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Grand Music Launch Of Producer Raju Bharati – Actors Prem Dhiraal And Shakti Veer Dhiraal’s Hindi Film BERA-EK AGHORI

Grand Music Launch Of Producer Raju Bharati – Actors Prem Dhiraal And Shakti Veer Dhiraal’s Hindi Film BERA-EK AGHORI

Oct 1, 2022

The music launch of Film production company Dhiraal Entertainment presents “Bera-Ek Aghori” held in a grand ceremony in Sin City, Mumbai, where the entire team including the film’s producer Raju Bharati, lead actors Prem Shakti were present. This Hindi movie stars Shakti Veer Dhiraal and Prem Dhiraal in lead roles. The songs of the film are sung by Nakkash Aziz, Shahid Mallya and Vaishali Made.

Here the songs of the film were shown which everyone liked. film producer

Raju Bharati told that this film will be release very soon. The film will be release all over India including Maharashtra.

Shakti Veer Dhiraal, who is playing the lead role in the film, said that the film “Bera Ek Aghori” is a horror cinema which has the full dose of entertainment. Along with horror, romance, thrills, the film also has good music. It has two dancing songs and a romantic song. The songs have been sung by Nakkash Aziz, Sahid Mallya and Vaishali Maade.

Versatile actor Prem Dhiraal said that Bera’s story and its presentation is amazing which the audience will surely like. There are three songs in our film. There is an item number, a dance number and a romantic song made even more romantic sung by Shahid Mallya. Whoever listens to this song will remember his college days, his girlfriend.

On the other hand, singer Shahid Mallya thanked Prem-Shakti and said that they gave me a chance to sing such a lovely song in this film, thank you for this. The story of the film Bera Ek Aghori is different. The concept of the film is unique. I hope the songs of the film and the film will also be a hit.

The music launch was attended by many celebrities including iEve Era Films CEO Ashok Prasad Abhishek, Audio Lab’s Managing Director Satish Pujari, Producer-Director Kuldeep Malhotra, youth leader and producer Karan Singh Prince, Producer Sonu Kuntal, Singer Sonali Mishra, Advocate Raj Shukla, Director Lalbabu Pandit, Comedian KK Goswami. While the promotion of the film is being done by the Publish Media team. Versatile actor KK Goswami congratulated and wished the entire team of the film Bera Ek Aghori.

Grand music launch of Producer Raju Bharati, Actors Prem Dhiraal and Shakti Veer Dhiraal’s Hindi film “Bera-Ek Aghori”

यूट्यूब पर मची विनोद यादव के देवी गीतों की धूम

यूट्यूब पर मची विनोद यादव के देवी गीतों की धूम

Oct 1, 2022

यूट्यूब पर मची विनोद यादव के देवी गीतों की धूम

वर्ल्डवाइड रिकार्ड्स ने रिलीज किया विनोद यादव देवी गीत ‘सारा जग खुश होक झुमतारे हो’, मिले इतने व्यूज

भोजपुरी इंडस्ट्री के राइजिंग स्टार विनोद यादव आज किसी पहचान के मोहताज नहीं हैं। उन्होंने जहां अपने अभिनय से दर्शकों के दिलों में जगह बनाई है, वही अब के नवरात्रि में एक से बढ़कर एक गीत लेकर आ रहे हैं। इस सांग्स में विनोद ने अभिनय के साथ साथ इन सभी सांग्स को गाया है। इसका नतीजा ये निकाला है कि एक नए सिंगर के गाने भी यूट्यूब पर लाखों की संख्या में विएवज हासिल कर रहे हैं। हाल ही में एक्टर-सिंगर विनोद यादव के कई गाने यूट्यूब पर बज रहे हैं, लेकिन जिस देवी गीत ने सबका ध्यान अपनी ओर खींचा है वो है वर्ल्डवाइड रिकार्ड्स भोजपुरी से रिलीज सांग ‘सारा जग खुश होक झुमतारे हो’।

जी हां आपने सही नाम सुना है रत्नाकर कुमार की कंपनी ने विनोद का ये सांग रिलीज किया है। जिसे दर्शकों का भार भर के प्यार और दुलार मिला रहा है। जहाँ खेसारी लाल यादव, पवन सिंह, अक्षरा सिंह और दिनेश लाल यादव के सांग कंपनी रिलीज करती है। उसी कंपनी से विनोद के ‘सारा जग खुश होक झुमतारे हो’ देवी गीत को अब तक 2 लाख 67 हजार से ज्यादा व्यूज मिल चुके हैं। वही विंडो यादव एंटरटेनमेंट ऑफिशियल से रिलीज ‘भैरों की दुलारी’ 1 लाख 30 हजार और ‘मईया जी सरनवा दे दी ना’ को 1 लाख पचास हजार से ज्यादा व्यूज मिल चुके हैं। विनोद के ये तीनों देवी हालिया रिलीज सांग है। इन सभी देवी गीतों को विनोद यादव और पलक पांडेय ने साथ मिलकर गाया है। वही इनका लेखन और संगीत कृष्णा बेदर्दी ने तैयार किया हैं।

आपको बता दें हाल ही में विनोद यादव गायकी के क्षेत्र में कदम रखा है और उन्हें  दर्शकों का भरपूर प्यार और आशीर्वाद मिला रहा हैं।

अभिनेता विनोद यादव के देवी गीतों पर झूमा भोजपुरिया दर्शक

FALISHA ENTERTAINMENT celebrating Bharat Ratna Lata Mangeshkars 93rd birth anniversary with live concert Geet-O-Ghazal Ki Sarita Hamari Lata

FALISHA ENTERTAINMENT celebrating Bharat Ratna Lata Mangeshkars 93rd birth anniversary with live concert Geet-O-Ghazal Ki Sarita Hamari Lata

Oct 1, 2022

Falisha Entertainment organized a concert, named ‘Geet-O-Ghazal Ki Sarita Hamari Lata’ to pay a heartfelt tribute as well as Celebrating the birth anniversary of Lata Mangeshkar.She was often referred to as the ‘Queen of melody’ and has lent her voice to a number of Bollywood songs for many decades.  The concert “Geet-O-Ghazal Ki Sarita Hamari Lata” aimed at bringing together nuggets and anecdotes from her career spanning over seven decades. The organizers also pay tribute to Mangeshkar, who is widely considered to have been one of the greatest and most influential singers in India.

Nightingale of India Lata Mangeshkar has been laid to rest with full state honours but it is yet to seep into everyone’s consciousness that she is no more. Tributes are still pouring in and everyone is remembering the experiences they had with her. Organiser Shabina Shaikh who has paid a heartfelt tribute to Lataji, dedicated her live concert to the late Mangeshkar. The concert is coming up at Shanmukhanand Hall Sion on 7th October 2022 at 6:30 pm.50 musicians will be participate in the concert. Singers like Sudesh Bhosle, Bela Shende, pratibha Singh baghel, and Faruq Shaikh will  perform in live concert. Usha Mangeshkarji and Padmini kolhapuriji are also going to sing as a celebrity guest singers.

Falisha Entertainment’s managing Director Shabina Shaikh said that the voice that Lataji left cannot be filled and she will be part of our  souls. Many dignitaries like Usha Mangeshkar, Raj Babbar, Poonam Dhillon, Ustad Siraj Khan & Padmini Kolhapure will grace the live concert.

FALISHA ENTERTAINMENT celebrating Bharat Ratna Lata Mangeshkars 93rd birth anniversary with live concert Geet-O-Ghazal Ki Sarita Hamari Lata

आकांक्षा अवस्थी की दिखी दबंगई, भोजपुरी फिल्म ‘हमार दबंग बहुरिया’ का फर्स्ट लुक लॉन्च

आकांक्षा अवस्थी की दिखी दबंगई, भोजपुरी फिल्म ‘हमार दबंग बहुरिया’ का फर्स्ट लुक लॉन्च

Oct 1, 2022

भोजपुरी सिने जगत में फिल्म एक्ट्रेस आकांक्षा अवस्थी का एक अलग ही रुतबा कायम है और आजकल वे अपनी दबंगई को लेकर काफी सुर्खियों में हैं. इसी बीच आकांक्षा अवस्थी के चैलेंजिंग किरदार से सजी भोजपुरी फिल्म ‘हमार दबंग बहुरिया’ का फर्स्ट लुक सोशल मीडिया में लॉन्च किया गया है. जिसके पोस्टर में वे दबंग लेडी के रूप में नजर आ रही हैं. फ़िल्म के पहले पोस्टर में आकांक्षा अवस्थी को तीन अलग अलग गेटअप में दिखाया गया है. सबसे ऊपर वे शालीन लीडर के रूप में हाथ जोड़े हुए दिख रही हैं, दूसरे गेटअप में तेजतर्रार जुझारू लेडी के रूप में उन्हें दिखाया गया है और तीसरे गेटअप में साज श्रृंगार किये हुए वे लाल लहंगा चुनरी में नजर आ रही हैं. उनके अगल बगल में हीरो निसार खान, हरफनमौला अभिनेता संजय पांडेय, सशक्त अभिनेत्री मोना राय आदि दिख रहे हैं. ब्लैक एंड व्हाइट बैकग्राउंड में जनसमूह दिखाया गया है. वाकई भोजपुरी फिल्मों का अब तक का सबसे अलग हटकर इस फिल्म के  पोस्टर का लुक आउट किया गया हैं. जिसकी हर कोई तारीफ कर रहा है.

उल्लेखनीय है कि एक खास वर्ग भोजपुरी फिल्मों से कोसों दूर है, जिसे सिनेमाघरों में लाना भगीरथ प्रयास कर रहे फ़िल्म निर्माता विवेक कुमार ने नायिका प्रधान भोजपुरी फ़िल्म ‘हमार दबंग बहुरिया’ का निर्माण किया है. नारी सशक्तिकरण को बल देने, समाज को आईना दिखाने एवं हर वर्ग के दर्शकों को भोजपुरी सिनेमा से जोड़ने का उनका यह प्रयास सफल होता नजर आ रहा है. इस फ़िल्म के लेखन व निर्देशन की कमान महिला प्रधान सामाजिक मुद्दो पर आधारित संघर्ष, लिट्टी चोखा, आशिकी, जुग जुग जिया हो ललनवा, अफसर बिटिया सहित कई भोजपुरी फिल्मों के लेखक राकेश त्रिपाठी संभाला है.

गौरतलब है कि अक्स पाठशाला एंटरटेनमेंट एलएलपी के बैनर तले निर्मित की गई महिला प्रधान भोजपुरी फिल्म हमार दबंग बहुरिया का विषय समाज में जागरूकता फैलाने के साथ-साथ दर्शकों का फुल इंटरटेनमेंट करेगी. इस फिल्म में केंद्रीय भूमिका में सुपर एक्ट्रेस आकांक्षा अवस्थी हैं, जिन्होंने सुपरस्टार पवन सिंह और खेसारी लाल यादव के साथ रुपहले परदे पर अपनी अदा जादू चलाकर दर्शकों के दिल में मुकम्मल स्थान बनाया है. इस फ़िल्म में उनके हीरो निसार खान हैं. उनकी कमेस्ट्री दर्शकों को खूब पसंद आने वाली है। फिल्म के निर्माता विवेक कुमार हैं. लेखक व निर्देशक राकेश त्रिपाठी हैं. फिल्म के मुख्य कलाकार आकांक्षा अवस्थी, निसार खान, संजय पांडेय, अनूप अरोड़ा, संदीप यादव,  समर, आजाद, विश्वराज निषाद, आकाश त्रिपाठी आदि हैं. संगीतकार मधुकर आनंद, गीतकार मनोज मतलबी, सत्या सावरकर हैं. गायक विजय चौहान, शिल्पी राज, स्निग्धा सरकार, प्रियंका सिंह, मोहन राठौर, मधुकर आनंद हैं. छायांकन विजय मंडल, नृत्य कानू मुखर्जी, मारधाड़ जीतू सिंह, कला रामबाबू ठाकुर, संकलन गुर्जन्ट सिंह, कस्टयूम बादशाह खान का है. एसोसिएट डायरेक्टर कन्हैया एस. विश्वकर्मा, कार्यकारी निर्माता नितीन, रिंकू रंगीला, स्टिल तपन, पीआरओ रामचन्द्र यादव हैं. सहायक निर्देशक कुलदीप मिश्रा, सोनू सनम माही, आकाश त्रिपाठी हैं. फ़िल्म का पोस्ट प्रोडक्शन 3 स्टुडियो में किया गया है.

आकांक्षा अवस्थी की दिखी दबंगई, भोजपुरी फिल्म ‘हमार दबंग बहुरिया’ का फर्स्ट लुक लॉन्च

Ixigo ropes in Bollywood veterans Jackie Shroff and Suniel Shetty for their #NikalLo campaign

Ixigo ropes in Bollywood veterans Jackie Shroff and Suniel Shetty for their  #NikalLo campaign

Oct 1, 2022

New Delhi, 30th September 2022: Travel app, ixigo has roped in Bollywood celebrities Jackie Shroff and Suniel Shetty as the new faces of the brand, for their campaign- #NikalLo. The campaign has been designed to create buzz and increase brand awareness ahead of the festive season and will be launched across TV and digital platforms.

The TVCs feature Jackie Shroff and Suniel Shetty engaged in interesting banter which reflects the close bond they share in real life. One of the videos features Jackie Dada struggling to pronounce the brand name ‘ixigo’  in true Bhidu style with Suniel Shetty correcting him. The ads encourage the audience to travel, and end with a catchphrase “ixigo travel app download karo, bindaas ticket book karo aur nikal lo!”.

The brand decided to team up with Jackie Shroff and Suniel Shetty as the actors enjoy mass appeal with a wide fan base spread across metros as well as tier 2 and 3 cities across India.

Speaking on their collaboration with ixigo, Jackie Shroff and Suniel Shetty said, “We are excited to team up with ixigo for this campaign. We’ve been wanting to come together for a project for a while now and ixigo seemed to be the perfect fit! We really resonate with the company’s resilience and growth journey. The trust and friendship that we share amongst one another is synonymous with the faith that travelers have in ixigo! We love how easy it is to book flight, train or bus tickets on ixigo. Their apps offer travelers lots of convenience and flexibility, with a wide array of features on board. Being avid travelers ourselves, we look forward to this collaboration!”

Aloke Bajpai, Co-founder & Group CEO & Rajnish Kumar, Co-founder & Group CPTO, ixigo said,” We are pleased to announce our association with two legendary stars like Jackie Shroff and Suniel Shetty for our brand campaign. We have grown up watching these Bollywood icons and their passion, commitment to work and resilience resonates with our brand ethos. Travel is back with a bang this year and our aim with this campaign is to maximise awareness around ixigo ahead of the festive season. ‘ixigo’ is a unique brand name and was actually generated using an algorithm. For years we have seen users trying to pronounce ‘ixigo’ with some interesting variations and that was our inspiration behind the first video.”

ixigo travel apps offer a wide array of features to make travel seamless for its users.  ixigo recently launched ‘ixigo Flex’ feature offering flyers fully flexible and freely reschedulable airline tickets starting at ₹149 giving users flexibility for their travel bookings. In addition to rescheduling with ixigo Flex, the travel app also offers full refunds on all domestic flight bookings at a nominal charge through its feature ‘ixigo Assured’ which was launched in 2020. ‘ixigo Assured’ fares allow a no-questions-asked full refund guarantee for cancellations made by travelers, for any reason whatsoever.

About ixigo

Launched in 2007 by Aloke Bajpai & Rajnish Kumar, ixigo is a technology company focused on empowering Indian travelers to plan, book and manage their trips across rail, air, buses and hotels. ixigo assists travelers in making smarter travel decisions by leveraging artificial intelligence, machine learning and data science-led innovations on ixigo’s OTA platforms, including websites and mobile applications. The OTA platforms of ixigo allow travelers to book train tickets, flight tickets, bus tickets, hotels and cabs, while providing travel utility tools and services developed using in-house proprietary algorithms and crowd-sourced information, including train PNR status and confirmation predictions, train seat availability alerts, train running status updates and delay predictions, flight status updates, bus running status, pricing and availability alerts, deal discovery, destination content, personalized recommendations, instant fare alerts and automated customer support services.

Ixigo ropes in Bollywood veterans Jackie Shroff and Suniel Shetty for their  #NikalLo campaign

University Of North Carolina Charlotte Apologizes UNITED SIKHS Offers To Train Staff And Campus Security On Sikhism

University Of North Carolina Charlotte Apologizes  UNITED SIKHS Offers To Train Staff And Campus Security On Sikhism

Oct 1, 2022

Charlotte, North Carolina/Chandigarh Sep 28, 2022

A Sikh student on the campus of University of North Carolina Charlotte had to face harassment last week. He was handcuffed and detained merely for wearing a kirpan — a Sikh article of faith.

Such mistreatment of a Sikh student and gross ignorance displayed by the 76-year-old university about Sikhism shocked the Sikh community around the world. Sikhs have been part of the American social fabric for over a century. People on social media questioned the lack of understanding about Sikhism at the university, known for taking pride in its diversity.

UNITED SIKHS applauded the quick response from the university — as Chancellor Dr. Sharon L. Gaber issued an apology on the university website. We had written to the Dean of Students, Dr. Christine Reed Davis, seeking an apology for the misconduct that had taken place with Aman Singh. The apology from the Chancellor stated that they will use the incident “as a learning opportunity by engaging in constructive dialogue with Sikh students and employees”.  It also stated that they “apologize”, that the student didn’t feel “welcomed, supported and safe” that day, as they wanted every student to feel so, further adding that they are “committed to ensuring it doesn’t happen again.”

UNITED SIKHS shared with them a Sikhism Fact Sheet. We also offered to provide sensitivity-training to the university staff and security, about Sikhism and Sikh articles of faith.

“Despite curt behavior by the police on the campus, Aman Singh was graceful, resilient and showed leadership — everyone should practice their faith freely and fearlessly,” Manvinder Singh, UNITED SIKHS Advocacy Director said.

“All institutions, particularly, universities that attract students and staff from around the world must have a mandate to sensitize students and staff about Sikhism and other world religions, cultures and traditions. It is essential to create a culture of co-existence to prevent incidents of racism and misconduct with students and members of any community,” he stated.

We appreciate the efforts of Sikh organizations around the world for raising their voice in this case and lending support to Aman Singh.

Everyone should be able to practice their faith freely and without fear. If you face harassment and discrimination because of your faith, please write to us.

University of North Carolina Charlotte apologizes; UNITED SIKHS offers to train staff and campus security on Sikhism

Disclaimer: The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Our Website And Our Editors  does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same. It Is By News Source From PR Agency.