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Posted by on May 6, 2024

बिहार के मुजफ्फरपुर शेल्ट होम कांड पर बेस्ड निर्देशक कुमार नीरज की रियलिस्टिक फिल्म नफीसा में अभिनेत्री दिव्या त्यागी महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका में हैं। उन्होंने इस फ़िल्म में अपने रोल के साथ इंसाफ किया है। ज्वलंत मुद्दों पर बेस्ड इस फ़िल्म के टीज़र ने इंटरनेट पर हंगामा खड़ा कर दिया है। मुजफ्फरपुर के बालिका गृह कांड के सच को दिखाती इस फिल्म में पीड़िताओं के दुःख दर्द की कहानी दर्शाई गई है जो जल्द ही बड़े पर्दे पर पेश की जाने वाली है। स्पार्क मीडिया द्वारा प्रस्तुत लेखक निर्देशक कुमार नीरज की फ़िल्म “नफीसा” की निर्मात्री वैशाली देव और बीना शाह हैं। को प्रोड्यूसर,खुश्बू सिंह व मुन्नी सिंह हैं। इसके कैमरामैन सनी देओल की फ़िल्म गदर फेम नजीब खान हैं। मुजफ्फरपुर के सेलटर होम की दर्दनाक कांड की याद दिलाती इस फ़िल्म में अक्षय वर्मा, निसाद राज राणा, राजवीर सिंह ,रोहित भारद्वाज, अनामिका पाण्डेय, नाजनीन पटनी ,दिव्या त्यागी मनीशा ,ठाकुर और  सान्या ठाकुर इत्यादि ने अभिनय किया है। कुमार नीरज ने इसकी पटकथा और संवाद लिखने में काफी रिसर्च की है। पीड़ितों से मिले, उनके दर्द और तकलीफ को महसूस किया और...

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Posted by on May 6, 2024

बिहार के मुजफ्फरपुर शेल्ट होम कांड पर बेस्ड निर्देशक कुमार नीरज की रियलिस्टिक फिल्म नफीसा में अभिनेत्री दिव्या त्यागी महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका में हैं। उन्होंने इस फ़िल्म में अपने रोल के साथ इंसाफ किया है। ज्वलंत मुद्दों पर बेस्ड इस फ़िल्म के टीज़र ने इंटरनेट पर हंगामा खड़ा कर दिया है। मुजफ्फरपुर के बालिका गृह कांड के सच को दिखाती इस फिल्म में पीड़िताओं के दुःख दर्द की कहानी दर्शाई गई है जो जल्द ही बड़े पर्दे पर पेश की जाने वाली है। स्पार्क मीडिया द्वारा प्रस्तुत लेखक निर्देशक कुमार नीरज की फ़िल्म “नफीसा” की निर्मात्री वैशाली देव और बीना शाह हैं। को प्रोड्यूसर,खुश्बू सिंह व मुन्नी सिंह हैं। इसके कैमरामैन सनी देओल की फ़िल्म गदर फेम नजीब खान हैं। मुजफ्फरपुर के सेलटर होम की दर्दनाक कांड की याद दिलाती इस फ़िल्म में अक्षय वर्मा, निसाद राज राणा, राजवीर सिंह ,रोहित भारद्वाज, अनामिका पाण्डेय, नाजनीन पटनी ,दिव्या त्यागी मनीशा ,ठाकुर और  सान्या ठाकुर इत्यादि ने अभिनय किया है। कुमार नीरज ने इसकी पटकथा और संवाद लिखने में काफी रिसर्च की है। पीड़ितों से मिले, उनके दर्द और तकलीफ को महसूस किया और...

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Posted by on May 6, 2024

बिहार के मुजफ्फरपुर शेल्ट होम कांड पर बेस्ड निर्देशक कुमार नीरज की रियलिस्टिक फिल्म नफीसा में अभिनेत्री दिव्या त्यागी महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका में हैं। उन्होंने इस फ़िल्म में अपने रोल के साथ इंसाफ किया है। ज्वलंत मुद्दों पर बेस्ड इस फ़िल्म के टीज़र ने इंटरनेट पर हंगामा खड़ा कर दिया है। मुजफ्फरपुर के बालिका गृह कांड के सच को दिखाती इस फिल्म में पीड़िताओं के दुःख दर्द की कहानी दर्शाई गई है जो जल्द ही बड़े पर्दे पर पेश की जाने वाली है। स्पार्क मीडिया द्वारा प्रस्तुत लेखक निर्देशक कुमार नीरज की फ़िल्म “नफीसा” की निर्मात्री वैशाली देव और बीना शाह हैं। को प्रोड्यूसर,खुश्बू सिंह व मुन्नी सिंह हैं। इसके कैमरामैन सनी देओल की फ़िल्म गदर फेम नजीब खान हैं। मुजफ्फरपुर के सेलटर होम की दर्दनाक कांड की याद दिलाती इस फ़िल्म में अक्षय वर्मा, निसाद राज राणा, राजवीर सिंह ,रोहित भारद्वाज, अनामिका पाण्डेय, नाजनीन पटनी ,दिव्या त्यागी मनीशा ,ठाकुर और  सान्या ठाकुर इत्यादि ने अभिनय किया है। कुमार नीरज ने इसकी पटकथा और संवाद लिखने में काफी रिसर्च की है। पीड़ितों से मिले, उनके दर्द और तकलीफ को महसूस किया और...

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Posted by on May 6, 2024

बिहार के मुजफ्फरपुर शेल्ट होम कांड पर बेस्ड निर्देशक कुमार नीरज की रियलिस्टिक फिल्म नफीसा में अभिनेत्री दिव्या त्यागी महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका में हैं। उन्होंने इस फ़िल्म में अपने रोल के साथ इंसाफ किया है। ज्वलंत मुद्दों पर बेस्ड इस फ़िल्म के टीज़र ने इंटरनेट पर हंगामा खड़ा कर दिया है। मुजफ्फरपुर के बालिका गृह कांड के सच को दिखाती इस फिल्म में पीड़िताओं के दुःख दर्द की कहानी दर्शाई गई है जो जल्द ही बड़े पर्दे पर पेश की जाने वाली है। स्पार्क मीडिया द्वारा प्रस्तुत लेखक निर्देशक कुमार नीरज की फ़िल्म “नफीसा” की निर्मात्री वैशाली देव और बीना शाह हैं। को प्रोड्यूसर,खुश्बू सिंह व मुन्नी सिंह हैं। इसके कैमरामैन सनी देओल की फ़िल्म गदर फेम नजीब खान हैं। मुजफ्फरपुर के सेलटर होम की दर्दनाक कांड की याद दिलाती इस फ़िल्म में अक्षय वर्मा, निसाद राज राणा, राजवीर सिंह ,रोहित भारद्वाज, अनामिका पाण्डेय, नाजनीन पटनी ,दिव्या त्यागी मनीशा ,ठाकुर और  सान्या ठाकुर इत्यादि ने अभिनय किया है। कुमार नीरज ने इसकी पटकथा और संवाद लिखने में काफी रिसर्च की है। पीड़ितों से मिले, उनके दर्द और तकलीफ को महसूस किया और...

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हुमा क़ुरैशी ने बैग्स के एक बड़े ब्रैण्ड मैगनोलिया के साथ जुड़कर उसके विज्ञापन को अंजाम दिया।

फैशन इंडस्ट्री के एक बड़े ब्रैण्ड मैगनोलिया बैग्स ने गुरुवार को फ़िल्म इंडस्ट्री की टैलेंटेड अदाकारा हुमा क़ुरैशी के साथ अपने विज्ञापन की शूटिंग संपन्न की। ज़ूममंत्रा प्रोडक्शंस के साथ काम कर रहे निर्देशक कुमार सिद्धार्थ और अभिनेता/निर्देशक रोहित बोस रॉय ने इस विज्ञापन को संचालित किया और सफलतापूर्वक अंजाम दिया । विज्ञापन में हुमा ने एक औरत के कई रूपों को दर्शाया है और साथ ही ये भी बताया है कि कैसे एक बैग एक औरत के जीवन का अहम हिस्सा होता है और उसे ख़ुद को दुनिया में दर्शाने में मदद करता है।

मैगनोलिया बैग्स की नींव बासित अली द्वारा रखी गई थी, जो की बैग इंडस्ट्री में २० साल से ज़्यादा का अनुभव रखते है।मैगनोलिया बैग्स सर्वोत्तम गुणवत्ता के पीयू सामग्री से बनाये जाते हैं इसमें किसी भी प्रकार की जानवर की त्वचा का उपयोग नहीं किया जाता।

मैगनोलिया बैग्स बहुत सारी आकर्षक रेंज और पील ऑफ वारंटी के साथ मार्केट में उपलब्ध है। कंपनी क्वालिटी के साथ साथ उपभोक्ताओं को तीन साल की वारंटी भी देती है।

मैगनोलिया बैग्स पारंपरिक चमड़े के सामान्य विकल्प को उत्पादों में इस्तेमाल करके शैली, गुणवत्ता और नैतिक सोच के साथ फैशन इंडस्ट्री में अपना महत्वपूर्ण योगदान दे रहा है।

हुमा क़ुरैशी ने बैग्स के एक बड़े ब्रैण्ड मैगनोलिया के साथ जुड़कर उसके विज्ञापन को अंजाम दिया।

Motivational Master Class By Ashish Vidyarthi Inspires Students At Asian School Of Business

Noida: In a captivating and enlightening event, the Asian School of Business was privileged to host the esteemed actor and motivational speaker, Ashish Vidyarthi, for a Motivational Master Class that left an indelible mark on the minds of the eager students. Dr. Sandeep Marwah, President of Asian Education Group, introduced the event, highlighting the importance of hard work, setting priorities, and the challenges that come with success.

Ashish Vidyarthi, a National Film Award-winning actor with a career spanning 26 years and over 200 films in 11 languages, took the stage to share his life experiences and wisdom with the enthralled audience. His words were not only motivational but also packed with genuine enthusiasm, making the Master Class an unforgettable experience.

The Master Class, described by many as powerful and full of real-life insights, shed light on the multifaceted nature of Ashish Vidyarthi’s journey. He is not only a celebrated actor but also the founder of Ashish Vidyarthi & Associates, a platform dedicated to Leadership Conversations with Corporates through Avid Miner Transformation Modules. This initiative has contributed to over 100 organizations in India and abroad.

Mr. Vidyarthi’s rich life experiences, garnered from working across diverse cultures and scenarios, have been meticulously crafted into jargon-free, easy-to-comprehend, and application-friendly conversations. These conversations have been curated into experiential learning programs designed to meet the unique needs of various organizations. Notable organizations that have benefited from his services include Wipro, Mahindra & Mahindra, Bayer, Dell, Accenture, IOC, and HSBC, among others.

In his inspirational session, Ashish Vidyarthi emphasized the significance of hard work and the absence of shortcuts on the path to success. He urged students to set clear priorities in their lives and stay committed to their goals. His message resonated deeply with the young minds in attendance, leaving them inspired and ready to take on the challenges that lie ahead.

The Motivational Master Class by Ashish Vidyarthi was a resounding success, leaving an indomitable spirit of determination and motivation in its wake. The Asian School of Business is grateful to Mr. Vidyarthi for his valuable insights and hopes that his wisdom will continue to guide and inspire the students in their academic and professional journeys. Later Dr. Sandeep Marwah honoured Ashish for his extra ordinary contribution to Cinema.


Motivational Master Class By Ashish Vidyarthi Inspires Students At Asian School Of Business



Dance And Fashion Fusion – Four Iconic Collaborations That Transcended Boundaries

When the worlds of dance and fashion collide, a mesmerizing fusion of artistic expression and elegance emerges. History is adorned with iconic moments where dancers and models harmoniously united, creating captivating images that enthralled global audiences. Among these instances,Let’s delve into four of these shine exceptionally bright, showcasing the seamless amalgamation of dance’s grace and modeling’s allure.

Uday Shankar and Anna Pavlova – 1923:

In 1923, the dance world witnessed an awe-inspiring convergence when the visionary Indian fusion dancer Uday Shankar joined forces with the illustrious Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova. Shankar, celebrated for his innovative blend of Indian classical dance and Western ballet, found a kindred spirit in Pavlova, one of the most renowned ballerinas of her era. Their collaborative effort not only bridged cultural boundaries but also brought together two distinct dance forms in a harmonious celebration of movement and grace.

Pandit Birju Maharaj and Kumudini Lakhia – 1959:

The year 1959 witnessed an extraordinary fusion of Kathak and contemporary dance as two legends, Pandit Birju Maharaj and Kumudini Lakhia, joined hands. Their partnership infused Kathak’s traditional elegance with modern sensibilities, creating a trailblazing choreography that mesmerized audiences. This collaboration not only showcased their artistic prowess but also exemplified the beauty of artistic exchange, pushing the boundaries of dance and its expressive potential.

Astad Deboo and Madhu Sapre – 1996:

In 1996, contemporary dance maverick Astad Deboo united his avant-garde style with supermodel Madhu Sapre’s striking beauty for an extraordinary photoshoot. Their synergy created an artistic marvel, seamlessly merging Deboo’s innovative choreography with Sapre’s poise and elegance.

Sandip Soparrkar and Jesse Randhawa – 2008:

The year 2008 witnessed a ballroom spectacle that united the elegance of dance with the allure of supermodel Jesse Randhawa. Ballroom dancer Sandip Soparrkar’s graceful choreography melded seamlessly with Randhawa’s magnetic poise, creating a visual symphony that celebrated both movement and aesthetics. Their collaboration not only graced the dance floor but also symbolized the harmonious blend of classic and contemporary making their artistic body postures as study materials for various art colleges all over the world.

These four iconic collaborations stand as living testaments to the transformative power of artistic partnerships. Through dance and modeling, these luminaries pushed boundaries, defied norms, and showcased the boundless potential of human expression. Their collective legacy continues to inspire, reminding us of the enduring beauty that emerges when two artistic worlds entwine in a glorious dance of creativity.

Dance And Fashion Fusion – Four Iconic Collaborations That Transcended Boundaries

मुम्बई की प्रसिद्ध गायिका सौमी शैलेश की छत्तीसगढ़ में दस्तक

मुम्बई की प्रसिद्ध गायिका सौमी शैलेश की छत्तीसगढ़ में दस्तक

मुम्बई। प्रसिद्ध बॉलीवुड सिंगर सौमी शैलेश उर्फ सम्हिता देवनाथ आज किसी परिचय की मोहताज नहीं है। उनकी विशिष्ट गायन शैली ने आज बॉलीवुड में उनको प्रतिष्ठापित कर दिया है।

सौमी शैलेश के इस सरगम के सफर की शुरुआत भारत के खूबसूरत प्रांत त्रिपुरा के एक छोटे से गाँव में हुआ। इस खूबसूरत गायिका ने अपनी मन्त्रमुग्ध कर देने वाली गायन शैली के साथ बॉलीवुड में प्रवेश किया और स्वयं को प्रतिष्ठापित किया।

सौमी का शास्त्रीय संगीत प्रशिक्षण छः वर्ष की उम्र में प्रारंभ हुआ। सौमी की प्रथम गुरु उनकी माँ सुप्ता देवनाथ है। इनको गायन की प्रेरणा अपनी माँ से प्राप्त हुआ, मुम्बई आने के बाद गौतम मुखर्जी के सान्निध्य में अपने गायन का प्रशिक्षण जारी रखा। सौमी के निन्तर प्रयास ने उनको मुम्बई में धीरे-धीरे प्रतिष्ठापित कर दिया है। टी-सीरीज से रिलीज हुई फिल्म “भारतीयन्स” का गाना “मैं आ रहा रे” गाने को सौमी ने विशाल मिश्रा के साथ गाया और यह गाना लोगो को बेहद पसंद आ रहा है।

अभी हाल में छत्तीसगढ़ के प्रोड्यूसर ने बॉलीवुड के प्रसिद्ध गायक उदित नारायण के साथ युगल गीत गाने के लिये उनको अपने प्रोडक्शन हाउस के लिये अनुबंधित किया है, जो जल्द रिलीज होगा।

इसके पहले भी ज़ी म्यूजिक, अल्ट्रा और कई म्यूजिक कंपनी द्वारा उनके गानो को रिलीज किया है। कुमार शानू, कैलाश खेर, जावेद अली, अमित मिश्रा, राजा हसन, विजय येसुदास, राहुल वैद्य जैसे कई प्रभावशाली गायको के साथ उनका गाना रिलीज हुआ है।

दस से ग्यारह भाषाओं में गाना रिकार्ड करने के बाद पहली बार उन्हें छत्तीसगढ़ी भाषा में गाना गाने के लिये बॉलीवुड सिगंर उदित नारायण के साथ अनुबंधित किया गया है। साथ-साथ उन्होने गजल, रोमांटिक, सूफी जैसे अलग-अलग प्रकार के गीतों की कंपोज़िंग भी किया है। इस तरह सौमी शैलेश की मेहनत और लगन ने उनको भारतीय सिनेमा में एक सफल गायिका के रूप में प्रतिष्ठापित कर दिया।

सौमी शैलेश का नाम पंजाबी एवं मराठी श्रेष्ठ गायिका के रूप में नामांकित किया गया है। 2022 में रेडियो सिटी मराठी के तरफ से उनको सर्वश्रेष्ठ गायिका का पुरष्कार मिला। उनकी प्रतिभा, रचनात्मकता और सफलता के पंख उंची उड़ान भरती रहे, सफलता उनके कदम चूमे।

सौमी शैलेश अपनी इस सफलता का क्रेडिट अपने माँ और पिता को देती है और उन दोस्तों को देती हैं, जिन्होने संघर्ष के समय पूरा साथ दिया। भगवान का आर्शीवाद सभी का प्यार और समर्थन सौमी के साथ रहे, यही शुभकामना है।

मुम्बई की प्रसिद्ध गायिका सौमी शैलेश की छत्तीसगढ़ में दस्तक

ए के एच प्रोडक्शन हाउस ने एल्बम तेरे इश्क में का शीर्षक गीत रिकॉर्ड किया

पिछले दिनों लोखन्डवाला के सना स्टूडियो में ए. के  एच. प्रोडक्शन हाउस के बैनर तले म्यूजिक एलबम  ’तेरे इश्क में’  का टाइटल गीत रिकॉर्ड हुआ.  इस को संगीत डा. संजय राज  गौरी नंदन ने दिया है और गीत को स्वर दिया है खुशबू जैन ने और अमित मुतेजा, गीतकार राजेश घायल और म्यूजियम कम्पोजर  सुमीत है.

इसका निर्माण अक्षय हरिणवी  ने किया है. सह निर्माता हैं राजु टांक और कार्यकारी निर्माता हैं मुकेश कुमार गुप्ता.

इस अवसर पर बोलते हुए खुशबू जैन ने कहा कि यह मेरे जीवन का सर्वश्रेष्ठ  रोमेंटिक गीत है. जिसको गाकर मुझे  बहुत खुशी हुई है. मैं बहुत ही शुक्गुजार हूँ निर्माता का.

इस अल्बम का  फिल्मांकन शीघ्र ही थाईलैंड में किया जाऐगा.  जिसका निर्देशन  तनमयसेन गुप्ता  और छायंकन के.थम्मन  का है.

Sandeep Marwah A Cultural Maestro Reinstated In World Book Of Records London

London: In an extraordinary feat of cultural diplomacy and advocacy, Dr. Sandeep Marwah, an adorned recipient of over 1100 awards from around the world, has once again etched his illustrious name into the prestigious World Book of Records London. This latest recognition comes for his exceptional role as a Cultural Ambassador and Cultural Representative, as well as Chair of seventy cultural forums representing different nations, a distinction bestowed upon him by the governments of 70 countries within a short span of time.

The distinguished award was conferred by H.E. Manghbhai C. Patel, Governor of Madhya Pradesh, and Diwakar Shukul, Chairperson of WBR London, in a grand ceremony held at the eminent House of Commons, British Parliament. The event witnessed the esteemed presence of notable dignitaries such as Ram das Bandhu Athawale, Union Minister of State, Government of India; Virender Sharma, Member of Parliament, House of Commons; Lord Rami Ranger, Member, House of Lords, British Parliament; Simon N. Ovens DL, Representative Deputy Lieutenant for the London Borough of Harrow; Pam Gosal, Member, Scottish Parliament & Deputy Chairman, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party; Councillor Sunil Chopra, Mayor of Southwark; Councillor Bhagwanji Chohan, Ex-Mayor of Brent; Guru Ji Rajrajeshwar and Santosh Shukla, CEO, World Book of Records London.

Dr. Sandeep Marwah’s dedication and fervor have led to a beautiful symphony of cultural exchange between India and these 70 nations, fostering closer ties and mutual understanding. He has traversed the globe, passionately spreading awareness and understanding of India’s relationships with these diverse countries.

In a heartfelt acknowledgment, Dr. Sandeep Marwah extends his deep appreciation to the Presidents, Prime Ministers, Governors, Ministers, Ambassadors, and High Commissioners of these 70 nations. Together, they have woven a tapestry of 70 unique forums, each a testament to the power of culture, unity, and diplomacy.

This bouquet of countries includes Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia, Bahamas, Belarus, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Chile, China, Comoros, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Cuba, Egypt, Fiji, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Guatemala, Guyana, Hungary, Iceland, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Israel, Lebanon, Lesotho, Maldives, Malaysia, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Myanmar, Nepal, Nigeria, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Palau, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Romania, Russia, Rwanda, Senegal, Serbia, Slovak, Slovenia, South Africa, Sudan, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Trinidad & Tobago, United Kingdom, Uzbekistan, Uruguay, Venezuela, Vietnam, Wales, South Korea, DPR Korea, and Mauritius. This global mosaic that Dr. Sandeep Marwah has embraced and championed signifies his pivotal role as a true Global Cultural Ambassador.

Sandeep Marwah A Cultural Maestro Reinstated In World Book Of Records London

Mahima Chaudhry – Mugdha Godse – Zoya Afroz Grace The Grand Finale Of Ricaverse Academy Miss Universal 2023

The grand finale of Ricaverse Academy Miss Universal 2023 was held on September 16, 2023 at The Club Mumbai. Many celebrities including Mahima Chaudhry, Mugdha Godse, Zoya Afroz , Blossom Kocchar CMD of Aroma Magic were present as chief guests. Recaverse Miss Universal 2023 organizers Sanjeev Kumar and Yusuf Shakir were also present there. Mr. Rishabh Gosain MD of Ricaverse Academy was also specially present.

Sana Suri, Shilpi Chugh were also present among the celebrity jury members. Many guests including composer Dilip Sen, Sunil Pal, Yogesh Lakhani, singer Raghav Kapoor, singer Pooja Tiwari were present as special guests.

The winner of this show was Honey Singh from Mumbai, first runner up Niyati Pawar from Mumbai and second runner up Sparshika from Nagpur.

The grand finale received special support from Bright Outdoor Media Limited, Blossom Kochhar group, and Mallone Fashion World.Fashion Magazine partner – Fashion Herald and radio partner – FM radio 92.7 .

Actress Mahima Chaudhry, who won everyone’s hearts by acting in Subhash Ghai’s film Pardes with Shahrukh Khan, said on stage in the context of this show that Sanjeev Kumar has done a very good job. Girls from all over the country came to participate in this show. You gave them such a good platform. You always keep laughing and smiling. The entire team of Miss Universal deserves congratulations and best wishes.

The organizer further said that our dream is being fulfilled through this fashion show. Through Miss Universal 2023, we are trying to provide a good platform to new emerging models. All the contestants looked very excited and full of confidence here.

Show Theme Productions and Universal Enterprises & Film organized the grand finale of “Miss Universal 2023” in a grand manner in Mumbai. Auditions were held across the country for Miss Universal 2023 and it proved to be an international level beauty pageant. In this, stars, designers and choreographers from Bollywood and TV world were jury members. Winner, first runner up and second runner up got wonderful crowns and certificates. At the same time, they will also be given the opportunity to act in series and music videos. This show was anchored by Simran Ahuja.

Mr. Malone was the show’s director and also choreographed the beauty pageant while Siya  associate director of  showtheme production, and Vidya Latte managed the pageant.

Makeup was done by London School of Makeup and Blossom Kochhar group. The designers were Kajal Ateliers by Kajal Agarwal and Moonlord by Sonam Pahuja.


Mahima Chaudhry – Mugdha Godse – Zoya Afroz Grace The Grand Finale Of Ricaverse Academy Miss Universal 2023


रेडियोथेरेपी के लिए विश्व की अत्याधुनिक मशीन Vital Beam Version – 3 अब पटना के सवेरा हॉस्पिटल में इस वर्जन की भारत मे यह पहली मशीन कैंसर के मरीजों के इलाज हेतु शुरुआत की जा चुकी है

रविवार को विश्वकर्मा पूजा के अवसर पर पटना कंकड़बाग स्थित सवेरा हॉस्पिटल पटना में रेडियोथेरेपी की अत्याधुनिक व सबसे उन्नत उपकरण linear accelerator vital beam version – 3 मशीन की शुरुआत रोगियों के उपचार के लिए किया जा चुका है। vital beam  version – 3 इस वर्जन की भारत मे यह पहली मशीन है जिसका उपयोग जटिल से जटिल कैंसर के मरीजों के उपचार के लिए किया जाएगा। बिहार , उत्तरप्रदेश व झारखंड के मरीज अब यहाँ आ कर जटिलतम कैंसर का इलाज कम से कम दुष्प्रभाव के साथ करवा सकते हैं। इस मशीन के द्वारा 3DRT/imrt/igrt/rapid arc/sbrt/srs का इलाज भी सम्भव है।

अस्पताल परिसर में ही कार्यक्रम कर उक्त मशीन को मरीजो हेतु सौंपा गया। कार्यक्रम में अतिथि के रूप में पद्म श्री डॉ आर एन सिंह,आई एम ए अध्यक्ष डॉ शाहजानंद प्रसाद, डॉ प्रितांजली,राजद एम एल सी सह विस्कोमान के अध्यक्ष डॉ सुनील कुमार सिंह उपस्थित हुए।

उक्त मौके पर आयोजित कार्यक्रम को संबोधित करते हुए सवेरा कैंसर अस्पताल के प्रबंध निदेशक डॉ वी पी सिंह के कहा जटिल से जटिल कैंसर जिसका इलाज बहुत ही मुश्किल है वैसे कैंसर के लिए रेडियोथेरेपी बहुत सुरक्षित एवं कारगर तरीका है। इन सुविधाओं के लिए सूबे के मरीजों को मुम्बई,दिल्ली या विदेश की ओर जाना पड़ता था। लेकिन अब ये सारी सुविधाएं आपके अपने सवेरा अस्पताल में संभव है। डॉ वीपी सिंह ने अपने संबोधन में आगे कहा रेडिएशन से डरने की जरूरत नही है। इसके दुष्प्रभाव अस्थाई होते हैं जो इलाज खत्म होने पर धीरे धीरे स्वतः ही खत्म हो जाते हैं। सिकाई वाली जगह पर सिर्फ थोड़ी बहुत परेशानी होती है लेकिन वो भी दर्द रहित होती है। बिहार में सबसे कम दर या शायद भारत मे सबसे कम पैसों में इस मशीन के द्वारा हम कैंसर के इलाज के लिए तैयार हैं।

रेडिएशन वाली ये प्रक्रिया दो तरह से की जाती है। बाह्य (external beam radiotherapy) और अंतः (brekitherapy) रेडिएशन । इसमें मरीज के सिकाई वाली जगह पर जाली (orfit) बनाई जाती है फिर जाली के साथ c.t scan कर के DICORT के माध्यम से TPS (Treatment planning system) में ट्रांसफर किया जाता है जहाँ radiation oncologist एवं physiest मिल कर target volume पर प्लानिंग करते हैं फिर मरीज को ट्रीटमेंट रूम में मशीन द्वारा विकिरण किया जाता है। उक्त मौके पर डॉक्टर अमृता कुमारी,डॉ नीता इत्यादि ने भी अपने विचार रखें।

रेडियोथेरेपी के लिए विश्व की अत्याधुनिक मशीन  Vital Beam Version – 3 अब पटना के सवेरा हॉस्पिटल में इस वर्जन की भारत मे यह पहली मशीन कैंसर के मरीजों के इलाज हेतु शुरुआत की जा चुकी है


Fashion Entrepreneur Fund’s Website Revealed At Inaugural Indian Fashion Awards Alliance Dinner

India Fashion Awards (IFA), a non-profit organization dedicated to recognizing and showcasing extraordinary creativity and innovation within the Indian fashion industry, was thrilled to unveil the website of Fashion Entrepreneur Fund (FEF) on September 3, 2023, at The Claridges in New Delhi.

Established by the visionary Fashionpruner, Mr. Sanjay Nigam, FEF’s primary objective is to

offer vital financial support and mentorship, fostering a collaborative and sustainable

entrepreneurial ecosystem. Esteemed Indian film director Mr. Karan Johar along with members & promoters Mr. VagishPathak, Mr. J.K. Lalwani, Mr. Naveen Jindal, Mr. Robin Raina, Mr. Sandeep Jain, Idha Pathak,Mr. Vinod Dugar, Mr. Gaurav Dalmia and Mr. Samir Modi, launched the transformative Fashion Entrepreneur Fund’s website, marking a groundbreaking initiative that empowers emerging fashion and lifestyle entrepreneurs with essential resources, investment, education, mentorship and networking during the inaugural ‘Alliance Dinner’.

Distinguished D2C founders and luminaries from the fashion and lifestyle sector graced the event.Additionally, FEF proudly announced a pioneering ₹20 Crore investment in a groundbreaking OTT series, which will be presented by Mr. Karan Johar. This initiative marks a significant milestone in FEF’s mission, offering deep insights into the journ

(Source: Beeent)


Fashion Entrepreneur Fund’s Website Revealed At Inaugural Indian Fashion Awards Alliance Dinner


Union Minister Smriti Irani Inaugurates The Orphan Research And Development Academy Center By Tarpan Foundation

The Yashwantrao Chavan Auditorium in Mumbai witnessed a heartwarming event as Tarpan Foundation, an organization dedicated to uplifting orphaned children, orchestrated the “Pratibha Samman” ceremony and the grand inauguration of the “Orphan Research and Development Academy Center.” The honorable Union Minister of Women and Child Welfare, Smriti Irani, graced the occasion with her presence, alongside Maharashtra’s Higher and Technical Education Minister, Chandrakant Dada Patil. A noteworthy highlight of the event was the distribution of mobile phones and tablets to the orphaned children.

In her inaugural address, Union Minister Smriti Irani acknowledged the invaluable role that Tarpan Foundation plays in society, serving as a reflection of our collective social conscience. She commended the tireless efforts of Shreya and Shrikant Bhartiya, the founders of Tarpan Foundation, for their dedication to this noble cause. Minister Irani expressed her desire to collaborate with Tarpan Foundation even further, extending its reach to the nation’s capital, Delhi. She announced her intention to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Union Ministry of Child Development as a part of her commitment.

Through a collaborative effort between Tarpan Foundation and Shreya and Shrikant Bhartiya, Smriti Irani pledged to undertake extensive research and development initiatives benefiting orphaned children nationwide. She emphasized the need to recognize orphaned children as the country’s foremost citizens.

Higher and Technical Education Minister Chandrakant Dada Patil applauded the NGO for its endeavors, lauding its high-minded approach to societal betterment.

Reflecting on her journey with Tarpan Foundation, Smriti Irani acknowledged the pivotal role played by Shrikant Bhartiya in her life. She praised Srikanth Bhartiya for granting her the opportunity to serve as a Yuva Morcha official in the Bharatiya Janata Party two decades ago, recognizing his unwavering commitment to social causes. She noted that the Bhartiyas initiated this remarkable journey of social responsibility 25 years ago.

Smriti Irani stressed the complexity of understanding the lives of orphaned children and the unique approach adopted by Tarpan Foundation to support them. She highlighted that Tarpan’s work is characterized by compassion and a deep sense of purpose.

Higher and Technical Education Minister Chandrakant Dada Patil expressed his admiration for Tarpan’s ability to transform innovative ideas into societal realities rapidly. He acknowledged Tarpan’s role in providing thousands of boys and girls in the state with a new lease on life.

During the program’s commencement, Shrikant Bhartiya shared his inspiration for founding Tarpan, attributing it to Union Minister Smriti Irani and Chandrakant Dada Patil. He expressed his delight at Minister Irani’s involvement in this significant program.

The event was skillfully conducted by Ajit Chavan, Director of Tarpan Foundation, an organization rooted in the ethos of selfless social initiatives. Tarpan Foundation recognizes the rich tradition of India and its people in supporting those in need. It seeks to empower orphaned youth who are on the cusp of leaving orphanages at the age of 18. Tarpan Foundation’s honest initiative aims to provide them with education, sustenance, shelter, and emotional support.

Shrikant Bhartiya, the Founder and Managing Director of Tarpan Foundation, articulated their vision of nurturing self-reliant and empowered orphaned youth in Maharashtra, India, and worldwide. Their mission is to ensure that every orphan transitioning out of an orphanage at the age of 18 achieves self-sufficiency. Tarpan Foundation stands as a beacon of hope for orphans, dedicated to their well-being.

The program commenced with a ceremonial puja and the lighting of lamps by distinguished guests. It was marked by the heartwarming distribution of mobile phones and tablets to numerous orphaned children, an initiative that seeks to bridge the digital divide. Shrikant Bhartiya extended his gratitude to all the guests who graced the event.

Shrikant Bhartiya, the visionary founder of Tarpan Foundation, explained the organization’s purpose. Tarpan Foundation emerged to address the pressing issue of rehabilitating orphaned boys and girls who reach the age of 18 in children’s homes. Over the years, Tarpan Foundation has extended its compassionate embrace to hundreds of orphans, providing them with social, economic, and educational support. Their ultimate goal is to cultivate these children into pillars of support for many more orphans in the future.


Union Minister Smriti Irani Inaugurates The Orphan Research And Development Academy Center By Tarpan Foundation

Blossoms In Bloom – A Floral Fantasy Paintings Exhibition By Artist Sandhya Manne In Jehangir

From: 12th to 18th September 2023

“Blossoms in Bloom: A Floral Fantasy”

An Exhibition of Paintings

By contemporary artist SANDHYA MANNE


Jehangir Art Gallery

161-B, M.G.Road,

Kala Ghoda, Mumbai

Timing: 11am to 7pm.

+91 90 420 72639

Chennai based artist Sandhya Manne creates oil paintings and intricate Zentangle ink drawings. She is India’s first Certified Zentangle Teacher, she has shared her knowledge and expertise, teaching Zentangle at Art centers and Community colleges in the USA before relocating to Chennai. She advocates Zentangle for mindfulness by offering regular corporate sessions, private and monthly group Zentangle workshops at her studio, as well as through engaging online courses touching the lives of aspiring artists both near and far.

The heart of my artistic theme for this collection is the ethereal beauty of flowers. Each bloom encapsulates profound symbolism, representing concepts from love and beauty to growth and resilience. Flowers bloom as a constant reminder of the cyclic nature of life, the fleeting beauty of existence, and the enduring essence of the human experience.

Oil paintings serve as the cornerstone of my artistic expression, enabling me to capture the elegance and beauty of flowers. The rich, luscious pigments of oil paints allow me to achieve depth and luminosity, establishing an intimate connection with the subject. Interwoven seamlessly within the oil paintings is the captivating art of Zentangle collage. The rhythmic repetition of intricate patterns and motifs, intertwined with floral elements, fosters a dynamic dialogue between the structured and the organic, the intentional and the spontaneous. This infusion breathes life into each piece, suffusing serenity and engaging viewers to find solace, as though they are wandering through a secret garden of the mind.

Texture plays a pivotal role in my process, as I use cold wax for medium with a palette knife to sculpt tactile surfaces on canvas. The interplay of light and shadow adds dimensions to my floral compositions, while the textural elements become a metaphor for the complexities and layers of emotions that flowers evoke, serving as a reminder of the depth within ourselves.

My artistic journey is an ever-evolving expedition of self-discovery —a symphony of colors, textures, and motifs resonating with the human soul. Through the dynamic interplay of Zentangle collage over the oil paintings, and the enduring theme of flowers, I aim to create a captivating visual experience that celebrates the beauty of life, the complexity of emotions, and the serenity of mindfulness. I invite viewers to immerse themselves in my collection, “Blossoms in Bloom: A Floral Fantasy,” and to wander through the secret garden of the mind.

Blossoms in Bloom – A Floral Fantasy Paintings Exhibition by artist Sandhya Manne in Jehangir


Devendra Tiwari RINKU National President Bharatiya Kisan Manch And Bharatiya Gau Seva Parishad

Father’s Late. Jagdish Prasad Tiwari

Place of Birth -Village Nevaji Kheda, Rahimnagar Padiana Post Harauni, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

Business and Office Agriculture, Hospitals and Group of Paramedical Colleges Indian Institute of Paramedical Sciences

C4 Cinder Dump Complex Alambagh Lucknow

Date of Birth-06 October 1983


Bachelor of Education

Social works- Protesting against cow slaughtering (Gau-seva), continuously raising voice for the problems of farmers & cows.

Free medical services for poor families, PIL/RTI activist.

Devendra Tiwari “Rinku” National President Bharatiya Kisan Manch And Bharatiya Gau Seva Parishad

अशफाक खोपेकर द्वारा लिखित किताब “सच्चाई” की लॉन्चिंग पार्टी में कई विशिष्ट अतिथियों की उपस्थिति

अशफाक खोपेकर द्वारा लिखित किताब “सच्चाई” की लॉन्चिंग पार्टी में कई विशिष्ट अतिथियों की उपस्थिति

अशफाक खोपेकर द्वारा लिखित पुस्तक “सच्चाई” की लॉन्चिंग पार्टी मुम्बई में रखी गई जहां लेखक के अलावा सिंगर उस्ताद गुलाम अब्बास खान, एसीपी नीलेश सावंत, सचिन तेंदुलकर के हमशक्ल, ऎक्टर मॉडल हम्द खान सहित कई मेहमान मौजूद रहे।

सचिन तेंदुलकर के हमशक्ल ऎक्टर ने कहा कि अशफाक जी हमें छोटे भाई की तरह मानते हैं। उनकी किताब के प्रकाशित होने पर उन्हें हार्दिक बधाई। वह बहुत अच्छा लिखते हैं।

ग़ज़ल सिंगर उस्ताद गुलाम अब्बास खान ने कहा कि अशफाक खोपेकर फ़िल्म आर्टिस्ट्स, टेक्नीशियन की भलाई और उनके हित मे लगातार कार्य करते आ रहे हैं। वह दादा साहेब फाल्के फ़िल्म फाउंडेशन अवार्ड्स के अध्यक्ष हैं। उन्होंने इस किताब के जरिये अपने अनुभव, जज़्बात और भावनाओं को कहने की कोशिश की है। मैं उनकी लिखी गज़लों को कम्पोज़ करके गाऊंगा और उन्हें एक अल्बम के रूप में रिलीज किया जाएगा।

ऎक्टर मॉडल हम्द खान ने कहा कि अशफाक खोपेकर मेरे मेंटर, गुरु, गाइड हैं। वह बहुत अच्छे लेखक हैं और उनकी किताब सच्चाई उनके दिल के बेहद करीब है। लोग इस किताब को पढ़कर प्रेरणा ले सकते हैं क्योंकि इसमें दुनिया और ज़िंदगी की सच्चाई बयान की गई है। सभी से अपील करूंगा कि ये किताब अवश्य पढ़ें, आपको सबक हासिल होगा। 2020 में लॉक डाउन के दौरान मेरी उनसे मुलाकात हुई और उनसे मैंने सब्र करना, अच्छा सुलूक करना सीखा है। अशफाक भाई ने हमेशा मुझे सही दिशा दिखाई है।

किताब सच्चाई की लॉन्चिंग पार्टी के अवसर पर अशफाक खोपेकर ने कहा कि मेरी एक आदत है कि मैं रोज़ चार लाइन का विचार लिखता हूँ। उसमें दुनिया और ज़िंदगी की हकीकत बयान की जाती है। इन्हीं विचारों को एकत्रित करके मैंने किताब का रूप दिया है सच्चाई। और यह सीरीज का रूप होगा यह पहली सिरिज है ऐसी 9 सीरीज आएगी। मेरा उद्देश्य लोगों तक अच्छी बातें पहुंचाना है चाहे वह कविता, शेर या ग़ज़ल के रूप में हो या पुस्तक के रूप में। इसमें इंसानियत दोस्ती प्यार के बारे में विचार हैं। दोस्ती एक ऐसा रिश्ता है जो इंसान खुद बनाता है लेकिन उसे आखिर तक निभाता है। इंसानियत सबसे आगे होती है यही ख्याल रखते हुए मैं जीवन गुजारता हूँ।

एसीपी नीलेश सावंत अशफाक खोपेकर द्वारा लिखित गणपति बप्पा की आरती को रिकॉर्ड करके इस गणपति के अवसर पर रिलीज करने जा रहे हैं।

जीवन के उसूल सिखाने वाली और प्रेरणा देने वाली “सच्चाई” एक बेहतरीन किताब है। जो फ्लिपकार्ट जैसे ऑनलाइन प्लेटफार्म पर भी उपलब्ध है।

अशफाक खोपेकर दादासाहेब फाल्के फिल्म फाउंडेशन के अध्यक्ष हैं। वह वर्षो से दादा साहब फाल्के फिल्म फाउंडेशन अवॉर्ड का भव्य रूप से आयोजन करते आ रहे हैं।


अशफाक खोपेकर द्वारा लिखित किताब “सच्चाई” की लॉन्चिंग पार्टी में कई विशिष्ट अतिथियों की उपस्थिति

Tanyaa Mishra Exudes Breath Of Fresh Air In Bollywood

Tanyaa Mishra. Does the name ring a bell? Well,the pretty 23-years old model-actress from Gaya in Bihar is here to reign in Bollywood marquee. Atleast her  sincere efforts indicate in that direction. Tanyaa’s two music video albums Nakharo
tu and Mera ho jayega climbed well in the popularity chart.
A former IWAA Miss India finalist (in 5th position), Tanyaa has also done some  good ads including that of
Hindustan Petroleum. Let’s talk to Tanyaa who confides that she has meaningful talks going on with some big production houses (“I’ll announce the results soon,” she says smilingly) in her own words:
QUESTION- Give us some details about your early days. Were you interested in acting from your childhood?
ANSWER- It was my childhood dream to be an actress. Infact,I have been participating in school plays and dance competitions when I was 5 years old. I was telling others  about my desire to ve an actress but was advised to study.

Q.- How did you come to Mumbai?
ANS- Ohh! That’s an interesting story. My family wanted me to be a Chartered Accountant and I did pursue the course..But during all this time I was looking for a scope to come to Mumbai which I eventually got and shifted to Mumbai. Now here I’m in Mumbai determined to make my distinct mark in Bollywood.

Q.- How has been the journey from Bihar to Mumbai?
ANS- Well, the journey hasn’t been all purple and fine linen..There have been ups and downs. But there good people also who guided me well and right.
As they say, where there’s a will there’s a way. Things are looking up for me and I’m working hard to be a successful and famous  actress.

Q.- What’s your strategy to overcome the competion as there are lots of newcomers trying their luck in the film industry.
ANS- I didn’t have a strategy as such when I came to Mumbai, nor do I get scared of other newcomers. I simply work hard with all sincerity. I’m bold and confident. I believe in myself and I have the will to succeed. Everybody has his or her journey and destiny.

Q.- Who’s your idol in Bollywood and why?
ANS- Priyanka Chopra and Kangana Ranaut. Both have non-film background and Both have achieved amazing success. One day I want to be recognised like them.

Q.- What are your hobbies? How do you relax yourself?
ANS- I love dancing and meeting new people. I do yoga and early in morning I do meditation. I also worship which keeps my mind relaxed and calm.


Tanyaa Mishra Exudes Breath Of Fresh Air In Bollywood


लोकभाषाओं में फिल्म बनाने के लिए अपने अंदर इच्छाशक्ति का होना नितांत आवश्यक : रत्नाकर कुमार

पटना: वर्ल्ड वाइड रिकॉर्ड्स के प्रमुख रत्नाकर कुमार ने पटना में आयोजित बिहार की भाषा और साहित्य उत्सव “आखिर बिहार उत्सव 2023” में कहा कि अपनी भाषा या लोकभाषाओं की फिल्म बनने के लिए मेकर्स के अंदर मजबूत इच्छा शक्ति का होना नितांत आवश्यक है। रत्नाकर कुमार ने कहा कि आखिर जैसा कार्यक्रम का आयोजन लोकभाषाओं को बढ़ावा देने के लिए जरूरी है। इससे बिहार की भाषाओं की समस्याओं से रूबरू होंगे और बिहार की भाषाओं को आगे बढ़ाने के लिए ऐसे विमर्श का आयोजन जरूरी है। रत्नाकर कुमार ने इस मौके पर बिहार की भाषाओं को आगे बढ़ाने के लिए सभी भाषाओं में फिल्म बनाने की घोषणा की।

रत्नाकर कुमार ने कहा कि मैं मुजफ्फरपुर से आता हूँ और जब मैंने फिल्म बनानी शुरू की थी, तब मेरे ही घर में माँ ने कहा था कि  यह तो हमारी भाषा नहीं है। इसके बाद हमने फिल्म में बदलाव लाने की सोची। आज वो टाइम आ गया, जब हम वो फिल्में बना रहे हैं, जो अपने घरों में देख सकें। उन्होंने कहा कि किसी भी बदलाव लाने के लिए पहले खुद बदलना होगा। उसके बाद अपने लोगों को बताना होगा। इसके लिए हमें मेहनत करनी होगी। उन्होंने कहा कि बिहार की भाषाओं के लिए दुखद ये रहा कि बिहार के बॉलीवुड के किसी कलाकार से समर्थन नहीं आया। वहीं रत्नाकर कुमार ने बताया कि अभी मेरी 9 फिल्मों की घोषणा हुई है, जिसमें हमने 1 भोजपुरी रखी है, बाकी मैंने उन फिल्मों की घोषणा की, जो आम बोल चाल की भाषा है और घरों में बोली जाती है। उसमें मगही भी है।

बिहार की भाषाओं को आगे बढ़ाने के लिए हर भाषा में करूंगा फिल्म : रत्नाकर कुमार

Grand launch of Nikkita Rawal Aastha Rawal and Resty Kamboj’s music video GAIR CHUN LIYA

Bollywood celebrities Deepak Tijori. Rajeev Thakur and Adil Durrani graced their presence at the launch of music video “Gair Chun Liya” that stars Nikkita and Aastha Rawal with Resty Kamboj that was held at Red Bulb Studio in Mumbai. This is Nikkita ‘s successive appearance after the tremendous success of her music video”Shai Shai Dil”.

Hashmat Sultan has rendered mesmerizing voice over music composition of Oye Kunaal who has also directed the video that is trending on top on Digital platforms.

Among other notable celebs present were Adil Durrani, comedian Rajeev Thakur, Bright Outdoor’s Yogesh Lakhani, Lady Manoj Kumar  along with Nikkita and Aastha Rawal’s mother.

Deepak Tijori highly appreciated this song stating, “Nikkita Rawal and Aastha Rawal are just awesome in this video that’s based on the theme of deception in love.”

While stating that this song was filmed in the scorching heat of 48 degrees in Rajasthan, Nikkita Rawal expressed her heartfelt gratitude towards the guests.

An excited Aastha Rawal mentioned, “This is my first music video and I accepted the challenge of playing negative shades which is appreciated by our fans.”

The gorgeous Nikkita Rawal has acted in several  Bollywood and South Indian movies such as Black & White with Anil Kapoor, Mr Hot Mr Kool and The Hero – Abhimanyu, Ammaa Ki Boli, Garam Masala (starring Akshay Kumar and John Abhraham) among others. . She is also acclaimed for working with  a government project depicting social issues, produced by Innocent Virus Films on NDTV.

Nikkita Rawal ‘s upcoming film is Roti Kapda aur  Romance where she plays the lead role alongside Arshad Warsi and Chunky Pandey.

Grand launch of Nikkita Rawal  Aastha Rawal and Resty Kamboj’s music video GAIR CHUN LIYA

फिजियोथेरेपी चिकित्सा के क्षेत्र में बेहतर कार्य के लिए डॉ. राजीव सिंह को मिला गोल्ड मेडल

पटना : देश के जाने माने फिजियोथेरेपिस्ट व साईं हेल्थ केयर वेलनेस सेंटर पटना के निदेशक डॉ राजीव कुमार सिंह को चिकित्सा के क्षेत्र में उनके द्वारा किये गए उत्कृष्ट कार्यो के लिए बिहार रेजिमेंट सेंटर द्वारा स्वर्ण पदक से सम्मानित किया गया। डॉ राजीव को ये सम्मान बिहार रेजिमेंट सेंटर दानापुर में विश्व फिजियोथेरेपी दिवस के अवसर पर आयोजित एक भव्य समारोह के दौरान दिया गया। इस सम्मान उन्हें बिहार रेजीमेंट सेंटर दानापुर के सेंटर हेड ब्रिगेडियर जसपाल के हाथों फिजियोथेरेपी चिकित्सा के क्षेत्र में बेहतर कार्य करने के लिए मिला।

डॉ राजीव देश के जाने माने फिजियोथेरेपिस्ट हैं। फिजियोथेरेपी के क्षेत्र में डॉ राजीव ने देश विदेशों सहित देश के कई अभिनेता,नेता व क्रिकेटर को अपनी सेवाएं दे चुके हैं।

उक्त सम्मान से उत्साहित डॉ राजीव कुमार सिंह ने कहा छोटे से गाँव से निकल कर इस मुकाम तक पहुचना संघर्षपूर्ण रहा।इस वर्ष विश्व फिजियोथेरेपी दिवस हमारे लिए सदैव यादगार रहेगा। चिकित्सा के क्षेत्र योगदान देने पर स्वर्ण पदक प्राप्त करना हमारे और हमारे परिवार के लिए अत्यंत सौभाग्यशाली क्षण है। बिहार में फिजियोथेरेपिस्ट बनना और सैनिकों के साथ काम करना अपने आप में गौरवशाली है। मैं बिहार रेजिमेंट सेंटर, दानापुर में सैकड़ों सैनिकों का इलाज करने पर खुद को भाग्यशाली समझता हूँ की मुझे देश की सेवा करने का अवसर प्राप्त हुआ। इस सम्मान पर डॉ. राजीव सिंह ने बिहार रेजीमेंट सेंटर दानापुर का भी दिल से आभार व्यक्त किया। उन्होंने कहा कि यह मेरे जीवन का सबसे यादगार क्षण है जिसमें मुझे देश सेवा करने का मौका मिला। यह अवॉर्ड हमारे फील्ड और बिहार के लिए गर्व की बात है। उन्होंने बताया कि मैंने सैकड़ों जवानों को अपने फिजियोथेरेपी चिकित्सा से ठीक किया है। और आगे भी देश सेवा के लिए निरंतर कार्य करता रहूँगा।

उन्होंने आगे बताया कि फिजियोथेरेपी के जरिए गठिया, रीढ़ की हड्डी में चोट जैसी बीमारियों का इलाज संभव है। इसका कोई साइड इफेक्ट भी नही होता है। आज भाग दौड़ की ज़िंदगी मे फिजियोथेरेपी आम जीवन मे अति महत्वपूर्ण हो गया है। जहाँ बिना दवा के ज्यादातर बीमारियों को जड़ से खत्म किया जा सकता है। अक्सर लोग फिजियोथेरेपी बीच मे ही छोड़ देते है। ऐसा करने से आपको पूरा लाभ नही मिल पाता। इसमे कई सेशन होते हैं जिन्हें पूरा करना जरूरी है। आप चाहते हैं कि इसका लाभ लंबे समय तक हो तो सभी सेशन को पूरा करे।

फिजियोथेरेपी चिकित्सा के क्षेत्र में बेहतर कार्य के लिए डॉ. राजीव सिंह को मिला गोल्ड मेडल

वर्ल्डवाइड रिकॉर्ड्स ने किया बड़ा धमाका, इस साल करेगी 9 फिल्मों का निर्माण

भोजपुरी इंडस्ट्री में अपनी एक अलग और हटके पहचान रखने वाली म्यूजिक कंपनी वर्ल्डवाइड रिकॉर्ड्स एक बार फिर से नया धमाका करने जा रही है। जी हां! आपने सही सुना है कि वर्ल्डवाइड रिकार्ड्स के एमडी रत्नाकर कुमार ने अपने  सोशल मीडिया एकाउंट पर अपनी आगामी फिल्मों की लिस्ट शेयर की है, जिसमें एक से बढ़ाकर एक फिल्मों की शूटिंग शुरू होने की घोषणा की है।  इन फिल्मों के नाम उन्होंने महीने के हिसाब से शेयर किये हैं कि किसी माह में किस फ़िल्म की शूटिंग शुरू होगी। रत्नाकार कुमार के इंस्टाग्राम अकाउंट पर पोस्ट शेयर के कैप्शन में लिखा है शूटिंग कमिंग सून… ।

गौरतलब है कि इस महीने यानि कि सितंबर में भोजपुरी फिल्म लाटरी, भाभी, छठ के बरतिया  की शूटिंग शुरू होगी, वहीं इसके बाद अक्टूबर में बाबूजी, काली मेहंदी, सनम शुरू करेंगे। नवंबर में बड़ी बहन, छोले भटूरे की शूटिंग को लेकर प्रस्तुत होंगे, वहीं इस साल के अंत की बात करें तो दिसंबर का महीना एकदम खास होगा, क्योंकि इस महीने केवल एक ही फिल्म की शूटिंग वर्ल्डवाइड रिकार्ड्स के द्वारा की जाएगी जिसका नाम है ‘काला पत्थर’। इस प्रकार वर्ल्डवाइड रिकार्ड्स ने अपने आने वाले महीनों की जानकारी दी है, जिसमें वे एक से बढ़कर एक फिल्मों का निर्माण शुरू करने वाली है।

इस जानकारी की पुष्टि करते हुए वर्ल्डवाइड रिकार्ड्स के एमडी रत्नाकर कुमार ने कहा कि ‘इस साल हम सितंबर से लेकर दिसम्बर तक 9 फिल्मों को फ्लोर पर लेकर जाने वाले हैं। जिसमें कई बेहतरीन फिल्मों का निर्माण किया जाएगा। हम भोजपुरी इंडस्ट्री में कई ऐसी फिल्मों का निर्माण करने जा रहे है, जो इंडस्ट्री में मील का पत्थर साबित होगी। हम अपनी इंडस्ट्री को और बेहतर बनाने के लिए इन सभी फिल्मों की बेहतरीन कहानियों पर काम कर रहे हैं, जिससे भोजपुरी इंडस्ट्री और भी ग्रोथ कर सके।

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वर्ल्डवाइड रिकॉर्ड्स ने किया बड़ा धमाका, इस साल करेगी 9 फिल्मों का निर्माण

Ricaverse Academy Miss Universal 2023 Audition Held At SNDT College Juhu Mumbai

Ricaverse Academy Miss Universal last audition was held at Usha Mittal Institute of Technology , SNDT University ,Juhu ,Mumbai on 1st of Sept, 2023 .about 60 students have participated in it out of which 22 were given the final audition. Organizers of Ricaverse Miss Universal 2023 Mr Sanjeev kumar and Mr Yusuf Shakir were also among the jury there . From college management ,principal- Dr Yogesh Nerkar, senior techers Ms Atyea Kasmani and Hansa kosavi were also there. Special thanks to Mr yashwant Kale cultural head of the institute. Make up was done by siya Make Up Mantra ,college co ordination done by Mr Rohit . Special thanks to actress and model Radhika Chowhan Audition is supported by Bright Outdoor media Ltd,  Blossom kocchar , The London School of Make up , Fashion Herald magazine, Kajal Atelier designer and Mallone Fashion World.


Ricaverse Academy Miss Universal 2023 Audition Held At SNDT College Juhu  Mumbai

Indo Tajikistan Cultural Forum Launched To Strengthen Bilateral Ties

New Delhi,6th Sept. 2023:  In a historic and momentous initiative aimed at fostering deeper cultural bonds and strengthening diplomatic ties between the two nations, the International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry (ICMEI), in collaboration with the Embassy of Tajikistan, proudly inaugurated the Indo-Tajikistan Film & Cultural Forum.

The launch of this significant forum, celebrated with great enthusiasm and camaraderie, took place at the Embassy of Tajikistan in New Delhi, heralding a new chapter in the already cordial and enduring relationship between India and Tajikistan.

His Excellency Lukmon Bobokalonzoda, Ambassador of Tajikistan to India, expressed his optimism for the future, stating, “India and Tajikistan have a wonderful relationship, and to enhance the value of our relations, we have planned to launch the Indo-Tajikistan Film and Cultural Forum to develop and promote relations between the two countries through art and culture. Today is an auspicious day as we embark on this remarkable journey.”

Spearheading this endeavour, Sandeep Marwah, President of ICMEI and the visionary founder of Noida Film City, was nominated as the Chair of the Indo-Tajikistan Film & Cultural Forum. His unparalleled dedication to the world of media and entertainment, coupled with his commitment to fostering international cooperation, made him the ideal candidate to lead this prestigious initiative.

In a touching gesture of mutual respect and collaboration, ICMEI and Sandeep Marwah presented the patronship of the Indo-Tajikistan Film & Cultural Forum to  His Excellency Lukmon Bobokalonzoda, Ambassador of Tajikistan to India reaffirming their commitment to working hand-in-hand to promote cultural exchange, artistic collaboration, and mutual understanding between India and Tajikistan.

The Indo-Tajikistan Film & Cultural Forum will serve as a dynamic platform for artists, filmmakers, cultural enthusiasts, and diplomats from both nations to come together, share their unique perspectives, and create cultural bridges that transcend borders. Through a wide array of artistic endeavours, including film festivals, art exhibitions, music concerts, and more, the forum aims to celebrate the rich cultural tapestry of India and Tajikistan while nurturing enduring friendships and partnerships.

This initiative marks a significant milestone in the longstanding and amicable relations between India and Tajikistan, opening new avenues for cooperation, cultural exchange, and shared creativity.


Indo Tajikistan Cultural Forum Launched To Strengthen Bilateral Ties

Prof Dr Madhu Krishan The Eminent Scientist AUGP USA Honoured Doctrate Degrees To Great Leaders In New York At Seminar On Global Peace And Sustainable Development

World News , New York – Eminent Scientist His Eminence Prof Dr MADHU KRISHAN Conferred Doctoral & Post Doctoral , Doctorate ( Honoris Causa) to Chancellirsv , Vice Chancellors, Research Scientists , Professors of Government Universities , Acamedecians ,Peace Leaders, Ambassadors , City Msyors ,  Police Officers ,etc In New York , RCC Campus of Government State University Of New York .

In New York ,USA ,An International Educational Convention & Seminar on the Topic , “ GLOBAL PEACE FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT “ Followed by Doctoral & Post Doctoral Convocation & Award Ceremony  was organized by The  American University USA Inc. ( AUGP USA ) & UN University For Global Peace Inc . USA   In Association with  “ RCC – State University Of New York “  in the beautiful campus of RCC in  Ellipse – Technology Centre , New York.

H.E. Amb.Dr. Lester Edgardo Sandres Rapalo the President  of RCC – State University Of New York  cum The International Governor Of AUGP ,UNUGP USA , presided over  the program  and the Chief guest was  His Eminence Prof. Dr. Madhu Krishan ,The Chairman cum Chief Rector of The American University USA  ( AUGP ) & UN University  For Global Peace  ( UNUGP ) & Groups of AUGP Educational Institutions World Wide . Royal Ambassador H.E. Ps. Dr. Verona Broomes  the Secretary General Cum Dean Of AUGP USA, along with the team Archbishop Dr. David Olivencia ,The International Governor Of AUGP & UNUGP USA, Apostle Dr. Wilfredo Ortiz & Ps. Dr. Greette  , facilitated the  whole event in a befitting manner

H.E. Amb. Dr. Carlos Gracia, The Senior Ambassador Of United Nations cum The  International Governor Of AUGP ,UNUGP, an Expert in All UN Subjects ,  dwelt in length on the topic  .

H.E. Amb.Dr. Lester Edgardo Sandres Rapalo the President  of RCC – State University Of New York  was honoured  by His Eminence Prof. Dr. Madhu Krishan ,who presented him with 7 Diamond Medal Of Honour for his incredible contribution  towards the Global Civil Society  for building up a transformed civilization of , “Peace Loving – Peace Living – Peace Practicing “ through educational  & academic programs , to Establish Global Peace for  Sustainable Development  of Nations . Prof. Dr. Madhu Krishan informed  while honouring Dr. Lester Edgardo Sandres Rapalo with this DIAMOND MEDAL OF HONOUR  that Such medals were given only to the Prime Ministers, Presidents, Army & defense Generals  who signed MOU with AUGP USA for  it’s agenda to Establish Global  Peace by “ STOPPING WAR, TERRORISM, DRUGS, HUMAN TRAFFICKING , ORGANIZED CRIME , etc & to Promote PEACE CULTURE , HUMAN RIGHTS  to support UN SDG 2030 . 70 Prime Ministers had Signed such MOU with AUGP in the Past .

Board Of Governors & Senators of AUGP USA in 120 Countries had passed resolution to honour  H.E. Amb.Dr. Lester Edgardo Sandres Rapalo & H.E. Royal Ambassador Ps. Dr. Verona Broomes with  Academy Noble Peace Platinum Award 2023 which was presented  to both of them during the Award  Ceremony    by  His Eminence Prof. Dr. Madhu Krishan ,The Chairman cum Chief Rector of The American University USA  ( AUGP )& UN University  For Global Peace  ( UNUGP ). Doctorate Degrees ( Honoris Causa ) was also presented by by the  Board Of Governors & Senators  ,  presented to H.E  Dr. Rapalo ,Amb. H.E Dr. Carlose Graciea , H.E Dr. Bárbara Flores Caballero , H.E  Dr. Irene Rebecca Delgado, Amb. H.E. Dr. Queennak, H.E Mayor  Dr. Michael Vo,H.E. Amb. Dr. Ike  M I Khamisani, etc .

The Chairman Of International Police Veterans Foundation   H.E. Dr. Miachael  also spoke  on the Topic of Peace & presented prestigious  Noble Award  to His Eminence Prof. Dr. Madhu Krishan &  Ps. Dr. Verona Broomes .

A world reputed Artist For Peace Prof. Yang Yan also did Live Painting  for  Peace Promotion & donated to the RCC –State University  Of New York . Prof. Yang Yan also was honoured with Human Excellence Golden Award of AUGP USA  for his incredible Efforts to Promote Global Peace Through his Arts  .

A well attended Awardees from several Countries participated  &  graduated from AUGP USA ,received their Degrees on the occasion & befitting grand Program at RCC’s Ellipse – Technology Centre, New York, USA .

A few Names of this  batch of  Graduates  from  The American University  USA    are as follows :-

Millicent Buhya, Inez Cunningham-Folkes, Evang. Emmanuel Boateng, Pastor Isaac Yeboah, Jillian Doyle-Williams, Enoch Amegashie, Apostle Rose Darko, Natish Mulgrave, Wendy Donna Miller-Smith, Veraline Wayland, Sidonie Walker, Esther Awadzi, Fatmata Alice Momoh, Antoinette M. Brown, Keisha Lopez, Constantina Smit, Elder Patrick M. Nolan, Althea R. Taylor-Schaneen, Morvyth F. McPherson, Leisa Gaye Rodney, Andrea L. Thompson, Adel Patrena Anderson, ReachelOmobude, etc,etc.

Vote Of Thanks was proposed by  Amb. Dr. David Olivencia , The International Governor Of AUGP USA

Amb. Dr. Daljeet Kaur , The Ambassador Of AUGP USA ( India Chapter ) has expressed her heartiest congratulation to all the awardees .

Prof Dr Madhu Krishan, The Eminent Scientist,  AUGP USA  Honoured Doctrate Degrees To Great Leaders In New York At Seminar On Global Peace’ And Sustainable Development

Congratulations To Tom Cruise For Mission Impossible 2023 – Angel Tetarbe Miss Glamourface World INDIA

My Heartiest Congratulations to Star Actor Tom Cruise n Director Christopher McQuarrie and the entire crew for the fabulous performance n direction .

I watched the movie in amc Movie theater in New York Times Square with great movie watching experience on big screen.

Movie story n shots were amazing mind blowing to be enjoyed watching on big screen Theatres makes the difference..

Once again thank u for a full entertainment and thrilling movie u guys have produced n directed so well ,screenplay was fantastic and everyone fitted in their roles so perfectly.

All the Best

Angel Tetarbe

Miss Glamourface World India

International Peace Ambassador


Congratulations To Tom Cruise For Mission Impossible 2023 – Angel Tetarbe Miss Glamourface World INDIA

Businessman Rupesh Pandey From Bihar With Charming And Pleasant Personality Who Is Enthusiastic – Amiable And Generous

Rupesh  Pandey born dated 18th August, 1992, young businessman from Bihar with Charming and Pleasant Personality who is Enthusiastic, Amiable and Generous.

This should be Noted that when there were already Banking & Non-Banking Services Existing in market which already had earned Name & Fame, It was very challenging to bloom out from it. However, with his firm determination to grow and provide the ease of ifinancial services to all who are in necessity, he works his fingers to the bone and accepted challenge to raise.

In a span of very short time and very young age his current remarkable net worth is 300 million USD. He is also contributing in social activities and spending his most time in serving the poor and Needy People.

Achievements: –

  • Dec 2021 – Dadasaheb Phalke ICON Award Films (DPIAF) 2021 – Young and Dynamic Businessman Award 2021
  • April 2022 – Green Cinema Award 2022 – Rising Businessman of the Year 2022
  • Oct 2022 – Champions of Change 2022 – Chandigarh
  • Nov 2022 – Pride of Bettiah – Bihar Gaurav Puraskar
  • Bihar – Forest Brand Ambassador
  • August 2023 – Dadasaheb Phalke ICON Award (DPIAF) 2023


Businessman Rupesh Pandey From Bihar With Charming And Pleasant Personality Who Is Enthusiastic – Amiable And Generous

Renowned Filmmaker Rahul Rawail Shares Insights In Master Class At AAFT School Of Cinema

New Delhi,4th September, 2023 – The AAFT School of Cinema, a leading institution in the world of film education, had the privilege of hosting the legendary filmmaker Rahul Rawail. Known for directing blockbuster hits such as “Betaab,” “Arjun Pandit,” “Love Story,” and many more, Rahul Rawail visited Marwah Studios in Noida Film City to impart his vast knowledge and experience in Indian cinema to the eager students.

Rahul Rawail’s journey in the world of cinema began as an assistant to the iconic filmmaker Raj Kapoor. During his master class, he eloquently shared his experiences of learning the art of filmmaking under the tutelage of the legendary Raj Kapoor. Reflecting on his own journey, he spoke passionately about the importance of dedication and hard work in the pursuit of a successful career in the film industry.

Addressing the students, Rahul Rawail emphasized the significance of being attentive and regular in their pursuit of knowledge at AAFT School of Cinema. He remarked, “You are at the right place. This is one of the best institutions in the world. You need to be attentive and regular to be part of the learning process.”

During the interactive session, Mr. Rawail also introduced his book, “Raj Kapoor – A Master at Work,” in which he chronicles his remarkable journey alongside Raj Kapoor, shedding light on the nuances of filmmaking and the invaluable lessons he learned from the legendary director.

Responding to questions from the enthusiastic cinema students, Rahul Rawail reiterated the importance of passion in creating a name for oneself in the film industry. He emphasized, “Nothing comes easy. You have to be hardworking and passionately work on your projects to create a name for yourself.”

The master class was conducted by Dr. Sandeep Marwah, President of Marwah Studios, who shared his own insights and motivated the students to make the most of their education at AAFT. Dr. Marwah expressed his vision for the institution, stating, “After 30 years, we need to prove that AAFT has the best ways to educate and train students in cinema.”

The visit of Rahul Rawail and the enlightening master class added another dimension to the educational experience at AAFT School of Cinema, reaffirming its commitment to nurturing the next generation of filmmaking talent.

Renowned Filmmaker Rahul Rawail Shares Insights In Master Class At AAFT School Of Cinema

FACE OF INDIA ACHIEVERS AWARD SEASON –I Succesfully Organised By Tanmay Sen Gupta (Bins Entertainment) And Puneet Khare (Mayuri Media Works)

The grand ceremony of “FACE OF INDIA ACHIEVERS AWARD” (SEASON ONE) concluded at Mukti Auditorium Hall. In this event, persons associated with various fields were honored for their remarkable works. People associated with TV & FILMS were the center of attraction in the award show. Many veteran artists like actress Mahima Chawdhry,  Mukesh Rishi,  Poonam Jhawar, Reeva Chaudhry, Bhojpuri actress Rani Chatterjee, music composer Dilip Sen and comedian Sunil Pal were awarded in this event, as well as these celebrity artists gave their hands to emerging artists, social workers. The businessmen were honored by giving trophies. Apart from this, Kathak Dancer Aparna Rao, Shilpa Gandhi, Shally Bindra Sajida Khan, Rockstar Singer Chintan Bakiwala, Mangesh Wagadhale, Producer Director K C Bokadia, Producer Mohan Naddar, Actor Rohit Raj, Actor Brijgopal, Producer  Gajendra Srivastava, Advocate Vikram Singh, Sanjay Singh Creative Editor, Vastu Expert Basannt Raiwasia, Mahendra Shrivastava, Nikesh Tarachand Shah Jain, Anita Sisodia (Director, Kritika Films Production), Gujarati Star Kiran Acharya, Yogendra Srivastava, Yunus M Pathan (Garment Exporter) Received the Face of India Achievers Award.

Many actors and actresses, singers, filmmakers, musicians, politicians and philanthropists were included in the category of award winners.

Politician  social activist businessman mukesh kumar gupta ke peskash “FACE OF INDIA ACHIEVERS AWARD” season one. Iss award ke chief guest mahima chaudhry ke sath manch sada kiye huwe.

The award show was sponsored by Khalid Khan (SKK Builder & Developer), Mukesh Gupta (Tirupati Balaji Media), Co Sponsored by BabuBhai Patel (Sitaram Infraproject Pvt Ltd) and Dharamdas Ramani (Dwarka Family Park).

Tanmay Sen Gupta (Bins Entertainment) and Puneet Khare (Mayuri Media Works) successfully organized the event.

On this occasion, Mahima Chaudhry wished and encouraged all the dignitaries. Actor Mukesh Rishi said that behind every award there is a thought and hard work. Artists keep improving their art because their art will definitely be honored one day. In the program, organizer Tanmay Sen Gupta and senior film publicist Puneet Khare thanked the celebrity artists and said that you all enhanced the dignity of this award show. Budding artists, show your art from the heart so that we can always honor you. Sunil Pal made everyone happy by doing mimicry on the stage. The Show Was Anchored By Girish Thapar & Meenakshi Shrivastava…


FACE OF INDIA ACHIEVERS AWARD SEASON –I Succesfully Organised By Tanmay Sen Gupta (Bins Entertainment) And Puneet Khare (Mayuri Media Works)


Actress Model Archana Singh Rajput Gorgeous Pictures

Actress Model Archana Singh Rajput Gorgeous Pictures


Actress Model Archana Singh Rajput Gorgeous Pictures

Actress Twinkle Kapoor  Sexy And Bold Photoshoot

Actress Twinkle Kapoor  Sexy And Bold Photoshoot


Actress Twinkle Kapoor Latest Sexy And Bold Photoshoot Gallery

Rockstar singer Chintan Bakiwala receives Face of India Achievers Award 2023 by the hands of Mahima Chowdhary

Mumbai. The grand ceremony of Face of India Achievers Award (Season One) concluded at Mukti Auditorium. In this event, persons associated with various fields were honored for their remarkable works. People associated with TV and films were the center of attraction in the award show. Actress Mahima Chowdhary received the Face of India Achievers Award, Rockstar singer Chintan Bakiwala was given in this event, many veteran artists like actor Mukesh Rishi, actress Poonam Jhawar, Riva Chowdhary, Bhojpuri actress Rani Chatterjee, musician Dilip Sen and comedian Sunil Pal were awarded. Along with this, these celebrity artists honored emerging artists, social workers, businessmen with their own hands by giving trophies. Apart from these, Kathak dancer Aparna Rao, Shilpa Gandhi, Shelli Mitra, Sajid Khan, Mangesh Wagdhale, producer director KC Bokadia, Mustafa Yusufali Gom, actor Rohit Raj, actor Brijgopal, producer Mohan Nadar, Gajendra Srivastava, advocate Vikram Singh, Sanjay Singh ( Creative Editor), Vastu Expert Basant Rai Wasia, Mahendra Srivastava, Nikesh Tarachand Shah Jain, Anita Sisodia (Director, Kritika Films Production), Gujarati Star Kiran Acharya, Yogendra Srivastava, Yunus M Pathan (Garment Exporter) also received the Face of India Achievers Award. received.

Many actors and actresses, singers, filmmakers, musicians, politicians and philanthropists were included in the category of award winners.

The award show was sponsored by Khalid Khan (SKK Builder & Developer), Mukesh Gupta (Tirupati Balaji Media), co sponsored by Babu Bhai Patel (Sitaram Infraproject Pvt Ltd) and Dharmdas Ramani (Dwarika Family Park).

Tanmay Sen Gupta (Bins Entertainment) and Puneet Khare (Proprietor of Mayuri Media Works) successfully organized the event.

On this occasion, Mahima Chowdhary wished and encouraged all the dignitaries. Actor Mukesh Rishi said that behind every award there is a thought and hard work. Artists keep improving their art because their art will definitely be honored one day. In the program, organizer Tanmay Sen Gupta and senior film publicist Puneet Khare thanked the celebrity artists and said that you all enhanced the dignity of this award show. Budding artists, show your art from the heart so that we can always honor you. Sunil Pal made everyone happy by doing mimicry on the stage.

Pics : Ramakant Munde Mumbai


Rockstar singer Chintan Bakiwala receives Face of India Achievers Award 2023 by the hands of Mahima Chowdhary

Dharma Ramani (Owner Of Dwarka Water Park) Felicitated With Face Of India Achievers Award By Mahima Chowdhary

Mumbai. The grand ceremony of Face of India Achievers Award (Season One) concluded at Mukti Auditorium. In this event, persons associated with various fields were honored for their remarkable works. People associated with TV and films were the center of attraction in the award show. The event honored Dharma Ramani (owner of Dwarka Water Park) with the Face of India Achievers Award by Mahima Chowdhary, and was attended by actors Mukesh Rishi, actresses Poonam Jhawar, Riva Chowdhary, Bhojpuri actress Rani Chatterjee, musician Dilip Sen and comedian Sunil Pal Like many veteran artists were awarded, along with these celebrity artists honored emerging artists, social workers, businessmen with their own hands by giving trophies. Apart from these, Kathak dancer Aparna Rao, Shilpa Gandhi, Shelli Mitra, Sajid Khan, Mangesh Wagdhale, producer director KC Bokadia, Mustafa Yusufali Gom, actor Rohit Raj, actor Brijgopal, producer Mohan Nadar, Gajendra Srivastava, advocate Vikram Singh, Sanjay Singh ( Creative Editor), Vastu Expert Basant Rai Wasia, Mahendra Srivastava, Nikesh Tarachand Shah Jain, Anita Sisodia (Director, Kritika Films Production), Gujarati Star Kiran Acharya, Yogendra Srivastava, Yunus M Pathan (Garment Exporter) also received the Face of India Achievers Award. received.

Many actors and actresses, singers, filmmakers, musicians, politicians and philanthropists were included in the category of award winners.

The award show was sponsored by Khalid Khan (SKK Builder & Developer), Mukesh Gupta (Tirupati Balaji Media), co sponsored by Babu Bhai Patel (Sitaram Infraproject Pvt Ltd) and Dharmdas Ramani (Dwarika Family Park).

Tanmay Sen Gupta (Bins Entertainment) and Puneet Khare (Proprietor of Mayuri Media Works) successfully organized the event.

On this occasion, Mahima Chowdhary wished and encouraged all the dignitaries. Actor Mukesh Rishi said that behind every award there is a thought and hard work. Artists keep improving their art because their art will definitely be honored one day. In the program, organizer Tanmay Sen Gupta and senior film publicist Puneet Khare thanked the celebrity artists and said that you all enhanced the dignity of this award show. Budding artists, show your art from the heart so that we can always honor you. Sunil Pal made everyone happy by doing mimicry on the stage.

Pics : Ramakant Munde Mumbai


Dharma Ramani (Owner Of Dwarka Water Park) Felicitated With Face Of India Achievers Award By Mahima Chowdhary

AAFT UNIVERSITY In Raipur Unveils Its New Academic Session

Raipur – Here’s another piece of good news! Asian Academy of Film and Television (AAFT) added yet another feather to its loaded cap as the palpable energy of new beginnings filled the air with AAFT University in Raipur unveiling its 2023 academic session in a grand inauguration ceremony. The prestigious event was graced by Dr Sandeep Marwah, the internationally acclaimed media personality and the dynamic Chancellor of AAFT University.

Popular actor Bobby Deol, the esteemed actor known fo his roles in blockbuster movies such as “Barsaat,” “Race 3,” “Gupt – The Hidden Truth,” “Kareeb,” “Soldier,” “Dilagi,” “Badal,” “Ajnabi,” “Humraaz,” and recent webseries  “Aashram,” was the Chief Guest of this momentous occasion. Bobby shared his invaluable insights and experiences from the realms of the media and entertainment industry with the eager and enthusiastic students who asked him many questions for their knowledge about the world of entertainment.

Expressing his enthusiasm, Bobby Deol stated, “I am privileged to inaugurate the new session of AAFT University at Raipur. It’s a wonderful opportunity for me to meet the young, enthusiastic students who are here to shape their careers in various fields of business.”

AAFT University, under the unenviable leadership of Dr Marwah, has an impressive legacy of three decades in education. It boasts of a global alumni network of thirty thousand students hailing from 145 countries who are now shining as brand ambassadors in their respective industries. AAFT University is recognized as a case study in twenty-seven countries worldwide, and it holds the distinction of creating nine world records. Notably, it is the institution most frequently honoured for its creativity, exclusivity, and pioneering role in skill development in India.

Addressing the students, Marwah emphasized, “The time has come for all of us to step out of our comfort zones and work diligently in our chosen fields to propel our nation to greater heights. Success does not come without dedication, punctuality and regularity. Well-educated and trained students have vast opportunities to soar to new horizons.”

The event witnessed the presence of the entire administrative and academic leadership of AAFT University, including Directors, Deans, and Faculty members.

The inauguration of the 2023 session at AAFT University in Raipur marks the beginning of an exciting journey for the aspiring students, where they will receive world-class education and training to excel in their chosen fields. With the guidance of distinguished personalities like Dr Sandeep Marwah and the valuable insights shared by Bobby Deol, this session promises to be a remarkable one. True, indeed!


AAFT UNIVERSITY In Raipur Unveils Its New Academic Session

Ronnie Rodrigues Forays Into The Education Sector By Launching PBC Education & Financial Services Pvt. Ltd. Special Guests Producer Dheeraj Kumar – Actor Darshan Kumar – Actress Naira Banerjee – Actor Pankaj Berry – Actress Aarti Nagpal And Dilip Sen

Special guests producer Dheeraj Kumar, actor Darshan Kumar, actress Naira Banerjee, actor Pankaj Berry, actress Aarti Nagpal and many other celebrities were present to wish him good luck

Renowned businessman and owner of Cinebuster magazine Ronnie Rodrigues has now ventured into the field of education. He launched PBC Education & Financial Services Pvt Ltd at a glittering event held at JW Marriott Hotel, Juhu,  Mumbai.

On this occasion, many celebrities including producer director Dheeraj Kumar, actor Darshan Kumar, actress Naira Banerjee, music composer Dilip Sen, actor Pankaj Berry, actress Aarti Nagpal were present  as special guests. Educationist Dr. Raja Roy Choudhary is  the Principal Advisor for PBC Education & Financial Services Pvt. Ltd.

After inaugurating the office of PBC Education & Financial Services Pvt Ltd located in Santacruz, Mumbai, Ronnie Rodrigues launched the company in a grand manner with a press conference at this five star hotel. Ronnie Rodrigues said, “Today a  large number of students from India opt to go abroad for higher education. But it’s hard to find unbiased and honest advice on the same. Questions like where to apply and where to go  where to stay etc. keep lurking in students’ minds. Most of the time  students aspiring to study abroad and their parents are compelled to spend huge amounts unnecessarily. Quite a few are duped and fleeced by ‘agents’.

Under such circumstances  we have decided to launch PBC Education & Financial Services Private Limited to guide students in the right manner. The company will provide genuine, authentic as well as honest services. Our slogan is “We Believe in Honesty.”

Explain that there will be no hidden costs in our  services. A nominal one time fee will be charged for the variety of  services. This company also plans to help the capable students by giving loans without any rigid terms and conditions.

Prominent guests like  Producer, director,  actor Dheeraj Kumar, ‘Aashram’ and ‘The Kashmir Files’ fame Actor Darshan Kumar, ‘Pishachini’ and ongping Khatron Ke Khiladi fame actress Nyra  Banerjee, music composer Dilip Sen, ‘Tenali Rama’, ‘Dil Diyaan Gallan’ fame actor Pankaj Berry and actress Aartii Naagpal were present to congratulate Ronnie Rodrigues for this new and important initiative and said that it would help the students who want to study abroad. On this occasion Ronnie Rodrigues presented a 50 gram Silver Coin with the company logo  engraved on it, as a token of love to all the distinguished guests.

Apart from India, PBCEFS companies are established  in the USA and Songapore. Next in line are UK, Canada, Europe, Australia etc.

The Resident Director for the US office is Dr. Kiran Kadam, an IIT alumni and has done PhD in biochemistry.In Singapore, Mr. Dharmaraj Thangaraj will be handling the operations. He is a qualified engineer and the knowledge and expertise of Mr. Thangaraj, who has a good experience in the educational field, will be useful to the students.

Ronnie Rodrigues is a Director in US and Singapore companies viz PBC Education & Financial Services LLC (USA) and PBC Education & Financial Services Pte Ltd, (Singapore).

Nisha Verma will handle the work in India. Keertikumar Kadam is a Director in three companies namely PBC Education & Financial Services Pvt Ltd, PBC Education & Financial Services LLC (USA) and PBC Education & Financial Services Private Limited, (Singapore). He will be handling operations side. Mrs. Nazneen Baray will guide the students and counsel the parents regarding the Educational Loan. Ms. Suzana Alphonso will head the marketing team and Mr Dipesh Somaiya will be the travel partner who will help the students with visa procedures and ticketing.

There are different types of concerns, the difficulties faced by students and their parents.  This company will guide them to overcome all the hurdles. PBCEFS is a company with a social cause.

Ramakant Munde Mumbai Representative

Ronnie Rodrigues Forays Into The Education Sector By Launching PBC Education & Financial Services Pvt. Ltd. Special Guests Producer Dheeraj Kumar – Actor Darshan Kumar – Actress Naira Banerjee – Actor Pankaj Berry – Actress Aarti Nagpal And Dilip Sen

Miss Universal Chandigarh Audition Held On 20th Aug 2023

Recaverse Academy Miss Universal 2023 Chandigarh audition was held on 20th Aug, 2023 at SMCBIZZ Studio Chandigarh. Where participants from Himachal, Jammu, Punjab and Haryana have came for the audition. Due to heavy rain fall about 25 to 30 participants turn up for the audition. Mr Yusuf and Sanjeev organizers of Miss Universal 2023 were the main jury from Mumbai whereas Sunil Bansal director SMCBIZZ  and International choreographer and show director Mr Malone along with super model Anamika were the eminent guest and Jury of the audition. The Recaverse Academy is the presenter of this year’s Miss Universal 2023. Whereas Kajal Atelier Fashion is one of the official.designer of the pageant and Bright outdoor is outdoor partner along with Fashion Herald official Fashion Magazine partner of the pageant.


Miss Universal Chandigarh Audition Held On 20th Aug 2023

Muskan Bamne’s Captivating Performance In HUME PYAR HAI VATAN SE Sung By Amit Mishra And Written By Raj Jagatsinh Breaks The Internet

Muskan Bamne, a widely acclaimed actress famed for her captivating portrayal in the hit serial “Anupama,” has taken on a new role that is bound to resonate deeply with fans across the nation. In an extraordinary display of patriotism, Muska Bamne has graced the screen in the patriotic video song titled “Hume Pyar Hai Vatan Se.” The song, passionately sung by Amit Mishra and penned by the multifaceted artist and dedicated social activist, Raj Jagatsinh, has captured the hearts of audiences far and wide.Visshoo Mukherjee is the music director of the song.

With its heartwarming lyrics that transcend barriers of religion and caste, “Hume Pyar Hai Vatan Se” has struck a chord with audiences across the nation. The song encapsulates the spirit of unity and ignites the flame of patriotism in the hearts of all who listen to it. Raj Jagatsinh’s composition carries a powerful message of companionship among Indians and love for the motherland, encouraging a sense of shared identity.

Raj Jagatsinh’s life story serves as a shining example of the unwavering strength of the human spirit. In his youth, he aspired to become a cricketer, driven by his passion for the sport. However, encountering challenges within the cricket industry led him to a different path. Alongside these experiences, he faced personal struggles and overcame them, guided by the profound wisdom of Swami Vivekananda.

In his earlier years, Raj Jagatsinh navigated moments of inner turmoil, but his resilience and the wisdom he drew from Swami Vivekananda’s teachings became his guiding light. Overcoming these obstacles, he emerged with a renewed sense of purpose and a determination to contribute positively to society.

Raj Jagatsinhs “Youth the Nation Foundation” platform stands as a testament to his commitment to empowering disadvantaged youth, providing them with opportunities to realize their aspirations. Through this foundation, he has created a space where underprivileged young individuals can nurture their talents and pursue their dreams.

Raj Jagatsinh’s journey, from his early dreams of cricket to his transformative experiences, embodies the strength of human endurance and the power of positive change. His efforts through the “Youth the Nation Foundation” exemplify his dedication to building a better future for the underprivileged youth, nurturing their potential, and guiding them toward success.

Determined to make a positive impact on society, Raj founded the “Youth the Nation Foundation” in 2013, a platform dedicated to empowering underprivileged youth and helping them achieve their dreams.

Raj Jagatsinh’s artistic flair extends beyond music; he is an accomplished writer, director, and author. His YouTube channel features a collection of short films and Bollywood-style videos that have captivated audiences with their creativity and storytelling. His written work includes the inspiring book “Eternal India,” which stirs the flames of nationalism within the hearts of countless youth.

Recognizing his contributions to society and the youth, Raj Jagatsinh was felicitated by the Chief Minister of Gujarat, a testament to his impact and commitment. His dedication to social upliftment and his ability to inspire millions is a testament to his character and mission.”Hume Pyar Hai Vatan Se” is not merely a song; it is a rallying cry for unity, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, and a celebration of India’s diversity. Raj Jagatsinh’s story and his journey serve as a beacon of hope for all, reminding us that even in the face of adversity, one can rise, inspire, and make a lasting difference.

Muskan Bamne’s Captivating Performance In HUME PYAR HAI VATAN SE Sung By Amit Mishra And Written By Raj Jagatsinh Breaks The Internet

Star Actor Bobby Deol Lights Up AAFT University’s 2023 Academic Session In Grand Inauguration

Raipur, August 26th – The air was charged with an electrifying sense of new beginnings as AAFT University in Raipur unfurled the curtains on its 2023 academic session in a spectacular inauguration ceremony. The distinguished event was graced by the presence of Dr. Sandeep Marwah, an internationally acclaimed media luminary and the esteemed Chancellor of AAFT University.

Bobby Deol, the illustrious actor celebrated for his unforgettable performances in blockbuster movies like “Barsaat,” “Race 3,” “Gupt – The Hidden Truth,” “Kareeb,” “Soldier,” “Dilagi,” “Badal,” “Ajnabi,” “Humraaz,” and his recent television venture, “Aashram,” took center stage as the chief guest of this momentous occasion. Mr. Deol generously shared his invaluable insights and experiences from the dynamic world of media and entertainment with the eager and enthusiastic students. He gracefully fielded questions posed by the students, offering them a captivating glimpse into the multifaceted realm of entertainment.

Radiating enthusiasm, Bobby Deol remarked, “I consider it a distinct privilege to inaugurate the new session at AAFT University in Raipur. This presents a wonderful opportunity for me to connect with the young, vibrant students who aspire to mold their careers across various dimensions of the business world.”

Under the dynamic leadership of Dr. Sandeep Marwah, AAFT University proudly boasts a venerable legacy spanning three decades in the realm of education. The university’s extensive alumni network, comprising thirty thousand graduates from 145 countries, now stands as luminous ambassadors in their respective industries. AAFT University is not only celebrated as a global case study in education across twenty-seven countries but also holds the distinct honor of creating nine World Records. Notably, it is the institution most frequently celebrated for its innovation, exclusivity, and pioneering role in skill development in India.

Inspirational and motivational, Dr. Sandeep Marwah addressed the gathering of students, stating, “The time has come for each of us to step out of our comfort zones and apply ourselves earnestly in our chosen fields, thereby propelling our nation to greater heights. Success is not merely handed to us; it is earned through dedication, punctuality, and unwavering commitment. Well-educated and trained students are poised to explore boundless opportunities and reach new horizons.”

The event witnessed the presence of the entire administrative and academic leadership of AAFT University, including Directors, Deans, and Faculty members.

The inauguration of the 2023 session at AAFT University in Raipur marks the initiation of an exhilarating journey for aspiring students. Here, they will receive world-class education and training, priming them to excel in their chosen fields. With the guidance of distinguished personalities like Dr. Sandeep Marwah and the invaluable insights shared by Bobby Deol, this session promises to be truly exceptional.

Star Actor Bobby Deol Lights Up AAFT University’s 2023 Academic Session In Grand Inauguration

Crypto Assets Defi Decentralised Finance Ecosystem Is Getting A Boost On Social Media

Crypto  DeFi Decentralized Finance Ecosystems is Getting A Boost On Social Media.

The Economic Times on dated 22 Aug. 2023 released an article about Digital assets and mainstream adoption: Changing paradigm of personal finance.


Moreover, the concept of financial literacy has gained prominence, urging people to take charge of their economic well-being. As a result, the personal finance industry like DeFi Decentralised Finance systems has witnessed a revolution, placing a stronger emphasis on convenience, transparency, and user-centric solutions to cater to the demands of today’s lenders and borrowers.

The inception of digital assets traces its origins to 1998, marked by Nick Szabo’s visionary concept of ‘bit gold’ – a decentralized digital asset. Cut to 2023, cryptos are the most well-known digital assets with more than 20,000 of them in circulation.

What Is Decentralized Finance ( DeFi) and How Does It Work?

Decentralized finance ( DeFi) is an emerging model for organizing and enabling cryptocurrency-based transactions, exchanges and financial services. DeFi‘s core premise is that there is no centralized authority to dictate or control operations.

Decentralised Finance uses the blockchain technology that cryptocurrencies use. A blockchain is a distributed and secured database or ledger. Applications called dApps are used to handle transactions and run the blockchain.

Uses of  DeFi :

Peer-to-peer (P2P) financial transactions are one of the core premises behind  DeFi. A  P2P DeFi transaction is where two parties agree to exchange cryptocurrency for goods or services without a third party involved.8

In  DeFiP2P can meet an individual’s loan needs, and an algorithm would match peers that agree on the lender’s terms, and a loan is issued. Payments from P2P are made via a decentralized application, or  dApps, and follow the same process in the blockchain.

The dApps MetaMask the leading self-custodial wallet app which have 1cr + users, listed some of the best DeFi Dapps across the most popular ecosystems including Decentralized Lending and borrowing Finance dApps. Like AaveCompound Finance on Ethereum Blockchain and venture Crypto Crowd Finance  on BNB Blockchain and also CurveDeFi ServerMakerDAO CDPNexus MutualPoolTogtherPickle FinanceToken SetsYearnZapperZerionpTokens etc. on Ethereum Blockchain.

Moreover, the concept of financial literacy has gained prominence, urging people to take charge of their economic well-being. As a result, the personal finance industry has witnessed a revolution, placing a stronger emphasis on convenience, transparency, and user-centric solutions to cater to the demands of today’s investors.

Increasing crypto investments over the years
Between 2018 and 2020, the worldwide user base of crypto experienced a substantial growth of almost 190%, and this growth trend accelerated even further in 2021, 2022 and 2023.

Crypto Assets Defi Decentralised Finance Ecosystem Is Getting A Boost On Social Media

संतोष बोले, संगठन चंदा राशि के अलावे श्रमिकों से कुछ नहीं लेती

मुम्बई 24 अगस्त: भारतीय रेलवे माल गोदाम श्रमिक संघ 1998 से श्रमिकों के हक और अधिकार के लिए संघर्ष कर रही है। लेकिन संगठन की आड़ में कुछ लोग रुपये के लालच में संगठन को बदनाम कर रहे हैं। जिसे किसी भी सूरत में बर्दास्त नहीं किया जाएगा। उक्त बातें माल गोदाम श्रमिक संघ के महाराष्ट्र राज्य सचिव संतोष थोरात ने कही है। पत्रकारों के साथ बातचीत के दौरान श्री थोरात ने कहा है कि संगठन किसी से भी नाजायज राशि नहीं लेती है। संगठन सिर्फ श्रमिकों से प्रत्येक माह पांच रुपये की दर से चंदा लेती है, जिससे संगठन का दिनचर्या चलता है। संतोष थोरात ने कहा कि सामाजिक संगठन चलाने की आड़ लेकर कुछ फेसबुकिया चैनल और यूट्यूबर लोग पैसे बसूली करने की नीयत रखकर संगठन को बदनाम करने की साजिश रच रहे हैं, जो किसी कीमत पर भी बर्दाश्त नहीं किया जाएगा। श्री थोरात ने कहा कि माल गोदाम श्रमिक संगठन श्रमिकों के खून-पसीने से चल रहा है।

अब श्रमिकों को न्याय मिलने का समय आ गया है, जिसमें कुछ असामाजिक तत्व लोगों को गुमराह करने में लगे हैं। लेकिन श्रमिक उनके मंसूबों को कामयाब नहीं होने देंगे। संतोष थोरात ने कहा कि कुछ सफेदपोश यूट्यूबर झूठी खबर चलाकर रुपये ऐंठने की कोशिश में थे। लेकिन उनकी जब एक न चली, तो उन्होंने झूठी खबरें चलाकर संगठन के लोगों को बदनाम करने की साजिश करने लगे। इसमें यूट्यूबरों का सहारा लिया गया। संतोष थोरात ने कहा कि जिस तथाकथित सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता हरीश बेकावड़े ने संगठन पर आरोप लगाया है, वह तथ्यहीन और बेबुनियाद है। उन्होंने बताया कि हरीश द्वारा पेन थाने में शिकायत किये जाने के बाद संगठन के 40 लोगों ने थाने में पहुंच कर अपनी सफाई भी दी थी। बेरोजगारों से पैसे की उगाही का आरोप पूरी तरह से बेबुनियाद है।

संतोष थोरात ने कहा कि संगठन सिर्फ पांच रुपये प्रति माह के हिसाब से चंदा लेती है। अगर श्रमिक कभी किसी बड़े आयोजन या संगठन का कार्यक्रम करते हैं तो बड़ी राशि की जरूरत होती है, जिसे संगठन के लोग आपस में कुछ अधिक राशि का सहयोग चंदा करके करते हैं। संतोष थोरात ने कहा कि तथाकथित सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता हरीश बेकावड़े संगठन के लोगों से पैसे वसूली के चक्कर में गुमराह करने में लगा है। संतोष थोरात ने कहा कि किसी भी थाने में हमलोगों या संगठन के ऊपर किसी सदस्य ने कोई शिकायत नहीं किया है। ये हरीश बेकावड़े द्वारा पैसे वसूली करने की साजिश है, जिसमें कुछ युट्यूबर भी शामिल हैं। अगर किसी थाने में मामला दर्ज हुआ है तो हरीश को मीडिया में उसका केस नंबर भी बताना चाहिए। इस तरह से संगठन को बदनाम करने की उनकी मंशा कभी भी सफल नहीं होगी।

संतोष थोरात ने बताया कि जब श्रमिकों की मांग को अंजाम तक पहुंचाने का समय आता है तो ऐसे ही कुछ असामाजिक तत्व संगठन की आड़ में आरोप-प्रत्यारोप शुरू कर देते हैं। लेकिन श्रमिक संघ पूरी ईमानदारी के साथ श्रमिकों की मांगों को अंजाम तक पहुंचा कर ही दम लेगा और ऐसे असामाजिक तत्वों को मुंहतोड़ जवाब देगा।

हरीश के मंसूबों को कामयाब नहीं होने देगा माल गोदाम श्रमिक संघ : संतोषथोरात

Disclaimer: The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Our Website Or of our Editors.   We does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same. It Is By News Source From PR Agency

H&K GROUP’s Film JUSTICE & Music Video MUSAFIR Poster Launch

Mumbai: The poster of FILM JUSTICE and MUSIC VIDEO MUSAFIR was launched on Monday afternoon, during which Bollywood’s famous singer Mame Khan, music composer lyricist Praveen Bhardwaj, film producer and founder of H&K Group Harish Sharma, wife Kavita Sharma, actress KINAYA KAPDI etc were present.

FILM JUSTICE is produced by FAMOUS FLICK FILMS while MUSIC VIDEO MUSAFIR is produced under the H&K MUSIC banner. The producer of both the projects is Harish Sharma. KINAYA KAPDI will be seen in a challenging role in the lead role of FILM JUSTICE while the film is directed by Aaron Karthik. Famous Bollywood singer Mame Khan has lent his voice to MUSAFIR Song while the music and lyrics of this song have been written by Praveen Bhardwaj.

Harish Sharma told the media that H&K Group is expanding its chain. He told that we are going to start HNK FODS PVT LTD, HARRY AND KARRY FOODS LLP, GOLDEN SANDS REALTORS PVT LTD and FAMOUS FLICK FILMS (FFF) PVT LTD from Mumbai all over word . The products manufactured by the company were displayed during the program.

Talking to the media, music composer Praveen Bhardwaj told that apart from MUSAFIR song, H&K MUSIC label has also made many music videos in the past. Many songs have been recorded in the upcoming sequence and some music videos are ready which will be released soon. Apart from this, the company is preparing for many big projects and films in the Bollywood industry.

Actress KINAYA KAPDI told that her film JUSTICE will be released very soon, the story of the film revolves around her character. Her character in the film Justice was very challenging, but with the help of the entire team, she was able to play her character successfully. She  hopes that the audience will like this film. KINAYA KAPDI is also playing the role of Director in H&K Group.


H&K GROUP’s Film JUSTICE & Music Video MUSAFIR Poster Launch

Singer Priyanshu Singh Thakur’s Debut Music Video TERI BANDAI Launched By Arun Bakshi Comedian VIP

Debut Singer Priyanshu Singh Thakur’s Sufiyana Music Video “Teri Bandai” was grandly launched at Orra Fine Jewelery Showroom, Mumbai. Music composer Ritu Johri, lyricist Richa Johri, producer Anita Singh and video director Sumeet Ranjan were present on the occasion. Many celebrity guests were also present here, in which the name of comedian VIP, actor Arun Bakshi is notable. Singer Arun Bakshi and VIP were felicitated by cutting a scintillating cake at the launch event of this beautiful song presented by Ritu Prabha Production.

All the guest singer Arun Bakshi and VIP who came here praised Priyanshu Singh Thakur’s voice and wished him many best wishes for his first song.

The music video was also shown here which was appreciated by all. Priyanshu Singh Thakur is seen in the music video.

Beautifully composed by Ritu Johri and beautifully penned by Richa Johri. Sumeet Ranjan has made a wonderful video of this. Priyanshu Singh Thakur has that tone in his voice that he impresses. He also knows the art of acting.

Actor Arun Bakshi also appreciated the singing of Priyanshu Singh Thakur.

Priyanshu Singh Thakur told that I am speechless. Arun Bakshi and VIP also appreciated my voice and liked the song. It all feels like a dream come true for me. I express my heartfelt gratitude to Ritu Johri that she not only taught me classical music but also gave me a break in Bollywood through this music video.

Priyanshu Singh Thakur told that this song is very motivational, in which my look is also very different. It was a challenge for me to do this song because I had to act along with singing in it. But I am thankful to director Sumeet Ranjan that he got me to do this job brilliantly. I feel proud when I see myself on screen.”

Priyanshu Singh Thakur further said that I thank all the guests Arun Bakshi and comedian VIP who came on the occasion of the launch of my first video song. It is a Sufi song with many colours.”

Priyanshu Singh Thakur considers Ritu Johri as a guru and mentor.

Munde Media handled the responsibility of PR of this program very well.

Photographer: Ramakant Munde Mumbai

Singer Priyanshu Singh Thakur’s Debut Music Video TERI BANDAI Launched By Arun Bakshi Comedian VIP

Celebrating Digital Influence – Social Media Icons Awards 2023 North To Be Held In New Delhi

New Delhi, August 21, 2023: At a launch ceremony on Wednesday late evening Social Media Icons (SMI) announced an unprecedented initiative- Social Media Icons 2023 Awards– to recognize and celebrate the influential trailblazers who shape the modern digital landscape. Social Media Icons 2023 Awards – North Edition is set to take place on August 27, 2023, at the prestigious venue- The Park in New Delhi. Nearly 250 influencers from several different segments, with their Reach going up to 25 lakhs, attended the SMI launch ceremony.

The event aims to recognize unsung heroes and celebrate their success. In an era where social media dominates brand endorsements and content creation, SMI acknowledges the pivotal role played by influencers. The Awards event is an ode to these unsung heroes, who create meaningful engagements, foster societal change, and inspire innovation. It’s a celebration of their tireless efforts and a platform to showcase their exceptional work.

“We are thrilled to unveil the Social Media Icons 2023 Awards Show – to begin with, North India—an initiative that goes beyond recognizing influencers. We aim to create an ecosystem that fosters meaningful connections between influencers, audiences, and brands,” said Mr. Baldev Raj, Founder and Managing Director of Prius Communications- the Creator of SMI. Prius Communications has conceptualized the SMI and has been spearheading the mega event as the PR and Digital Partner too.

“Our vision is to empower influencers, amplify their voices, and provide them the recognition they truly deserve,” added Mr Baldev Raj.

The SMI 2023 boasts a diverse array of categories, including Fashion, Fitness, Health & Wellness, Food Bloggers, Travel, Lifestyle influencers, Luxury, Beauty, and more. Influencers will be selected through an online voting process, ensuring that the winners are truly celebrated by their peers and audiences. Each award- The Most Promising, Influencer of the Year, and Hall of Fame, in each category, serves as a mark of authenticity, validated by an esteemed jury after meticulous analysis of engagements and conversions.

“We invite all stakeholders to join us on this transformative journey. The Social Media Icons 2023 Awards Show is more than an event; it’s a step towards empowering influencers, fostering connections, and driving digital transformation,” said Ms Saumya Singhal, Co-creator of SMI.

India is witnessing the dawn of a new digital revolution and as a powerful catalyst, SMI 2023 is all set to create a new ecosystem for influencers’ engagement by empowering them with new branding techniques that would finally lead to a higher stage of advancement for all stakeholders including audiences. By providing a platform for cohesive collaborations, SMI 2023 will construct bridges, amplify voices, and unveil a future where the synergy between Influencers, audiences, and brands ushers in a new era of shared growth and empowerment.

In the inaugural edition, influencers from North India will be invited not only for recognition but also to share a common platform and share their experience under one roof to celebrate their hard work. The New Delhi event would be followed by SMI 2023 (West) in Goa and SMI 2023 (East) in Kolkata this year. The celebrations would culminate in a mega event in New Delhi in early 2024. Nomination for the North Edition of SMI 2023 in New Delhi on August 27 is open now and influencers can register/nominate themselves at

About SMI

SMI aims to revolutionize the digital landscape, leveraging influencers for global content delivery. Our seasoned team with 100+ years of collective experience manages prestigious brands and events such as UP Summit, Dubai Expo, Delhi Times Fashion Week (DTFW), Prestigious launch events for reputed brands like Budweiser, Grants, Skyy Vodka, and Guess, Auto Expo, Advertising, APREE Event, Health Conclaves & Summits, ESG Global Conference- Prithvi Awards 2023, among others. Our vision transforms digital engagement by uniting influencers, audiences, and brands, elevating excellence, fostering partnerships, and inspiring thought leadership.

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Celebrating Digital Influence – Social Media Icons Awards 2023 North To Be Held In New Delhi

Xishmiya Brown Latest Photo Gallery

Model Xishmiya Brown’s Latest Bold  Pics


Xishmiya Brown Latest  Photo Gallery

Grand Opening Ceremony At Dagdu Seth Ganapathi Temple For Upcoming Marathi Film ROPE By S S Creations

In a splendid event held at the revered Dagdu Seth Ganapathi Temple in Pune, the auspicious ‘Muharat’ for the upcoming Marathi film “Rope,” produced by S S Creations, was successfully conducted. The ceremony saw the esteemed presence of the film’s producers, Mr. Sai Nagraj and Ms. Surjana, as well as the director, Mr. Surya. The leading cast members, including Mr. Upendra Limaye, Ms. Shruti Shetty, Mr. Kapil Gudsurkar, Mr. Rusubh More, and the talented child artist Dhruti, were also in attendance.

The event garnered a distinguished guest list, featuring executive producer Mr. Kapil Jondhale, production designer Mr. Neranglwar Raj Goud, production manager Mr. Babasaheb Patil, and other key members of the production team. The film’s creative contributors included story writer Mr. B Sudharshan, dialogue writer Mr. Sanjay Navgire, and music director Mr. Rajveer Gaangji, with lyrics penned by Mr. Mandar Cholkar.

Among the attendees, the ceremony also witnessed the presence of the Associate Director, Mr. Dhanjay Sable, and the art director, Mr. Prakash Shingare. The film’s co-director, Mr. Ashish Pawar, and costume designer Ms. Archana Bukkawar, added their creative essence to the upcoming cinematic endeavor. The publicity design was masterfully crafted by Mr. Jay Kumbhare, while still photography was adeptly handled by Mr. Akash Pawar.

The event was graced with the divine blessings and dignified presence of the temple’s authorities. The producers, Mr. Nagraj and Ms. Surjana, expressed their gratitude and enthusiasm for the upcoming film, sharing their commitment to creating an exceptional cinematic experience. Director Mr. Surya spoke passionately about the hard work and dedication that went into the making of “Rope,” following their previous Marathi film. He extended heartfelt appreciation to the producers for providing local talent in Pune with remarkable opportunities.

As the film production embarks on its journey, the excitement for “Rope” continues to grow within the hearts of both the creative team and the eager audience. Stay tuned for more updates and a captivating cinematic experience brought to life by S S Creations.


Grand Opening Ceremony At Dagdu Seth Ganapathi Temple For Upcoming Marathi Film ROPE By S S Creations

Comfort My Travel – Extends Its Meticulously Crafted Packagesencompassing Enchanting Tours To National And International Destinations

Founded by Mr. Vivek Bishnoi on July 10, 2003, Comfort My Travel has risen to prominence in the travel industry, captivating travel enthusiasts with its diverse array of premium services. With an unwavering focus on customer satisfaction, the company has emerged as a top choice for luxury travel experiences.

A Glimpse into Comfort My Travel:

Mr. Vivek Bishnoi, the visionary behind Comfort My Travel, embarked on a journey to reshape travel experiences. Born on 10-07-1987, he laid the foundation for a trailblazing enterprise that has rapidly become a pioneer in the industry, addressing a wide spectrum of travel needs. Headquartered in Lucknow, India, Comfort My Travel caters to clients across India, UAE, Europe, USA, Russia, Singapore, Nepal, and Tibet, solidifying its global presence.

Comprehensive Services Portfolio:

Boasting a diverse service portfolio, Comfort My Travel caters to an array of traveler profiles. Its offerings include premium car rentals, helicopter charters, private jet charters, and distinctive pilgrimage experiences like the Kailash Mansarovar Yatra and Chardham Yatra by helicopter. These exceptional services distinguish the company, making it the preferred choice for those seeking luxury and convenience in their journeys.

Exquisite Travel Experiences:

The company’s commitment to excellence extends to its meticulously crafted packages, encompassing enchanting tours to destinations such as Dubai, Maldives, Vietnam, Thailand, and Bhutan. From Dubai and Singapore visa assistance to an elite range of wedding car rentals, airport taxis, and local taxis, Comfort My Travel serves as an all-encompassing travel companion

Global Footprint:

Establishing itself as a global powerhouse in the travel industry, Comfort My Travel has extended its reach to international markets. With a dedicated team of 30 professionals and esteemed leaders including CEO Mr. Vivek Bishnoi, Director Shashi Prabha Vishnoi, and CTO Amit Kumar Shishodia, the company achieved a remarkable revenue of 800 million INR in 2022, coupled with a net income of 50 million INR.

Focus on Spiritual Journeys:

A standout achievement for Comfort My Travel is its expertise in arranging the Kailash Mansarovar Yatra. Over more than a decade, the company has revolutionized this once-challenging pilgrimage, offering seamless solutions that bypass arduous trekking.

Unparalleled Currency and Forex Exchange Services:

Pushing boundaries, Comfort My Travel also offers currency and forex exchange services, granting travelers access to optimal foreign exchange rates. This additional layer of convenience enhances the overall travel experience.

Looking Ahead:

As Comfort My Travel continues to redefine benchmarks in the travel industry, its commitment to delivering exceptional travel experiences remains unswerving. The company’s dedication to innovation and customer-centric services positions it as a leading light in the evolving landscape of luxury travel.

In an era where travel experiences are highly sought-after, Comfort My Travel stands out for its visionary leadership, diverse service offerings, and unwavering dedication to customer satisfaction. With its continued pursuit of excellence, the company is set to shape the future of luxury travel, leaving an indelible mark on the industry.

Comfort My Travel – Redefining Luxury Travel with Unparalleled Solutions

Dr Suvi Swamy Launched Health Care Product Many Celebrities Including Union Minister Ramdas Athawale Attended

Dr. Suvi Swamy, awarded Doctorate for Panchkosh based cancer treatment, launched a health care product at Taj Lands End Hotel, Mumbai. On this occasion, many celebrities from Bollywood and corporate world including Union Minister Ramdas Athawale, comedian Sunil Pal, comedian VIP came to congratulate her. Very soon Dr. Suvi Swamy is about to inaugurate Cancer Hospital, which will be officially announced soon.

Dr. Suvi Swamy’s birthday was also celebrated with great pomp on this occasion.

Through this health care of Ishwara Life Sciences, patients of many complex diseases will be treated with Ayurvedic method. The protocol prescribed by cancer specialist Dr. Suvi Swamy is discussed internationally.

Dr. Suvi Swamy, under Ishwara Life Sciences, has been treating cancer patients for many years through Panchkosh based meditation. She is a well-known cancer therapist, she was awarded the title of Doctorate of Therapy and Panchkosha Based Cancer Treatment internationally in International Conference. The protocols given by her are proving to be 99.9 percent effective in the treatment of cancer. And thus she has changed the lives of hundreds of cancer patients.

Dr. Suvi Swamy says that life is very precious and beautiful, you should live it in an atmosphere full of peace, relaxation and happiness, keep doing good deeds. Stay away from negative thinking and make positive thoughts a part of life.

Dr. Suvi Swamy believes that mantra, meditation and music are the best medium to express love towards God.

Meditation Guru Dr. Suvi Swamy tells the mantra to overcome the upheavals in people’s lives through spirituality. Through Ishwara Life Sciences, she has created a unique blend of science and spirituality. Ishwara Life Sciences (ILS) is the best source of relief from mental stress and anxiety and many types of diseases.

Dr Suvi Swamy Launched Health Care Product  Many Celebrities Including Union Minister Ramdas Athawale Attended

Global Influencer Award For Sandeep Marwah In Dubai

Dubai:  Awards and honours are nothing new to Dr Sandeep Marwah, the dynamic and multi-talented  President of Marwah Studios, a prominent figure in the global film, television, and media industry who was conferred with the prestigious Global Influencer Award at a grand ceremony held at Hotel Taj Dubai. The honour at the event organized by the esteemed International Institute of Influencers to recognize and celebrate his unparalleled contributions to the field was another magnificent stamp of approval of Dr Marwah’s distinguished dynamism and working zeal!

With an amazing career spanning several decades, Dr Marwah has made an indelible mark on the entertainment industry and has earned himself nine world records for his exceptional achievements. His invaluable contributions to the world of cinema, television and media have garnered international recognition, making him a true global icon in his field.

The Global Influencer Award bestowed upon Dr. Marwah is a testament to his outstanding leadership, creativity and vision. He has not only played a pivotal role in shaping the entertainment landscape but has also inspired and mentored countless aspiring professionals, leaving a strong impact on their careers.

The ceremony witnessed a gathering of esteemed personalities, celebrities, industry stalwarts and influencers who came together to acknowledge and applaud Dr Marwah’s unparalleled glorious journey. As a visionary and a trailblazer, he has consistently pushed the boundaries of creativity and storytelling, transcending cultural and geographical barriers.

Dr Marwah’s passion and dedication to the world of media and entertainment have not only earned him numerous accolades but have also elevated India’s standing on the global stage. His relentless pursuit of excellence and commitment to promoting meaningful content have made him an exemplary role model for the industry’s budding talent.

In his acceptance speech, Dr Sandeep Marwah expressed his heartfelt gratitude to Dr Shama Hussain, President and all the members of International Institute of Influencers for recognizing his efforts and achievements. He dedicated the award to his family, friends, colleagues, and all those who have been a part of his extraordinary journey.

Needless to say, the Global Influencer Award adds another jewel to Dr Marwah’s crown of accomplishments, cementing his position as an influential personality and visionary leader. The legacy he has created through his work will continue to inspire generations to come and shape the future of the global entertainment industry.

More power to visionaries like Dr Marwah! The world needs more people like him.

Global Influencer Award For Sandeep Marwah In Dubai

Writer-Director S Pyarelal’s Hindi Film TWELVE HOURS Will Be Release On Aug 25th

Writer-director S Pyarelal’s upcoming Hindi film “Twelve Hours” is set to release in theaters on 25th August 2023. The trailer and music of this film by producer Arun Khandgale is being highly appreciated.

Director S Pyarelal says that 12 hours film has got UA certificate. The film is going to release in theaters on 25th August. This film will definitely be liked by the audience because people will connect with its story. This is a story of a couple, a family.

Today, where so much action and violence is being shown in films, in such a scenario, this film will touch the heart in a very soft way. This movie is inspired by a true incident and I think this is happening for the first time when a movie will show a 12 hour journey. The story starts at 6 in the morning and the thriller story ends at 6 in the evening.”

The film’s writer-director S Pyarelal further said that the film’s hero is Shiva Kikod, second hero is Dev Waghmare, while Nitin Salve plays the role of Pakiya Bhai. The villain is played by Arun Nalawde, who was the co-producer of the Marathi film Shwaas. The film was India’s official entry to the 2004 Oscars and placed 6th in the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film category. I think this film is incomplete without Arun ji. The heroine of the film 12 Hours is Leena B, who has lived her character very well, although her character was very complex, difficult and emotional. ”

Writer director S Pyarelal said that there is only one song in the film which was shot in a beautiful palace in Udaipur Rajasthan, in a lake.

I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the producer Arun Khandgale ji as he showed a lot of courage. Earlier the producer of this film was someone else and he died during the Corona period. After his death, I was worried about how this film would be made, in such a situation, producer Arun ji came forward and took all the responsibility of the rest of the work, although this is his first film as a producer, but he paid a lot of attention to every aspect of the film. .

Co-producer Dr. Rajesh Upadhyay also always supported in bad times and because of his encouragement the film is going to be released in theatres.”

Ram Krishna Shankar Presents Film 12 Hours Lyricist Anil Ahire, Shila Jha, Music Composer Tuhin Biswas, DOP Pawan Sahu, Choreographer Seema Karan, Fight Master Iqbal Suleman, Singer Khushbu Jain, Luv Kumar, Casting Director Kiran Patel, Production Manager Alok Singh, Editor Dilip Prasad.

Writer-Director S Pyarelal’s Hindi Film TWELVE HOURS Will Be Release On Aug 25th

Barsaat And Bharat Rare Auction From Derivaaz & Ives

Rare and magnificent artworks from Barsaat Ki Raat to Shaheed,

from Haqeeqat to Mughal-e-Azam on auction as deRivaz & Ives, India’s youngest auction house_

It is that time of the year when people are drenched  in patriotic hues as the Independence Day celebration draws closer. Hence it is time for the Barsaat and Bharat auction from deRivaz & Ives. A rare collection of film memorabilia will be auctioned between August 15 and 19, 2023 on its online platform

Vintage lots of classic films and scenes from the best of Indian film history are being offered. So what do you want to bid for?

–           The Booklet highlights the Collection which includes items from films such as Barsaat, various versions of Shaheed, Barsaat Ki Raat, Naya Daur, Mother India, Mughal-e-Azam, Dil Tera Deewana, Haqeeqat, Kranti, and many more. There is a section focusing on the cinema of Manoj Kumar and the serigraphs of eminent artist MF Husain focusing on films – Mughal-e-Azam, Iqbal, Devdas, Meenaxi & Gajagamini.

–           There is a very special and rare lot of thirty silver gelatin photographic prints of Sunil Dutt, Waheeda Rehman, Kishore Kumar, Madhumati, Prem Dhawan and others entertaining the Jawans during the early 1960s.

–           Regarding Barsaat & Bharat, the moving spirit behind deRivaz & Ives – Neville Tuli, says, “This auction starts a deepening commitment to develop the Indian film memorabilia market, as Auctions on Satyajit Ray, Amitabh Bachchan @80, Raj Kapoor and Dev Anand @100 follow in the next few weeks and months, along with a special Sale on Feminine Icons of Indian Cinema. Both the Indian art and film memorabilia markets are barely 1% of the global markets. This must change radically.” Tuli who is also the chief mentor of DR & I is one of India’s most celebrated names in the auction circuit for many years.

The auction on opens for bidding from August 15 and will remain so until, August 19 2023 between 10 am to 8:30 pm (IST).


Barsaat And Bharat Rare Auction From Derivaaz & Ives

शिल्पी राज और आशुतोष रंजन का गाना ‘हेराइल हो कनबलिया’ एस आर रिकॉर्ड्स से हुआ रिलीज

भोजपुरी की ट्रेंडिंग सिंगर शिल्पी राज के गाने हमेशा ही बहुत पसंद किए जाते हैं। वहीं सिंगर आशुतोष रंजन भी  अपनी बुलंद गायकी से श्रोताओं के दिल जीत रहे हैं। इस बार शिल्पी राज और आशुतोष रंजन का एक साथ नया सांग ‘हेराइल हो कनबलिया’ सिंगर आशुतोष रंजन के साथ ऑडियंस के बीच आया है। इस गाने को ‘एस आर रिकॉर्ड्स’ म्यूजिक कंपनी के ऑफिसियल यूट्यूब चैनल पर रिलीज किया गया है। इस गाने के वीडियो में पॉपुलर एक्ट्रेस तोशी द्विवेदी ने ब्लू साड़ी में बिजली गिरा रही हैं। वह सिंगर आशुतोष रंजन के साथ खूब लटके झटके दिखा रही हैं। शिल्पी राज और आशुतोष रंजन की जुगलबंदी ने इस गाने को सुपर बना दिया है। इस पिक्चराइजेशन बहुत ही मनोरम लोकेशन पर किया गया है। इस गाने का सिचुएशन बड़ा कमाल का है, जो ठेठ भोजपुरिया है। इसीलिए यह सांग भोजपुरिया श्रोताओं को खूब पसंद किया जा रहा है। गाने का बोल भी बड़ा प्यारा है।

इस गाने के वीडियो की शुरुआत एक्ट्रेस के कान से बाली गिरने से होती है। कान में बाली ना होने पर वह पति से कानबाली गुम होने बात बताती हैं। इसी सिचुएशन पर सिंगर आशुतोष रंजन पूछते हैं कि ‘काहे मुँहवा फुलावले बाड़ू धनिया, भईल का बाटे तोहे परेशनिया, कइसे बनावले बाड़ू आपन हलिया…’

तो जवाब में सिंगर शिल्पी राज कहती हैं कि ‘हेराइल हो कनवा के कनबलिया, नईहर से मिलल रहे तीनतलिया, हेराइल हो कनवा के कनबलिया…’ वाकई भोजपुरी संगीतप्रेमियों के लिए शिल्पी राज और आशुतोष रंजन ने ठेठ भोजपुरिया गाना दिया है।

‘एस आर रिकॉर्ड्स’ म्यूजिक प्रस्तुत भोजपुरी गाना ‘हेराइल हो कनबलिया’ को मधुर आवाज में शिल्पी राज और आशुतोष रंजन ने गाया है। गीतकार मनू मधुरिया के लिखे इस गीत को संगीतकार राज गाजीपुरी ने मधुर संगीत से सजाया है। मिक्स सोनू गाजीपुरी, रिकार्डिंग मिथुन भाई, जितेंद गुप्ता ने किया है। इन गाने के निर्माता लाडो हैं। निर्देशक शिवम यादव हैं।

शिल्पी राज और आशुतोष रंजन का गाना ‘हेराइल हो कनबलिया’ के वीडियो में तोशी द्विवेदी ने गिराई बिजली

प्रदीप पांडेय चिंटू और सुजीत कुमार सिंह की विक्टर एंटरटेनमेंट प्रस्तुत फिल्म ‘शुभ मंगल सावधान’ का ग्रैंड मुहूर्त संपन्न वाराणसी में

विक्टर एंटरटेनमेंट के बैनर तले बन रही भोजपुरी फिल्म ‘शुभ मंगल सावधान’ का भव्य मुहूर्त उत्तर प्रदेश की पावन नगरी वाराणसी के मुलाकात होटल में धूमधाम से संपन्न किया गया, तदोपरांत फिल्म की शूटिंग शुरू कर दी गई है। इस फिल्म के नायक सुपरस्टार प्रदीप पांडेय चिंटू हैं और नायिका संयोगिता यादव हैं। साथ ही बृजेश त्रिपाठी, देव सिंह, लोटा तिवारी, बबलू खान, धामा वर्मा, संतोष पहलवान, सोनिया मिश्रा, संतोष श्रीवास्तव, नीलम पांडेय आदि प्रमुख कलाकार नजर आने वाले हैं। फिल्म के निर्माता विक्टर राघव (विक्की), संदीप छारी हैं, जिन्होंने बेहतरीन फिल्म बनाने का वीणा उठाया है। निर्देशक सुजीत कुमार सिंह ने इस फिल्म के निर्देशन के बागडोर संभाली है, जिन्होंने सत्या, भोजपुरिया राजा, वांटेड, क्रेक फाइटर सहित बहुत सारी सुपरहिट भोजपुरी फिल्मों का निर्देशन किया है। इस फ़िल्म के कार्यकारी निर्माता प्रशांत द्विवेदी हैं। फिल्म के लेखक वीरू ठाकुर, संगीतकार ओम झा, छोटे बाबा बसही, डीओपी गोला बाबू यादव हैं। नृत्य कानू मुखर्जी, कला सतीश गिरी का है। पीआरओ रामचन्द्र यादव हैं। प्रोडक्शन विजेंद्र चौबे संभाल रहे हैं।

भव्य पैमाने पर बन रही फिल्म ‘शुभ मंगल सावधान’ के शुभ अवसर पर बहुत से गणमान्य व विशिष्ट अतिथि सहित मुख्य अतिथि आचार्य देवराज दास जी महाराज, डॉ. दीपक कुमार (लखनऊ फिल्म सिटी प्रा.लि. के निदेशक), सूरज सम्राट, अमित कुमार, संदीप गुप्ता, प्रदीप गुप्ता, विश्व भूषण मिश्र (अपर आयुक्त, वाराणसी), कृष्ण यादव, विशन आर्य (एरोक्स इंडिया कंपनी के एमडी) मौजूद थे। साथ ही फ़िल्म के हीरो, हीरोइन, निर्माता, निर्देशक सहित फिल्म की पूरी टीम मौजूद रही। इस अवसर पर आए हुए सभी अतिथियों ने फिल्म के कंसेप्ट को सराहा और कहा कि ये एकदम पारिवारिक कहानी है। समाज को यह फिल्म मनोरंजन के साथ ही साथ संदेश भी देने का कार्य कर रही है। ऐसे विषय की आज के समाज को जागरूक करने के लिए बहुत जरूरी है।

इस अवसर पर फ़िल्म के निर्माता विक्टर राघव (विक्की), संदीप छारी ने मुहूर्त के दौरान आये सभी अतिथियों का आभार व्यक्त करते हुए तहेदिल से धन्यवाद दिया। उन्होंने कहा कि फिल्म ‘शुभ मंगल सावधान’ एक अलग ही तरह का कंसेप्ट के साथ हमने बनाने का फैसला किया है। यूं तो अक्सर फिल्मों में लगभग एक जैसी कहानी लोग देखते हैं। मगर इस फिल्म की कहानी का सफर काफी रोमांचक और मनोरंजक होगा। इसे देखकर दर्शकों को कुछ नया ही मिलेगा।

फिल्म निर्देशक ने फिल्म की कहानी छुपाते हुए सिर्फ इतना बताया है कि आजकल सरकारी नौकरी वाला दूल्हा की तलाश ज्यादा होती है, मगर हमारी फिल्म का नायक सरकारी नौकरी वाला नहीं है। आज के समाज को हम फिल्म के माध्यम से आईना दिखाने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं। उम्मीद है कि हमें सफलता जरूर मिलेगी।


प्रदीप पांडेय चिंटू और सुजीत कुमार सिंह की विक्टर एंटरटेनमेंट प्रस्तुत फिल्म ‘शुभ मंगल सावधान’ का ग्रैंड मुहूर्त संपन्न वाराणसी में