer Parth Malhotra from Leslee’s band, actor Prit Kamani, actress Shantipriya Ray, Shubham Ray, Meghdeep Bose, Shruti Pathak, Mukul Dabholkar, Sasha Dabholkar, actor Hrishikesh Pandey, Savio D’Sa, Hrishikesh Chury, Sheldon D’Silva, beatboxer Divyansh Kacholia and many others.

The album cover was unveiled by Leslee Lewis, Hariharan, Jeetu Shankar, Vivek Prakash and Girish Wankhede.

Each of the esteemed attendees, beginning with Hariharan, took the mic and spoke about their journey with Leslee Lewis, how his has inspired them, congratulating him on his endeavour of finally producing his solo album after so many years of being the silent producer behind so many chartbusters and singlehandedly forming the sound of Indipop.

The video for the song Tere Bina Love from the album was played, enthralling the attendees with its romantic melodies and uplifting vibes.

Avers Leslee Lewis, “Each of us has a soul colour, a soul music we seek, depending on our mood and state of mind. These albums are mood music — some soothe you, others sear your soul, while some are sheer celebration.”

The music also reflects the journey of Leslee Lewis, through time, through musical genres, the soul music, blues, pop, folk — essentially compositions that effortlessly weave a tapestry of notes that envelopes, enlightens and entertains you. And mind you, that is no easy task.

Agrees Leslee Lewis, “It is like baring your soul, dreaming naked in front of the arclights wanting the world to love you and travel with you. I am beginning with the clean, optimistic and powerful colour — white,” Leslee Lewis’ offerings beginning with The White Album is appropriately named Global Hindi, as the creations in our national language boast of beats for every heart the world over.

Yours to let go and listen from your heart and feel the white light of The White Album take you to that place you always dreamt to dwell. In perfect harmony with the absence of any memory — just you and the colour white.

The White Album is out now on Spotify, Wynk Music and Youtube. Check it out!

Leslee Lewis Guarantees Temporary Amnesia With The White Album  Launches Amid Fanfare

रितेश पांडे,प्रियंका रेवारी और चांदनी सिंह की भोजपुरी फिल्म `बेगुनाह` का ऑफिसियल ट्रेलर लॉन्च

रितेश पांडे,प्रियंका रेवारी और चांदनी सिंह की भोजपुरी फिल्म `बेगुनाह` का ऑफिसियल ट्रेलर लॉन्च

Oct 7, 2022

रितेश पांडे,प्रियंका रेवारी और चांदनी सिंह की भोजपुरी फिल्म `बेगुनाह` का ऑफिसियल ट्रेलर लॉन्च

भोजपुरी फिल्मों की जानी मानी निर्माण कंपनी अभय सिन्हा की यशी फिल्म्स और निर्माता चेतना झाम्ब ,स्वाति झाम्ब,निशा योगेश्वर तथा रोहित पी.के बैनर स्कामखी इंटरटेनमेंट ने एक साथ हाथ मिलाया है।स्कामखी इंटरटेनमेंट की भोजपुरी फ़िल्म बेगुनाह का ऑफिशयल ट्रेलर दशहरा के दिन मुम्बई के अंधेरी स्थित इम्पा हाउस में यशी म्यूजिक के चैनल पर लांच किया किया जो इस फ़िल्म की ऑफिशयल आडियो,वीडियो सेटेलाइट पार्टनर है। मीडिया के भारी जमावड़े के बीच यह ट्रेलर लॉन्च हुआ। इस फ़िल्म में एक साथ स्क्रीन पर जलवा बिखेरने आ रहे हैं भोजपुरी सुपरस्टार रितेश पांडे,प्रियंका रेवारी और चांदनी सिंह तथा संजय पांडे। जी हाँ! भोजपुरी में बेहतरीन और महंगे बजट की फ़िल्म मेकिंग की कड़ी में भोजपुरी फिल्म “बेगुनाह” का ऑफिसियल ट्रेलर लॉन्च किया गया है। प्यार, मोहब्बत, मिलना, बिछड़ना, हास-परिहास के बीच इस फिल्म का ट्रेलर काफी सस्पेंस रोमांटिक ड्रामा से भरपूर लग रहा है। गाने और फिल्म की मेकिंग, लोकेशन पर काफी खर्च किया गया है, जोकि ट्रेलर में दिख रहा है। इसमें रितेश पांडे,प्रियंका रेवारी और चांदनी सिंह की रोमांटिक जोड़ी और उनकी यूनिक कमेस्ट्री देखते ही बनती है। इस फ़िल्म के निर्देशक हैं धीरू यादव जबकि कथा,पटकथा और संवाद खुद फ़िल्म की निर्माता चेतना झाम्ब ने तैयार किया है और भोजपुरी सिनेमा जगत में चेतना झाम्ब पहली ऐसी महिला निर्माता है जिन्होंने लेखन के काम को भी बखूबी अंजाम दिया है। इस फ़िल्म की निर्माता चेतना झाम्ब ,स्वाति झाम्ब, निशा योगेश्वर तथा रोहित पी. अपनी भोजपुरी फ़िल्म बेगुनाह को लेकर बेहद उत्साहित हैं।इन महिला निर्माताओं ने यशी फिल्म्स के ऑनर अभय सिन्हा की जमकर तारीफ की और कहा कि आज यशी म्यूजिक के साथ जुड़ना हमारे लिए बहुत ही खुशी की बात है। वे बेगुनाह के रूप में मनोरंजन से भरपूर सम्पूर्ण पारिवारिक सिनेमा लेकर आ रही हैं, जो हर वर्ग के दर्शकों को पसन्द आएगी।

ट्रेलर लॉन्च के अवसर पर बतौर मुख्य अतिथि पधारे यशी फिल्म्स एवं यशी म्यूजिक के ऑनर अभय सिन्हा ने कहा कि वे आगे भी स्कामखी इंटरटेनमेंट के साथ कई परियोजनाओं पर काम कर रहे हैं।बेगुनाह एक इंटरटेनिंग फ़िल्म है, जिसे आप पूरे परिवार के साथ देख सकते हैं।

फ़िल्म के नायक रितेश पांडे ने इस अवसर पर कहा कि दशहरा के मौके पर ट्रेलर रिलीज कर बेगुनाह की महिला मेकर्स ने फैंस को बड़ा और धमाकेदार तोहफा दिया है।अब लोगों को इस फ़िल्म का बेसब्री से इंतजार होगा।फ़िल्म की नायिका प्रियंका रेवारी ने कहा कि ये फ़िल्म बेगुनाह वाकई सबको पसंद आएगी।इस फ़िल्म का गीत और  संगीत तैयार किया है संतोष पूरी ने जबकि कैमरामैन हैं सत्यप्रकाश,एडिटर गुरजंट सिंह,सह निर्माता विद्या झांब और सूरज कुमार जबकि कार्यकारी निर्माता हैं रामा प्रसाद।डांस डायरेक्टर रवि-किशन,प्रवीण शेलार और महेश आचार्य हैं ।आर्ट डायरेक्टर अवधेश राय हैं। इस फ़िल्म में रितेश पांडे,प्रियंका रेवारी,चांदनी सिंह,संजय पांडे के अलावा शर्मिला देव,शिखर सिंह, शिवाजी गगनटेक,राजीव कुमार,रमन चौहान,रामशंकर पी.खालिद रहमान,टुनटुन मुनिदास,शर्मिला देव,ललित तिवारी,गौरी शंकर,पंकज झा,चंद्रमोहन मिश्रा, महेश और नवजीत कुमार की मुख्य भूमिका है। इस ट्रेलर लॉन्च पर जाने माने प्रोड्यूसर  और डिस्ट्रीब्यूटर निशांत उज्जवल भी मौजूद थे।यह फ़िल्म बेगुनाह जल्द ही दर्शकों के बीच होगी।


रितेश पांडे,प्रियंका रेवारी और चांदनी सिंह की भोजपुरी फिल्म `बेगुनाह` का ऑफिसियल ट्रेलर लॉन्च


UNBOUND REVERIE An Exhibition of Paintings by 3 contemporary artists in Nehru Centre Art Gallery

UNBOUND REVERIE An Exhibition of Paintings by 3 contemporary artists in Nehru Centre Art Gallery

Oct 6, 2022

From: 4th to 10th October 2022


An Exhibition of Paintings by Alpa Palkhiwala, Bharti Parmar and Divya Kher


Nehru Centre Art Gallery

Discovery of India,

Dr. Annie Besant Road,

Worli, Mumbai 400 018

Timing: 11am to 7pm

Contact: 9265020945, 8238093457, 9827041392

Alpa Palkhiwala – Based in Ahmedabad, Alpa Palkhiwala had her art education in fine arts and art history. She has shown her work in solo art shows earlier at Mumbai, Bhopal, Noida, Kolkata and Chicago – USA. Her work has been inspired by spiritual art through pairing of mind, body and breath, thereby rendering soul energy and peace. She has illuminated this energy in the art work with layering of earthy colours. She has also illustrated spiritual thematic peculiarity in her Transcendental Universe series using dark hues of black and grey created on canvas with acrylic colours and ink to achieve the finishing similar to etching. Her work has been widely appreciated by the art world in the earlier shows. A deep study of Indian Mythology and Jain Manuscripts and other literature find a prominent place in her present creative endeavours. She has received some guidance from Shri. Vrindavan Solanki – a veteran artist of the past era and incorporated salient features of the same in her latest series.

Bharti Parmar – She is based in Mathura. Her works are influenced by the impression of primitive civilization and culture where human beings used to make or embellish their paintings. She has depicted the unseen side of attraction in nature in her work. She tries to depict the mystery behind the hidden treasures of nature in their unseen or obscure/hidden iconic modules / forms. She has used different mediums such as Acrylic colours, water colours, soft pastel colours etc.  She has also shown tribal art in vivid forms in her creations. Her abstract style of work reveals the embodiment of nature in numerous iconic motifs. She has done Ph.D. in fine arts from Gwalior where she did research on tribal women artists and their cultural vignettes. She has displayed her work earlier at Bhopal, Bangalore and Gwalior and in many group art shows all over the country and abroad such as Asian Young Artists Festival – Seoul – South Korea, Asian Contemporary art exhibition, Uijungub and Busan in South Korea etc. She has got good response from art world for her earlier presentations.

Divya Kher – She is based in Bangalore. Her works are the odes to the rural culture with an emotional charge. She has revealed simplicity of this subject in her work through happiness while dancing, talking with birds and nature with a village setting in the background. She has used vibrant and contrasting colours for painting the forehead of figures and their clothes symbolizing innocence, calmness and tranquillity. She had her art education up to M.A. in arts at Kamala Raja Girls Post Graduate College, Jiwaji University, Gwalior and Ph.D. in visual fine arts also.Her Ph.D. was nomadic block prints of Gujarat also known as “Mata ni Pachedi “. She has participated in several on line & off line shows and got good response for her work.


UNBOUND REVERIE An Exhibition of Paintings by 3 contemporary artists in Nehru Centre Art Gallery

PAINTED RHYTHM Art Gallery Presents TARANG Art Exhibition by Top 55 artists in Jehangir Art Gallery

PAINTED RHYTHM Art Gallery Presents TARANG Art Exhibition by Top 55 artists in Jehangir Art Gallery

Oct 6, 2022

From: 4th Oct. to 10th Oct.’2022




An Exclusive Art Show of  Original Paintings, Sculptures by Top 55 artists in Mumbai.


Jehangir Art Gallery, 

Auditorium Hall, Kala Ghoda,

Mumbai 400 001

Timing: 11am to 7pm

We have a grand Art Exhibition coming up called “TARANG” at Jehangir Art Gallery from the 4th of Oct to the 10th of Oct, main auditorium hall. Here’s an open invitation to Architects, Interior designers, builders, artists, art lovers and our beloved customers who are looking for exclusive paintings and artworks for their homes. Original and Authentic Paintings are available in various sizes and price ranges for homes, corporate offices, farmhouses, banks, entrance lobbies, etc. For those who can’t attend the exhibition. We have original paintings of more than 200 Artists all over India and our Clientele includes big Architects, Interior Designers, Celebrities, Ministers and Independent Clients as well.

Gallery Address: 

2 Ramjanki, 356, Linking Road,

Khar(West), Mumbai 400 052

Contact : 9821257569 / 8779497097

PAINTED RHYTHM Art Gallery Presents TARANG Art Exhibition by Top 55 artists in Jehangir Art Gallery

DPIAF – Founder And Chairman Mr Kalyanji Jana Has Visited Raipur Capital Of Chattisgarh And Guwahati Capital Of Assam To Meet Political Leaders

DPIAF – Founder And Chairman Mr  Kalyanji Jana Has  Visited Raipur Capital Of Chattisgarh And Guwahati Capital Of Assam To Meet Political Leaders

Oct 6, 2022

DPIAF – Founder and Chairman Mr.Kalyanji Jana has visited Raipur capital of Chattisgarh and Guwahati capital of Assam to meet Political leader and also they have been invited for the upcoming very prestigious award show  4th Dadasaheb Phalke Icon Award Films National which will be going to held on 24th November 2022 at Mumbai.

All this political leader have been invited as an Guest Of Honour for this superhit award show and also been honoured by giving a Token Of Appreciation certificates of this organisation.

In meeting is has been discussed about

Shri Dadasaheb Phalkeji who is a  God Father of our Indian Bollywood industry and there is no statue of his in any state.Along with this there we will be also organizing an event in all this state in name of DPIAF – Life style Iconic Award, DPIAF – Chattisgarh Iconic Award, DPIAF – Assam Iconic Award and DPIAF – Miss and Mrs. Indian Cultural Fashion Show.This meeting has been done with all this political leader and their name is

BJP Senior Leader of Tripura State,

Ex CM & Member of Parliament Rajya Sabha Shri Biplab Kumar Deb Ji,

Chairperson of Mahila Aayog from Assam State (Cabinet Minister),

Dr. (Smt.) Hema Prova Borthakur ji,

Dr. S N Bhowmik (Ph.D)

(Principal private secretary to the governor of Assam)

Shri Dilip Dasji (Deputy Chairman Tourism Vibhag Assam),

BJP Senior Political Leader,

BJP National Vice President and Ex CM of Chhattisgarh Shri Raman Singh Ji,

BJP Senior Political Leader, BJP State President of Chhattisgarh and Mp Shri Arun Sao Ji,

Political Leader and Mayor of Raipur Shri Aijaz Dhebar Ji,

On this occasion, there was also a presence of DPIAF- Assam State President and Assam Film Industry Director and Producer Lord Das Ji,

DPIAF-Brand Ambassador, Social Worker, Famous Doctor of Chhattisgarh, Multi-talented Dr. Ajay Sahai Ji,

DPIAF- State President Sukhbir Singh Singhotra Ji,

And Social Worker Lucky Lalwani Ji,

Thank you so much my all DPIAF- Team Member & Global President Ankita Jana Ji,

National President Bheru Jain Ji.

Dadasaheb Phalke Icon Award Films Organisation Presents

Our Upcoming Events

24th November 2022 Mumbai

4th Dadasaheb Phalke Icon Award Films – DPIAF


DPIAF – Life Style Iconic Award

At Mumbai (Maharashtra)

24th December 2022 Mumbai

3rd Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Gaurav Award

9th Darshnik Mumbai Press Media Award


Mumbai Police Icon Achiever Award 2022

At Mumbai (Maharashtra)

24th February 2023 (Dubai)

2nd Dadasaheb Phalke Icon Award Films International 2023,

2nd DPIAF- Life Style Iconic Award,

DPIAF- Short film festival International


DPIAF- Miss & Mrs India & Dubai Cultural International Fashion Show 2022

(We Are Representing 28 State Of India & 7 State Of UAE Tourism and Culture)

At Dubai (UAE) 2023

For Nomination And Sponsor

Contact details


Blessing me and support me

Jay Hind

Har Har Mahadev


DPIAF – Founder And Chairman Mr  Kalyanji Jana Has  Visited Raipur Capital Of Chattisgarh And Guwahati Capital Of Assam To Meet Political Leaders

Recent Sculptures by Renowned sculptor Akhil Chandra Das in Jehangir Art Gallery

Recent Sculptures by Renowned sculptor Akhil Chandra Das in Jehangir Art Gallery

Oct 6, 2022

From: 4th to 10th October 2022

Recent Sculptures by  Renowned sculptor Akhil Chandra Das


Jehangir Art Gallery

161- B, M.G. Road

Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 400 001

Timing: 11am to 7pm

Contact: 98312 63537

Akhil Chandra Das is a very important sculptor of our country, who evolved his own form during the end part of the decade of 1990-s. Based in Kolkata where he was born in 1968 he has extended his field of work throughout India. An M.V.A. in sculpture from M.S.University, Baroda he has assimilated in his works the traditional indigenous norms with the contemporary global values. He works mainly in mixed media of bronze and wood along with few other mediums. His works are primitivist, fantasy-oriented, very often inclining towards surrealism. Through these formal structures he posits deep-rooted rebellion against social decadence, cultural hypocrisy, exploitation of various kinds by capitalist powers and erosion of moral and social values. He develops his form from his serious commitments, sympathy and love towards humanity. The decadence of human values during the contemporary times disturbs him to the core of sensibility and the pain generated out of it is developed into his sculptural forms.

His first solo exhibition was held at Jahangir Art Gallery in 2002. But his participation in various important group-exhibitions started earlier. He has participated in several group shows like Harmony showNational Exhibition and Time and Material show organised by Aakriti Art Gallery, Kolkata and Art Konsult at Stainless Gallery, New Delhi among others. He participated in Gen Next I and II exhibitions organised by Aakriti Gallery in 2006 and 2007 respectively. He received junior scholarship of Lalit Kala Academy in 1999-2000, Lalit Kala Research Grant, 1995 and National scholarship 1995-1997 and 2000. All these participations and achievements indicate the excellence of his talent as a young artist that has developed to the full during the later course of his progress.

Since the emergence of modernism in Indian sculpture primitive form and technique have played a vital role in devising the identity of sculpture. The works of two pioneering artists in this field, Ramkinkar and Meera Mukherjee are very much exemplary in this context. During the decades of 1940-s 1960-s the sculptors tried to assimilate the indigenous classical forms along with the Western modernist trends. A serious urge to build up an identity through synthesis of local and global values has made the sojourns of our sculpture very significant making our sculptural forms vibrant and unique. During the decade of 1990-s our social values have changed drastically owing to emergence of economic globalisation and assimilation of post-modern world outlook. The forms and expressions of sculptures have also changed considerably since that decade. Conceptualism has turned to be the general trend of expression. Use of multimedia has also been a trend.

The sculptures of Akhil Chandra Das show all these trends of 1990-s. We may look at a few of his works to have an idea of his forms and philosophy. His forms express the agony that the contemporary life contains. Along with this agony there is also an ecstasy to surpass the limits of existential dilemma and to be united with the unbounded expanse of the universe. In one of his works he builds a beast very much disproportionate in physical structures that cries in extreme agony raising its two hind legs. It reveals fantasy that turns to be the symbol of existential pain. A creature with human body and head of a buffalo walks holding a horn of the beast. Here fantasy is transformed towards surrealism. In another piece a calm and contemplative human being stands. His hands are extended to indicate his submission to the divine. There are parts of circular forms scattered throughout his body that may be taken as the symbol of universal infinity.

Violence is expressed in various forms. A semi naked man stands on a wooden platform. He has chopped off his head with his own sword. He holds the sword with his two hands and raises it over his body. On this sword are placed three human heads arranged side by side. This is a form of surrealist fantasy that indicates the severity of violence presented in a plaintive disposition. In another piece a bearded saintly person stands on a platform. His body is covered with a sheet of cloth showing meticulously arranged folds of drapery. In his right hand he holds an ascetic’s bowl, which in Indian terms known as Kamandalu.The saint is proceeding towards worship or meditation. Here is an expression of spirituality very much Indian in nature.

Thus the sculptor Akhil Chandra Das postulates two opposing trends in his expressions. One is violence and the other spirituality. Being very much ingrained in indigenous spiritual values he extends his form towards a kind of rebellion, where he drastically lashes at the rotten reality of the contemporary times. The simultaneous assertion of these opposing values is a unique feature in his expressions whereby he attempts to realise the existential dilemma of the contemporary world.

Mrinal Ghosh.

Recent Sculptures by Renowned sculptor Akhil Chandra Das in Jehangir Art Gallery

Sandeep Marwah Entered 4th Time Into World Book Of Records London

Sandeep Marwah Entered 4th Time Into World Book Of Records London

Oct 6, 2022

London – I extend my heartiest thanks to Diwakar Sukul and the complete team of   World Book of Records London for entering my record in the books and presented me with the certification of the same. This is the biggest satisfaction you can get when your efforts are well recognized at that level,” said Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios and founder President of Asian Academy of Film and Television at House of Common, British Parliament London.

The award was presented by the Member Parliament House of Common Hon. Virendra Sharma a British Indian Labour Party Politician and Member of Parliament for Ealing Southall since 2007, in a grand event in the presence of international audience at House of Common, London.

This time Sandeep Marwah has been honoured for being the Director and President of AAFT for a period of thirty years and churned out 20,000 students from 145 countries of the World. He has designed 70 different courses from three months to four years and from certificates to degree.

Human Potential and skills contribute to personal development in a broad perspective. World Book of Records London incorporates to be a globally authorized and certified body for recognition, verification and scrutiny of setting or breaking records of individuals, mass activities, group effort and grand working.

“We are proud to be associated with Sandeep Marwah. His passion for media and entertainment industry now needs no introduction. We wish him a very strong international success,” said Diwakar Sukul President UK of World Book of Records.

It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing. He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life. Don’t wait for opportunity , create one for your own self is the right policy,” said Virendra Sharma congratulating Marwah for his successful journey while addressing the gathering at House of Common.

Sandeep Marwah Entered 4th Time into World Book of Records London

मेरा भारत महान के बाद विपुल राय और देवेन्द्र तिवारी लेकर आ रहे हैं कल्लू के साथ ‘राम अबराम’

मेरा भारत महान के बाद विपुल राय और देवेन्द्र तिवारी लेकर आ रहे हैं कल्लू के साथ ‘राम अबराम’

Oct 5, 2022

मेरा भारत महान के बाद विपुल राय और देवेन्द्र तिवारी लेकर आ रहे हैं कल्लू के साथ ‘राम अबराम’

भोजपुरी फिल्म मेरा भारत महान की अपार सफलता के बाद सुपरस्टार अरविंद अकेला कल्लू के साथ अब फिल्म निर्माता विपुल राय और निर्माता, निर्देशक, डीओपी देवेन्द्र तिवारी एक साथ एक और धमाकेदार फिल्म ‘राम अबराम’ लेकर आ रहे हैं। जिसका फर्स्ट लुक रामनवमी के पावन पर्व पर लांच किया गया है। फिल्म के पोस्टर पर अरविंद अकेला कल्लू दो अलग अलग लुक्स में नज़र आ रहे हैं। इस लुक की खूब प्रशंसा की जा रही है।

वी प्रांजल फ़िल्म क्रिएशन प्रा.लि. & मील माई मूवीज बैनर के तले बनी विपुल राय प्रस्तुत भोजपुरी फ़िल्म ‘राम अबराम’ के निर्माता, निर्देशक, छायांकन देवेंद्र तिवारी हैं। सह निर्माता बृजेश कुमार राय हैं। संगीतकार छोटे बाबा (बसही), गीतकार सुमित चंद्रवंशी, प्रकाश बारूद, छोटू यादव, लेखक मनोज पाण्डेय हैं।  कोरियोग्राफर कानू मुखर्जी, फाइट मास्टर दिनेश यादव हैं संकलन धर्म सोनी, कला नजीर शेख, प्रोडक्शन रौनक मिश्रा, जय मिश्रा, विजय यादव हैं। सहायक निर्देशक धनंजय तिवारी हैं। लखनऊ लोकल प्रोडक्शन से गौस हुसैन हैं। पी.आर.ओ. सोनू निगम, रामचंद्र यादव हैं। ड्रेस डिज़ाइनर विद्या मौर्या, विष्णु हैं। मुख्य कलाकार अरविंद अकेला कल्लू, ऋतु सिंह, चांदनी सिंह, विनीत विशाल, संजय पांडेय, रक्षा गुप्ता, संजीव मिश्रा, पुष्पेंद्र राय, उमाकांत राय, विजया सिंह, कुमार अभिनव, सुशील यादव, संतोष, कौशल शर्मा, मुन्ना सिंह आदि हैं।

इस फ़िल्म को लेकर देवेन्द्र तिवारी ने कहा, मेरी बनायी हुई सभी फिल्मो की कहानी काफी दमदार और रोचक रहती है। मैं अपनी फिल्मो की कहानियों पर खासा ध्यान देता हूं। राम अबराम सच्ची घटनाओं पर आधारित फिल्म है, जिसे देखने के बाद समाज के बीच के ऊर्जावान संदेश जायेगा।

अरविंद अकेला कल्लू ने कहा, राम अबराम का पहला पोस्टर काफी आकर्षित है। इस तरह की फिल्म में मुझे पहली बार करने को मिला है, जिसके लेकर मैं काफी उत्साहित भी हूं। देवेंद्र जी के निर्देशन में मैंने पहली बार काम किया है। उनके निर्देशन में काम कर काफी मजा आया।

मेरा भारत महान के बाद विपुल राय और देवेन्द्र तिवारी लेकर आ रहे हैं कल्लू के साथ ‘राम अबराम’

Smrity Sinha Shines In Times Group’s Fashion Show Held In Mumbai

Smrity Sinha Shines In Times Group’s Fashion Show Held In Mumbai

Oct 1, 2022

Actress Smrity Sinha dazzled in a fashion show presented by The Times of India Group. This event named “Pillars of Humanity” took place at St. Regis Hotel in Mumbai recently. The special highlight of the event was Smrity Sinha as she is the only actress in the Bhojpuri industry to make her path on the ramp to such level. She looked gorgeous in a green Indian couture designed by Sanya Mulani. Smrity Sinha walked the ramp to support the transgender community and gave a clear message to the world that she stands with transgenders.

The organizer of this unique fashion show was Mrs. Nidarshna Gowani. She is also a distinguished social activist. The presenter was The Times group while its aim was to acknowledge the various underprivileged communities of our society and spread social awareness. There were following categories for this

1.Transgender, 2. Cancer patients, 3. Acid attack survivors, 4. Sex workers, 5. Elders of old age homes, 6. Tribal women. People from different walks of life participated in this program.

The Governor of Maharashtra Shri Bhagat Singh Koshyari, Actor Siddharth Roy Kapoor, Actor Ayush Sharma, Actress Neelam Kothari,  Actress Smrity Sinha and many others were present at the event.

Smrity Sinha shines in Times Group’s fashion show held in Mumbai